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Last sale was $510. But $200 is probably more reasonable. It’s one of the rarer number variations.
if someone really needs that number, then it is a good price. other than that it is like Ludlows. Same Front different variation
I love finding these things on Ebay. What were they thinking??
If there is no border you have a rare error card.
3 ERROR stickers ANS5 Wacky Packages wrong number & 2 Numbers- from same sheet person who doesn't understand the concept of miscutting from a 132-sticker sheet, and how it devalues stickers and cards opposed to coins or stamps that are quality controlled by a government agency and would make them more valuable.
Graded sketch cards?!? Seriously? $400?!?
Good luck with that 🙄eBay auction: #235216089978
How come your heart icon isn't blacked in? Aren't you watching this one with bated breath?
Is it ‘bated’ or ‘baited’? I’ve always thought the latter was the correct spelling but I’ve seen several instances lately where the ‘i’ was left out.
I believe in this case it is “bated”. A lovely homophone.
Its not even a full box! Its a bonus box!
Correct. With the "i" it could have two possible meanings: to deliberately annoy or to prepare a trap. Without the "i" it means anxiously awaiting.What could be better, it's a box with a bonus like those "baited" (with the "i") commercials say "but wait there's more!" least they are taking best offers!!
Why wouldn't it be worth $150. The description says it all:Excellent condition rare, a must have! If you go and have it graded it will receive a extremely high grade
At least you have it guaranteed in writing.......’t this price seem a bit ridiculous??Thought I’d complete this set at some point but I simply don’t feel like that’s reasonable at all for that card.