Author Topic: 3 Card Wacky Show and Tell  (Read 3249 times)

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Offline DrDeal

  • Posts: 3478
3 Card Wacky Show and Tell
« on: February 18, 2021, 04:33:52 PM »
I thought a fun Pandemic boredom fighting activity might be to show 3 Wacky's you like and talk about them.

The first card is the Old School Flunkies Color Key Proof Set. This is the only Color Key Proof set I own.  I believe there are 4 mylar cards in the set. It came sealed so I have not opened it. I am a major Freakies Cereal fan so this one was very cool to be able to own. I remember sending Jackie End; the Freakies creator a scan of the Flunkies card when it came out. She was not happy about it. She did not want here beloved Freakies to be Flunkies.

The second card is the Wormy Packages Patch Card with the Square Deal Worms on it. I am a big fan of Altered Art/ Mixed up Wackies.  The are only 5 of this card made. Mine is 5/5. I was able to purchase it directly from Card Gary when it came out. I have never seen one on Ebay. Those Square Deal Worms crack me up every time I look at that card.

The third card is a Metal Wiggly Packages Gold Card. These cards were made in Gold, Silver and Bronze to be used for a Topps promotion ; but were never released. The card weighs almost 3 ounces! I was able to trade bronze version of this card for the gold version a few years ago.  The Golds were produced in the lowest amount. I am not aware of how many were made. I hope others can take some time and share some of their favorite cards and the stories behind them.


Offline quas

  • Posts: 1906
Re: 3 Card Wacky Show and Tell
« Reply #1 on: February 18, 2021, 04:43:26 PM »
I'm looking for one of the silver ones myself.

Offline Brian Mc

  • Posts: 660
Re: 3 Card Wacky Show and Tell
« Reply #2 on: February 18, 2021, 05:49:34 PM »

I have one of each Gold, Silver, and Bronze Wiggly Packages framed together and hanging on my wall right now. They're awesome. I can't believe they weren't officially released.
Brian Mc

Offline NationalSpittoon

  • Posts: 1407
Re: 3 Card Wacky Show and Tell
« Reply #3 on: February 19, 2021, 05:01:31 AM »

(Left Image): My Slum Maid 7. This is a contender for my favorite PSA card. The centering is nearly (if not) perfect, and that is extremely tough on this card as you all likely know.
(Middle Image): Oddie Boy. I was scouring the OS lots on eBay a couple years ago, and spotted this in a terrible picture (and lot) that was $20. The seller allowed me to purchase the lot immediately for a slight premium rather than letting the auction run out, and I got this with some other beat up 1sts for around $20. This one would honestly grade a 9 if the one corner didn't get slightly blunted from shipping.
(Right Image): This is my only proof card, from Reissue Series 4. I believe it was called a mask transparency. I won it from a Topps Vault auction for around $20 as well a couple years ago.

These aren't definitively a top three, but I do like these.

Offline quas

  • Posts: 1906
Re: 3 Card Wacky Show and Tell
« Reply #4 on: February 20, 2021, 10:29:35 AM »
Fred Wheaton had some creative fun with these three Old School 3 sketch cards.


Offline Alexeirex

  • Posts: 1256
Re: 3 Card Wacky Show and Tell
« Reply #5 on: February 20, 2021, 02:30:49 PM »
Fred Wheaton had some creative fun with these three Old School 3 sketch cards.

Great sketch cards! A

Offline quas

  • Posts: 1906
Re: 3 Card Wacky Show and Tell
« Reply #6 on: February 25, 2021, 10:19:11 AM »
From Wrapper issue 167, an article by Bob Marks on test issues, indicating the word "Wacky" on this test wrapper is the same used for Wacky Packages:

Of particular interest for this test item is the title includes the word "Wacky!" The lettering style is identical to that appearing on "WACKY PACKAGES." According to Len Brown, "this was a deliberately designed addition to this set so as to capitalize on the success of the previously released WACKY PACKAGES."

I'm not exactly sure when this test issue of Wacky Wanted Stickers came out, but in any case I'm also showing the wrapper for the actual (non-test) issue, as well as for Wanted Posters -- all three of these include the same character.

