Author Topic: What is the most-parodied product among all Wackys?  (Read 36854 times)

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Offline mikecho

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What is the most-parodied product among all Wackys?
« on: October 29, 2018, 02:43:15 PM »
After much consideration, I've come to a possible conclusion that Kit Kat just may be the most-parodied product among all Wackys. Here's what I've found:

*Kick Kat (Irish Series (1985)/Wacky Pack Flashback 2 (2008)/ANS9 (2012) (lenticular card)/ANS10 (2013) (magnet)/50th Anniversary Series (2017) (Best of the '80s)/Wacky Packages Go to the Movies (2018) (Concession Stand))
*Kid Kud (1985 Series/1986 Album Series (unreleased))
*Zit Kat (ANS1 (2004)/vending machine series 1 (2005; paired with Snots)/Erasers Series 1 (2011)/Minis Series 2 (2021) (mini: Wave 1-3; sticker: Wave 1-3))
*Kiss Kat (ANS7 (2010))
*Hit Kat (2015 S1/Minis Series 1 (2020) (mini: Wave 1-5; sticker: Wave 3 and 4))
*It Kat (Wacky Halloween Postcards 2013)
*Krypt Kat (1st version) (2016 Halloween Pack 'O Fun)
*Split Kat (Wacky Halloween Postcards 2020)
*Kut Kat (All New Monthly Series (2021))
*Twit Kat (Garbage Pail Kids: Food Fight (2021 S1))
*Kit Rat (All New Monthly Series 2021)
*Bit Bat (Off the Market Series Four (2023))
*Krypt Kat (2nd version) (Wacky Halloween Postcards 2023)

That's a total of 13 - more than I've ever seen for any product!

Am I right, or can anyone else find a product that's been done more times than this one?
« Last Edit: April 20, 2024, 02:29:56 PM by mikecho »

Offline mlmtf6

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Re: Kit Kat: the most-parodied Wacky?
« Reply #1 on: October 29, 2018, 03:57:22 PM »
Don't forget the toys too!  Kill Kat

Offline MoldRush

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Re: Kit Kat: the most-parodied Wacky?
« Reply #2 on: October 29, 2018, 04:57:30 PM »
I gotta believe Dunkin Donuts is right up there with it, especially if you include the bag of ground coffee (Bumpkin Dimwits) and the styrofoam cup of coffee (Dumpin’ Donuts).  The donuts themselves have to have been spoofed at least 5 or 6 times.   I’d say a handful of others probably come close, especially from repeat parodies in the ANS era. 

Offline MoldRush

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Re: Kit Kat: the most-parodied Wacky?
« Reply #3 on: October 29, 2018, 05:01:41 PM »
I’ve always wanted to take the dozen or so products that have been repeat-spoofed the most times and place all the parodies in a line for each product, to see how they compare side-by-side.  The Dunkin Donuts parodies have always been detailed and well-rendered, so that would be a visual treat for sure.

Offline Fanatical_and_Sickly

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Re: Kit Kat: the most-parodied Wacky?
« Reply #4 on: October 29, 2018, 05:19:57 PM »
Capn' Crunch has a big pile of parodies too

Offline mikecho

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Re: What is the most-parodied Wacky?
« Reply #5 on: October 29, 2018, 07:39:39 PM »
I gotta believe Dunkin Donuts is right up there with it, especially if you include the bag of ground coffee (Bumpkin Dimwits) and the styrofoam cup of coffee (Dumpin’ Donuts).  The donuts themselves have to have been spoofed at least 5 or 6 times.   I’d say a handful of others probably come close, especially from repeat parodies in the ANS era.
Here's a list of those Wackys:

*Shrunken Donuts (13th Series (1975)/4th Rerun Series (1980)/ANS3 (2006) (magnet)/Wacky Pack Flashback 2 (2008)/ANS7 (2019) (Foil Sticker F1)/Jay Lynch Tribute Series (2017)/Minis Series 3 (2022) (mini: Wave 1; sticker: Wave 1))
*Drunken Donuts (1991 Series)
*Dukin' Donuts (ANS6 (2007)/50th Anniversary Series (2017) (Best of the '00s)/Minis Series 1 (2020) (sticker: Wave 3 and 4))
*Bumpkin Dimwits Coffee (ANS7 (2010))
*Punkin' Donuts (1st version) (ANS8 (2011)/Wacky Packages Posters Series One (2012))
*Dumpin' Donuts Coffee (ANS8 (2011))
*Dungeon Donuts (ANS10 (2013)
*Dugout Donuts (2015 S1 (Wacky Billboard))
*Dorkin' Donuts (2015 giveaway)
*Shrieking Donuts (Attacky Packages Series 4 (2020))
*Sunken Donuts (All New Monthly Series 2021)
*Dunkirk Donuts (All New Monthly Series 2022)
*Punkin' Donuts (2nd version (Halloween)) (ANS Halloween 2024)

So far, Dunkin' Donuts is the winner with 13! Are there any challengers able to beat this?
« Last Edit: January 25, 2025, 11:42:46 AM by mikecho »

Offline mikecho

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Re: What is the most-parodied Wacky?
« Reply #6 on: October 29, 2018, 08:10:03 PM »
Capn' Crunch has a big pile of parodies too
Okay, here's a list of those:

*Cap'n Crud (Wacky Ads (1969)/2nd Series (1973)/Wacky Pack Flashback (2008)/ANS7 (2010) (Wacky Cereal C2)/ANS8 (2011) (lenticular card)/ANS11 (2013) (patch relic)/Wacky Packages Chrome (2014) (including Altered Art and Where Are They Now? subset)/Campaign Posters (2015)/Minis Series 1 (2020) (mini: Wave 2, 4 and 5; sticker: Wave 1 and 4))
*Cap'n Crutch (ANS3 (2005)/Erasers Series 1 (2011)/ANS9 (2012) (Wacky Cereal C2)/50th Anniversary Series (2017) (Best of the '00s))
*Cap'n Cringe's Stench Berries (Wacky Packages Postcards Series 5 (2010))
*Cap'n Clunk (Wacky Packages Postcards Series 7 (2011) (Bonus Card TS11))
*Cap'n Clobbered's Punched Crunch (OLDS 4 (2012))
*Carp'n Crunch (1st version) (2015 S1)
*Decapitatin' Crunch (Cereal Postcards C1 (2015))
*Cap'n Crash (Attacky Packages subset from Mars Attacks: Occupation (2016))
*Comrade Crunch (50th Anniversary Series (2017) (Cereal and Oversized Card))
*Cap'n Crud's Crushed Berries (50th Anniversary Series (2017) (Wacky Packages Old School))
*Cap'n Munch's Crunch Boogies (All New Weekly Series 2020)
*Cap'n Punch (All New Weekly Series 2020)
*Cap'n Cough's Chrismask Crunch (All New Weekly Series 2020)
*Cap'n Corpse (All New Monthly Series 2021)
*Cap'n Hunch (All New Monthly Series 2021)
*Wrap'n Crunch (All New Monthly Series 2021)
*Cup'd Crud (All New Monthly Series 2022) (Wonky Packages)
*Cap'n Crunched Croco Crunch (OLDS 10 (2022)
*Carp'n Crunch (2nd version (Wonky Ads))
*Cap'n Crunched (All New Monthly Series 2022)
*Cap'n Kirk (All New Monthly Series 2022)
*Cap'n Cringe's Punch Launch (Attacky Packages Series 6 (2022)) (Cereal Boxes)
*Cap'n Crusty's Peanut Batter Crusty-Sticky Cereal (OLDS 11 (2023))
*Cap's Teeth Crunched by Crunch Bearings (All New Series 2024)
*Cap'n Creep (All New Halloween Series 2024) (Wonky Packages)
*Snap'n Crunch (Off the Market Series Five (2024))

It looks like we have a new winner: Cap'n Crunch with 26!

Here's what we've got so far:

*Cap'n Crunch/Cap'n Crunch's Crunch Berries/Cap'n Crunch's Peanut Butter Crunch (originally Cap'n Crunch's Peanut Butter Cereal)/Cap'n Crunch's Punch Crunch/Cap'n Crunch's Choco Crunch/Cap'n Crunch's Christmas Crunch-26
*Wacky Packages/Wacky Package Posters/Wacky Packages Tattoos/Wacky Packages Postcards/Wacky Halloween Postcards/Wacky Packages Old School/Wacky Packages 50th Anniversary-24
*Bazooka Bubble Gum/Bazooka Sugarless Bubble Gum/Bazooka's Big Buddy Bubble Gum-21
*Reese's Peanut Butter Cups/Reese's Pieces/Reese's Sticks (originally ReeseSticks)/Reese's NutRageous/Reese's Fast Break-15
*Planters Dry Roasted Peanuts/Planters Mixed Nuts/Planters Cheez Balls-15
*Tootsie Roll/Tootsie Roll Pop/Tootsie Pop Drops-14
*Hot Wheels/Hot Wheels Fizzlers-14
*Dunkin' Donuts/Dunkin' Donuts Coffee-13
*Kit Kat-13
*Pepsi-Cola/Diet Pepsi/Caffeine Free Pepsi-13
*Garbage Pail Kids-12
*Frosted Flakes/Frosted Flakes Pumpkin Spice-12
*Charms/Charms Blow Pop-11
*Raisin Bran (both Post and Kellogg's versions)-11
*Milky Way/Milky Way Fun Size-11
*Crest Toothpaste/Crest Whitestrips-11
*Mr. Clean-11
*3 Musketeers-10
*Ring Pop-10
*Lucky Charms-10
*LEGO/LEGO Ninjago/LEGO Friends/The LEGO Batman Movie/LEGO Ninjago: No Mercy-10
*Milk Chocolate M&Ms (originally Plain M&Ms)/Peanut M&Ms/Pretzel M&Ms-9
*Rice Krispies/Rice Krispies Treats-9
*Froot Loops-9
*Trix/Trix Cereal Bar-9
*Franken Berry-9
*Cheerios/Honey Nut Cheerios-9
*Cracker Jack-9
*Coca-Cola/Cherry Coke/Coca-Cola Zero/Coca-Cola Classic-9
*Dr Pepper/Bonne Bell Lip Smacker - Dr Pepper/Dr Pepper Dr Pepper Bubble Gum-9
*Almond Joy-9
*Skippy Peanut Butter-9
*Ball Park Franks-9
*Green Giant Sweet Peas/Green Giant French Style Green Beans/Green Giant Vegetable Blend-9
*Tide/Ultra Tide/Tide to Go-9
*Baby Ruth-8
*7 Up-8
*Starbucks Coffee/Starbucks Frappuccino/Starbucks Cold Brew/Starbucks French Roast-8
*Chef Boy-Ar-Dee Spaghetti and Meatballs/Chef Boy-Ar-Dee Beefaroni/Chef Boy-Ar-Dee Ravioli-8
*McDonald's (Big Mac/Chicken McNuggets/McFlurry/McDonaldland Cookies/McB.L.T./Filet-O-Fish)-8
*Count Chocula-8
*Chips Ahoy!/Chewy Chips Ahoy!-7
*York Chocolate Covered Peppermint Pattie-7
*Altoids/Altoids Smalls-7
*Kentucky Fried Chicken (a.k.a. KFC)-7
*Mountain Dew (a.k.a. Mtn Dew)-7
*Ritz/Ritz Bits - Peanut Butter-7
*Wonder Bread-7
*Crayola Crayons/Crayola Washable Markers-7
*Old Spice Cologne/Old Spice Deodorant-7
*Hershey's Milk Chocolate Bar/Hershey's Chocolate Syrup-6
*mr. Goodbar-6
*Boo Berry-6
*Red Bull-6
*Goldfish - Original/Goldfish - Cheddar-6
*Peter Pan Peanut Butter-6
*Raggedy Ann-6
*Milk Duds-5
*Jolly Rancher-5
*Apple Jacks-5
*Frosted Mini-Wheats-5
*Cocoa Puffs-5
*Barnum's Animals-5
*Krispy Kreme Doughnuts-5
*Cheetos Crunchy/Cheetos Crunchy - Flamin' Hot-5
*Rice-A-Roni/Pasta Roni-5
*Camel/Camel Filters-5
*Huggies/Huggies Pull-Ups-5
*Burger King (Whopper)-4
*Taster's Choice Coffee-4
*Chock Full O' Nuts Coffee-4

Has anyone else got anything else to suggest for addition to this list?
« Last Edit: January 28, 2025, 01:38:58 PM by mikecho »

Offline quas

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Re: Kit Kat: the most-parodied Wacky?
« Reply #7 on: October 30, 2018, 02:44:57 AM »
I'm sure there's not as many Frosted Flakes varieties but there seems to have been quite a few....

Offline mikecho

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Re: What is the most-parodied Wacky?
« Reply #8 on: October 30, 2018, 08:06:10 AM »
I'm sure there's not as many Frosted Flakes varieties but there seems to have been quite a few....
I'm way ahead of you, pal! Here they are:

*Frosty Snow Flakes (from Snatch-A-Pak (3rd Series (1973)))
*Frosted Snakes (ANS1 (2004) (sticker and tattoo)/vending machine series 1 (2005)/ANS8 (2011) (lenticular card)/Erasers Series 1 (2011)/ANS9 (2012) (Wacky Cereal C7)/Minis Series 2 (2021) (mini: Wave 3; sticker: Wave 1-3))
*Blasted Fakes (ANS1 (2004) (Whacked Packages (Wacky Website card back)))
*Frothing Flakes (ANS8 (2011)/ANS10 (2013) (Wacky Cereal C8))
*Flustered Flakes (ANS10 (2013)/ANS11 (2013) (Wacky Cereal C8))
*Frosted Fakes (ANS11 (2013) (sticker and coloring card))
*Foul Ball Flakes (2015 S1 ("Batty Baseball")/Cereal Postcards C2 (2015))
*Fester Flakes Pumpkin Lice (non-Topps limited edition card (2018))
*Forest Flakes (All New Weekly Series 2020)
*Frosty's Flakes (All New Weekly Series 2020)
*Frosted Stakes (All New Monthly Series 2021)
*Frosted Cakes (All New Series 2023)
« Last Edit: April 20, 2024, 02:32:57 PM by mikecho »

Offline Scheres

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Re: Kit Kat: the most-parodied Wacky?
« Reply #9 on: October 30, 2018, 12:06:34 PM »
Not official, but i did Fester Flakes for Halloween!!

Offline MoldRush

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Re: Kit Kat: the most-parodied Wacky?
« Reply #10 on: October 30, 2018, 07:23:53 PM »
Okay, here's a list of those:

*Cap'n Crud (Wacky Ads (1969) & 2nd Series (1973))
*Cap'n Crutch (ANS3 (2005))
*Cap'n Cringe's Stench Berries (Postcards Series 5 (2010))
*Cap'n Clunk (Postcards Series 7 (Bonus Card TS11) (2011))
*Cap'n Clobbered's Punched Crunch (OLDS 4 (2012))
*Carp'n Crunch (2015 S1)
*Decapitatin' Crunch (Cereal Postcards C1 (2015))
*Comrade Crunch (50th Anniversary Series/Cereal (2017))
*Cap'n Crud's Crushed Berries (50th Anniversary Series/Old School (2017))

Here's what we've got so far:

*Dunkin' Donuts-9
*Cap'n Crunch-9
*Kit Kat-7
*Frosted Flakes-6

Has anyone else got anything else to suggest?

To a lesser extent, say 4 to 5 separate parodies each, Pepsi, Rice Krispies and Froot Loops come to mind.

Offline MoldRush

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Re: Kit Kat: the most-parodied Wacky?
« Reply #11 on: October 30, 2018, 07:44:11 PM »

Offline Fanatical_and_Sickly

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Re: Kit Kat: the most-parodied Wacky?
« Reply #12 on: October 30, 2018, 08:51:46 PM »
Okay, here's a list of those:

*Cap'n Crud (Wacky Ads (1969) & 2nd Series (1973))
*Cap'n Crutch (ANS3 (2005))
*Cap'n Cringe's Stench Berries (Postcards Series 5 (2010))
*Cap'n Clunk (Postcards Series 7 (Bonus Card TS11) (2011))
*Cap'n Clobbered's Punched Crunch (OLDS 4 (2012))
*Carp'n Crunch (2015 S1)
*Decapitatin' Crunch (Cereal Postcards C1 (2015))
*Comrade Crunch (50th Anniversary Series/Cereal (2017))
*Cap'n Crud's Crushed Berries (50th Anniversary Series/Old School (2017))
plus possibly?
Cap'n Crud - Where Are They Now?, Chrome
maybe even?
Cap'n Crud - with Mars Attack alien, Chrome
or even?
Cap'n Crash - Attacky Packages

Offline mikecho

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Re: What is the most-parodied Wacky?
« Reply #13 on: October 31, 2018, 08:15:56 AM »
plus possibly?
Cap'n Crud - Where Are They Now?, Chrome
maybe even?
Cap'n Crud - with Mars Attack alien, Chrome
or even?
Cap'n Crash - Attacky Packages
Okay, they're in!
« Last Edit: November 15, 2018, 09:19:01 AM by mikecho »

Offline mikecho

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Re: What is the most-parodied Wacky?
« Reply #14 on: October 31, 2018, 01:11:18 PM »
Here's some more of your requests, plus one that I found:

*Mrs. Klean (Die-Cuts (1967)/Wacky Ads (1969)/1st Series (1973)/Wonder Bread Series 1 (1974)/Wacky Package Tattoos (1974)/Wacky Patches (1974) (test patch)/Shedd's Peanut Butter Series (1977)/1st Rerun Series (1979)/OLDS 4 (2012) (Old School All-Stars)/Minis Series 1 (2020) (mini: Wave 1-5; sticker: Wave 2 and 4))
*Mr. Mean (12th Series (1975)/1982 Album Series)
*Mr. Clown (1985 Series/1986 Album Series (unreleased))
*Mr. Clone (ANS5 (2007))
*Mr. Cleave (2014 S1)
*Monster Clean (2015 S1)
*Mrs. Scream (Attacky Packages Series 1 (2018))
*Mr. Teen (All New Weekly Series 2020)
*Mr. Spleen (All New Monthly Series 2021)
*Mr. Mum (All New Monthly Series 2021) (Wonky Packages)
*Mr. Green (ANS Halloween 2024) (Attacky Packages)

*Poopsi-Cola (Wacky Ads (1968)/Poopsie (2nd Series (1973)/Minis Series 2 (2021) (mini: Wave 1-3; rare clear sparkle mini: Wave 1 (C5); sticker: Wave 1-3))
*Burpsi-Cola (Wacky Package Posters (1973 and 1974; both series)/8th Series (1974)/ANS5 (2007) (magnet)/Erasers Series 2 (2011))
*Pupsi-Cola (10th Series (1974)/1982 Album Series/ANS7 (2010) (Foil Sticker F3)/ANS8 (2011) (magnet)/ANS11 (2013) (patch relic)/50th Anniversary Series (2017) (medallion)/Jay Lynch Tribute Series (2017)/Minis Series 3 (2022) (rare red top mini (R5): Wave 1 and rare blue top mini (B5): Wave 2; sticker: Wave 1))
*Energy Free Popsi (ANS5 (2007))
*Quiet Pupsi (ANS6 (2007))
*Peepsi (1st version) (ANS8 (2011))
*Petsi (1st version) (ANS10 (2013))
*Protesti (Network Spews (2017)) (print-on-demand)
*Pupsi (Jay Lynch Tribute Series (2017)) (print-on-demand)
*Peepsi (2nd version) (Off the Market Series One (2019))
*Popsi-Cola (All New Weekly Series 2020) (Wonky Packages)/Wonky Ads (2021)) (panel card)
*Pesky (All New Monthly Series 2021)
*Pepsea (Wonky Ads (2021))
*Petsi-Cola (2nd version) (All New Monthly Series 2022) (Wonky Packages)

*Kook-Aid (Die-Cuts (1967)/Wacky Ads (1969)/1st Series (1973)/Wacky Package Tattoos (1974)/Wacky Patches (1974) (test patch)/vending machine series 2 (2005)/ANS4 (2006) (Foil Sticker F4)/ANS9 (2012) (magnet)/ANS11 (2013) (patch relic)/Wacky Packages Chrome (including Altered Art and Wacky Ads subset) (2014)/Minis Series 1 (2020) (sticker: Wave 2-4)/Garbage Pail Kids: Food Fight (2021 S1) (patch card)))
*Drool-Aid (ANS6 (2007)/Erasers Series 1 (2011))
*Fool-Aid (Wacky Pack Flashback (2008) (Lost Wackys)/ANS10 (2013) (magnet)/ANS11 (2013) (patch relic))
*Kool-Ache (1st version) (2014 S1)
*Kruel-Aid (2015 S1)
*Krool-Aid (Attacky Packages Series 1 (2018))
*Ghoul-Aid (All New Weekly Series 2020)
*Kool-Ache (2nd version) (Garbage Pail Kids: Food Fight (2021 S1))
*Yule-Aid (All New Monthly Series 2021)
*Krook-Aid (All New Monthly Series 2022) (Wonky Packages)
*Wool-Aid (All New Monthly Series 2022)
*Full-Aid (All New Monthly Series 2022)
*Kool-Ache (3rd version) (Off the Market Series Five (2024))

*Froot Oops! (ANS6 (2007)/Erasers Series 2 (2011)/ANS9 (2012) (Wacky Cereal C6 and lenticular card))
*Broot Loops (2009) (non-Topps giveaway card)
*Frite Loops (ANS8 (2011)/ANS10 (2013) (Wacky Cereal C7)/Wacky Packages Posters Series One (2012))
*Newt Loops (2014 S1)
*Snoot Loops (2015 S1/Cereal Postcards C4 (2015)/Minis Series 1 (2020) (mini: Wave 4 and 5; sticker: Wave 2-4))
*Froot Goops (All New Weekly Series 2020)
*Shoot Hoops (All New Monthly Series 2021)
*Snoop Loops (All New Monthly Series 2022)
*Froot Looks (All New Monthly Series 2022)

*Koo-Koo Krusties (from Snatch-A-Pak (3rd Series (1973)))
*Mice Krispies (ANS5 (2007)/Erasers Series 1 (2011)/ANS9 (2012) (Wacky Cereal C5))
*Rice Kreepies (ANS8 (2011)/ANS10 (2013) (Wacky Cereal C9)/Minis Series 1 (2020) (sticker: Wave 2-4))
*Vice Krispies (2014 S1)
*Rice Krispbees (2015 S1/Cereal Postcards C5 (2015))
*Rice Krypton Treats (All New Monthly Series 2021)
*Rise Krispies (All New Monthly Series 2022)
*Rice Chimpies (All New Monthly Series 2022)
*Slice Krispies (All New Monthly Series 2022)

« Last Edit: January 25, 2025, 12:03:17 PM by mikecho »

Offline slamjim

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Re: Kit Kat: the most-parodied Wacky?
« Reply #15 on: November 01, 2018, 06:46:52 PM »
What about Lucky Charms? I feel like we did that one a lot.

Offline mikecho

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Re: What is the most-parodied Wacky?
« Reply #16 on: November 01, 2018, 07:44:32 PM »
What about Lucky Charms? I feel like we did that one a lot.
Ask and ye shall receive, my friend:

*Unlucky Charms (ANS2 (2005)/Minis Series 2 (2021) (mini: Wave 1-3; sticker: Wave 1-3))
*Clucky Charms (ANS8 (2011))
*Lucky Germs (ANS10 (2013)/ANS11 (2013) (Wacky Cereal C7))
*Licky Charms (1st version) (ANS11 (2013) (sticker and coloring card))
*Lucky Chum (50th Anniversary Series (2017) (Cereal and Oversized Card))
*Lucky Charred (All New Weekly Series 2020)
*Plucky Charms (1st version) (All New Monthly Series 2021)
*Looky Charms (Off the Market Series Four (2023))
*Plucky Charms (2nd version) (ANS 2024)
*Licky Charms (2nd version) (Off the Market Series Five (2024))
« Last Edit: December 11, 2024, 10:01:29 AM by mikecho »

Offline 7-Pup

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Re: Kit Kat: the most-parodied Wacky?
« Reply #17 on: November 03, 2018, 12:14:18 AM »
How about Snickers: Sticker, Sneakers, Snakers, Stitchers, Snarkers, Snitchers, Slithers. Snicker and Flippers (From Quacky Packages). 9 total. Also Ring Pop: Bling Pup, Ring Pope, Sting Pop, Thing Pop, Power Ring Pop and Wing Pop (From Quacky Packages). 6 total. 

Offline koduck

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Re: Kit Kat: the most-parodied Wacky?
« Reply #18 on: November 03, 2018, 03:02:39 AM »
And don't forget "Wacky Packages". I think there's been a few of those, too!

Offline NationalSpittoon

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Re: Kit Kat: the most-parodied Wacky?
« Reply #19 on: November 03, 2018, 05:49:48 AM »
And don't forget "Wacky Packages". I think there's been a few of those, too!

What are Wacky Packages?

Offline Baked Bears

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Re: Kit Kat: the most-parodied Wacky?
« Reply #20 on: November 03, 2018, 02:53:40 PM »
Neil has a point, Mike.  There has to be a ton of Wacky Package parodies beginning with "Wormy Packages" and ending, I believe, with "Fracky Packages."

Offline mikecho

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Re: What is the most-parodied Wacky?
« Reply #21 on: November 04, 2018, 11:40:48 AM »
Wacky Packages is the winner so far, with 24! And now, here they are:

*Wacky Garbage (Wacky Package Posters (1973 and 1974; both series))
*Wormy Packages (4th Series (1974)/Wonder Bread Series 1 (1974)/Wacky Package Tattoos (1974)/Wacky Patches (1974)/1st Rerun Series(1979)/1982 Album Series/ANS2 (2005) (clingy and magnet)/ANS6 (2007) (What's in the Box?!!)/Wacky Pack Flashback (2008) (lenticular card)/ANS11 (2013) (patch relic)/2015 S1 (embroidered relic))
*Whacked Packages (ANS2 (2005) (Wacky Website))
*Waxy Pickages (on Slopps) (ANS2 (2005) (Wacky Website))
*Tacky Packages (ANS4 (2006))
*Dracky Packages (Wacky Packages Postcards Series 1 (2007))
*Quacky Packages (Wacky Packages Postcards Series 1 (2007))
*Weaky Packages (Wacky Packages Postcards Series 1 (2007))
*Wrinkly Packages Old Skull (OLDS 4 (2012) (promo card))
*Yackety Package Poems (OLDS 4 (2012))
*Wicked Halloween Ghostcards (non-Topps postcard (2014))
*Iraqi Packages (2014 S1)
*Wiggly Packages Pestcards (2015 S1)
*Attacky Packages (Attacky Packages subset from Mars Attacks: Occupation (2016))
*Way-Out Packages 500th Anniversary Series (Network Spews (2017) (print-on-demand))
*Fracky Packages (Trumpocracy - The First 100 Days (2017) (print-on-demand))
*Hacky Package Permanent Tattoos (OLDS 6 (2018))
*Hoppy Packages (All New Weekly Series 2020)
*Snacky Packages (All New Weekly Series 2020) (Guest Artist of the Week)
*Wackiki Packages (All New Weekly Series 2020)
*Unwrappy Packages (All New Weekly Series 2020)
*Wacky Pachyderms (All New Monthly Series 2021)
*Hacky Packages (All New Monthly Series 2022)
*Slacky Packages (Off the Market Series Four (2023))

Also, here are the other two that 7-Pup mentioned above:

*Stickers (9th Series (1974)/Wacky Pack Flashback 2 (2008)/Wacky Packages Go to the Movies (2018) (Concession Stand))
*Sneakers (ANS1 (2004) (sticker, tattoo and promo sheet))
*Flippers (on Quacky Packages) (Wacky Packages Postcards Series 1 (2007))
*Snakers (ANS10 (2013))
*Snarkers (ANS11 (2013))
*Snitchers (Wacky Packages Postcards Series 9 (2013))
*Stitchers (Wacky Halloween Postcards 2013)
*Slithers (2016 Halloween Pack 'O Fun)
*Snicker (Trumpocracy - The First 100 Days (2017) (print-on-demand))
*Snatchers (All New Weekly Series 2020)
*Shriekers (All New Weekly Series 2020)
*Trick'er Treat! (All New Monthly Series 2021)
*Snicurse (All New Monthly Series 2022)
*Slickers (Off the Market Series Five (2024))

*Bling Pup (ANS1 (2004)/vending machine series 1 (2005))
*Thing Pop (ANS6 (2007))
*Wing Pop (on Quacky Packages) (Wacky Packages Postcards Series 1 (2007))
*Sting Pop (ANS8 (20011))
*Ring Pope (ANS11 (2013))
*Power Ring Pop (Wacky Packages Go to the Movies (2018))
*Ring Mop (All New Weekly Series 2020) (Guest Artist of the Week)
*Wrong Pop (All New Weekly Series 2020)
*Ring Peep (All New Monthly Series 2022)
*Ring in the New Year Pop (Holiday Postcards (2023))

As for Snicker, can you tell me what series and year that was, 7-Pup? I looked all through the Spreadsheet, but couldn't find it.

« Last Edit: January 25, 2025, 11:58:10 AM by mikecho »

Offline 7-Pup

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Re: Kit Kat: the most-parodied Wacky?
« Reply #22 on: November 04, 2018, 05:50:36 PM »
Snicker is from Trumpocracy : The First 100 Days (2017).

Offline mikecho

  • Posts: 2964
Re: What is the most-parodied Wacky?
« Reply #23 on: November 05, 2018, 01:18:38 AM »
Snicker is from Trumpocracy : The First 100 Days (2017).
Thanks! I did not even know that it was there!
« Last Edit: November 15, 2018, 09:21:02 AM by mikecho »

Offline mikecho

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Re: What is the most-parodied Wacky?
« Reply #24 on: November 14, 2018, 06:53:23 PM »
Just found another one done that was done more than three times-Altoids:

*Asteroids (ANS1 (2004) (Bonus Sticker B1))
*Alltoads (Wacky Halloween Postcards 2011)
*Allturds (2014 S1)
*A Turd (Philly Non-Sports Card Show promo card #99 (2017))
*All Toys (All New Weekly Series 2020)
*Illtoids (All New Monthly Series 2021)
*Alltoads Snails (ANS 2024)
« Last Edit: January 25, 2025, 11:57:25 AM by mikecho »

Offline mikecho

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Re: What is the most-parodied Wacky?
« Reply #25 on: November 14, 2018, 07:38:40 PM »
And another one - Coca-Cola:

*Coca-Cobra (ANS3 (2005)/Wacky Packages Posters Series One (2012)/50th Anniversary Series (2017) (Best of the '00s))
*Cherry Croak (ANS3 (2005) (Foil Sticker F1)/Erasers Series 2 (2011))
*Croca-Cola Zero (Wacky Packages Postcards Series 5 (promo postcard) (2009))
*Coca-Collar Canine (ANS8 (2011))
*Caffeine-Cola (ANS11 (2013) (Wacky Billboard))
*Coacha-Cola (2015 S1 ("Batty Baseball")/Minis Series 1 (2020) (mini: Wave 2, 4 and 5; sticker: Wave 3 and 4))
*Coca-Coal (2015 S1 (Wacky Billboard))
*Broke (OLDS 6 (2018)).
*Loco-Cola (All New Weekly Series (2020))
« Last Edit: October 27, 2021, 11:18:16 PM by mikecho »

Offline mikecho

  • Posts: 2964
Re: What is the most-parodied Wacky?
« Reply #26 on: November 15, 2018, 08:38:16 AM »
I think that this section should be changed to "What is the most-parodied Wacky?". Pat, can this be done?
« Last Edit: November 15, 2018, 09:22:26 AM by mikecho »

Offline Fanatical_and_Sickly

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change the subject line
« Reply #27 on: November 15, 2018, 09:13:31 AM »
I think that this section should be changed to "What is the most-parodied Wacky?". Pat, can this be done?
I think if you edit the Subject line in your first post, it’ll be reflected in the name of the thread as well.
« Last Edit: November 15, 2018, 09:15:20 AM by Fanatical_and_Sickly »

Offline mikecho

  • Posts: 2964
Re: What is the most-parodied Wacky?
« Reply #28 on: November 15, 2018, 09:27:18 AM »
I think if you edit the Subject line in your first post, it’ll be reflected in the name of the thread as well.
Thanks, it worked! Now if it can just be changed in the posts that aren't mine, that would be even better!
« Last Edit: November 15, 2018, 09:28:49 AM by mikecho »

Offline mikecho

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Re: Kit Kat: the most-parodied Wacky?
« Reply #29 on: November 18, 2018, 11:09:53 AM »
Not official, but i did Fester Flakes for Halloween!!

Did Kellogg's actually release a Frosted Flakes Pumpkin Spice this Halloween? I think that I may have seen it, but I'm not sure. And if they did, can someone post a picture of the box?

Offline Fanatical_and_Sickly

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Re: Kit Kat: the most-parodied Wacky?
« Reply #30 on: November 18, 2018, 12:23:02 PM »
Did Kellogg's actually release a Frosted Flakes Pumpkin Spice this Halloween? I think that I may have seen it, but I'm not sure. And if they did, can someone post a picture of the box?
google is your friend

Offline RawGoo

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Re: What is the most-parodied Wacky?
« Reply #31 on: November 18, 2018, 01:26:43 PM »
I missed out on Trader Joe's Pumpkin Joe's O's cereal this year  :'(   Very bummed - I usually buy several boxes to last me through the year, but they sold out really fast this time.

Offline mikecho

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Re: What is the most-parodied Wacky?
« Reply #32 on: November 18, 2018, 04:40:15 PM »
google is your friend

(Image removed from quote.)
Thanks, Patrick! For a minute there, I thought that I was imagining things!

Was it only at Target, though? I thought that I saw it at Publix.

And Scheres, what is your non-Topps Wacky of this? Is it a postcard, a sketch card, or what? I ask this because I'm going to add it to the Frosted Flakes list. I take it that it was done this year, too.
« Last Edit: November 18, 2018, 04:46:02 PM by mikecho »

Offline Baked Bears

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Re: What is the most-parodied Wacky?
« Reply #33 on: November 19, 2018, 08:57:31 AM »
And Scheres, what is your non-Topps Wacky of this? Is it a postcard, a sketch card, or what? I ask this because I'm going to add it to the Frosted Flakes list. I take it that it was done this year, too.

If you're going to add "Fester Flakes," you might as well as add the following to a Barnum's list:

Note: This is the new packaging in which the animals are free to roam on a drunken, celebratory binge.

Offline Scheres

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Re: What is the most-parodied Wacky?
« Reply #34 on: November 19, 2018, 11:55:22 AM »
I did the Fester Flakes as a Halloween 2018 limited card. Only 50 made, barroom animals is in my latest card set. there's less than 20 left of those left..

