Author Topic: What is the most-parodied product among all Wackys?  (Read 36719 times)

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Online mikecho

  • Posts: 2955
Re: What is the most-parodied Wacky?
« Reply #35 on: November 21, 2018, 10:57:32 AM »
If you're going to add "Fester Flakes," you might as well as add the following to a Barnum's list:

Note: This is the new packaging in which the animals are free to roam on a drunken, celebratory binge.
You got it, brother!

*Cracked Animals (Die-Cuts (1967)/50th Anniversary Series (2017)/Minis Series 1 (2020) (sticker: Wave 1 and 4))
*Burn'ems Animals (ANS6 (2007)/ANS8 (2011) (lenticular card))
*Barnum's Manimals (ANS11 (2013)/Minis Series 2 (2021) (mini: Wave 3; sticker: Wave 1-3))
*Barroom Crocked Animals (non-Topps limited edition card (2018))
*Animal Clunkers (Attacky Packages Series 5 (2021))
« Last Edit: January 15, 2022, 12:37:00 PM by mikecho »

Online mikecho

  • Posts: 2955
Re: What is the most-parodied Wacky?
« Reply #36 on: November 21, 2018, 04:11:29 PM »
Just thought of a few more:

*Baby Runt (6th Series (1974)/Hostess Double Wackys (1975; paired with Hopeless Snowballs)/ANS3 (2006) (magnet)/Wacky Packages Go to the Movies (2018) (Concession Stand)/Garbage Pail Kids: Food Fight (2021 S1) (patch card))
*Baby Wrath (Wacky Halloween Postcards 2011 (promo postcard NS2))
*Baby Rant (All New Weekly Series 2020) (Wonky Packages)/Wonky Ads (2021) (bonus card))
*Baby Ruthless (All New Weekly Series 2020)
*ByeBye Ruth (All New Weekly Series 2020)
*Baby Rats (All New Monthly Series 2021)
*Baby Sleuth (All New Monthly Series 2022)
*Batty Ruth (Wacky Halloween Postcards 2023)

*Bustedfinger (3rd Series (1973)/Wonder Bread Series 1 (1974)/Shedd's Peanut Butter (1977)/1st Rerun Series (1979)/ANS3 (2006) (magnet)/Wacky Pack Flashback 2 (2008) (lenticular card))
*Buzzerfinger (ANS8 (2011))
*Boogerfinger (ANS11 (2013))
*Butcherfingers (Wacky Halloween Postcards 2013)
*Blubberfinger (2014 S1 (Bonus Sticker B1))
*But A Finger (Cleanup on Aisle 13 (2018))
*Bustedfigure (Garbage Pail Kids: Revenge of Oh, the Horror-ible! (2019 S2))
*Betterfinger (All New Monthly Series 2021)
*Butterfungus (All New Monthly Series 2022)
*Rustedfinger (All New Monthly Series 2022 (Wonky Packages)
*Butterstinger (All New Monthly Series 2022)
*Beastyfinger (All New Monthly Series 2022) (Wonky Packages)
*Cuttafinger (ANS Halloween 2024)

*Salmon Joy (ANS2 (2005)/Wacky Packages Go to the Movies (2018) (Concession Stand))
*Almond Jerk (1st version) (ANS8 (2011)/Wacky Packages Posters Series One (2012))
*Allmud Joy (ANS10 (2013))
*Alien Joy (joegparotees JG1 (2017))
*Almond Jerk (2nd version) (OLDS 6 (2017))
*Almost Joy (All New Monthly Series 2022)
*Almond Moai (All New Monthly Series 2022)
*Armored Joy (ANS 2023)
*Almond Joint (ANS Halloween 2024)

*Pounds (5th Series (1973)/Wacky Packages Go to the Movies (2018) (Concession Stand))
*Hounds (1st version) (Wacky Halloween Postcards 2012/Halloween Plaques (2014))
*Hounds (2nd version) (All New Weekly Series (2020))
*Ponds (All New Weekly Series (2020) (Wonky Packages)/Wonky Ads (2021) (bonus card))
*Burial Mound (All New Monthly Series 2021)

*Crust (Die-Cuts (1967)/Wacky Ads (1969)/1st Series (1973)/Wonder Bread Series 1 (1974)/Hostess Double Wackys (1975; paired with Liptorn Soup)/Shedd's Peanut Butter Series (1977)/Irish Series (1985)/ANS8 (2011) (lenticular card)/50th Anniversary Series (2017) (50th Anniversary)/Minis Series 1 (2020) (mini: Wave 1, 2, 4, and 5 (chase mini C3); sticker: Wave 1 and 4))
*Creep (12th Series (1975)/1982 Album Series/1986 Album Series (unreleased)/ANS4 (2006) (magnet)/Minis Series 3 (mini: Wave 1; sticker: Wave 1))
*Cursed Frightstrips (ANS3 (2005))
*Curst (1st version) (ANS8 (2011))
*Crash (Attacky Packages Series 2 (2019))
*Curst (2nd version) (Kooky Kards (2019))
*Crypt (All New Weekly Series (2020) (Wonky Packages)/Wonky Ads (2021) (bonus card))
*Croak (on Hoppy Packages) (All New Weekly Series 2020)
*Crept (All New Monthly Series 2021)
*Cuss (All New Monthly Series 2021) (Wonky Packages)/Wonky Ads (2022) (panel card))
*Jest (ANS 2024)
*Crost (Off the Market Series Five (2024))

*Skimpy (Die-Cuts (1967)/Wacky Ads (1969)/1st Series (1973)/Wacky Packages Chrome (2014)/Minis Series 1 (2020) (Skimpy Crummy (mini: Wave 1, 4 and 5; red sparkle mini: Wave 5 (R6); sticker: Wave 2-5) and Extra Crunchy Skimpy Super Yuck (mini: Wave 1-5; sticker: Wave 3 and 4))
*Skip-it (1st version) (ANS6 (2007))
*Skullpy (ANS11 (2013))
*Squirrelly (Wacky Packages Go to the Movies (2018) (Animated))
*Scrappy (All New Weekly Series 2020)
*Slippy (All New Monthly Series 2021)
*Sticky (Off the Market Series Three (2021))
*Skip-it (2nd version) (All New Series 2023)
*Snippy (Off the Market Series Five (2024))

*Peter Pain (6th Series (1974)/Hostess Double Wackys (1975; paired with Cram)/1st Rerun Series (1979)/1982 Album Series/Garbage Pail Kids: Food Fight (2021 S1) (patch card))
*Peter Panic (1985 Series/1986 Album Series (unreleased))
*Peter Panhandle (ANS1 (2004)/Minis Series 2 (2021) (mini: Wave 1-3; clear red sparkle mini: Wave 1 (C4); sticker: Wave 1-3))
*Peter Pawn (ANS10 (2013))
*Peter Prank (All New Weekly Series 2020)
*Putter Pan (All New Monthly Series 2021) (Wonky Packages)

*Bawl Park (15th Series (1975))
*Brawl Park (ANS3 (2005))
*Ball Point (ANS8 (2011))
*Bull Parts (ANS9 (2012))
*All Bark (2015 S1)
*Brawl Park Pork Franks (Wacky Packages Go to the Movies (2018) (Animated))
*All Ark (Off the Market Series Two (2020))
*Ball Prank (All New Weekly Series 2020)
*Crawl Park Franks (ANS 2023)

*Rice-A-Phoni (3rd Series (1973)/Hostess Double Wackys (1975; paired with Sledge)/Shedd's Peanut Butter Series (1977)/2nd Rerun Series (1979)/ANS4 (2006) (Foil Sticker F1)/Chrome (2014)/Minis Series 3 (2022) (mini: Wave 1; sticker: Wave 1))
*Rasta Roni (ANS3 (2005))
*Rice-A-Groani (ANS8 (2011))
*Rice-A-Romney (ANS10 (2013))
*Rice-A-Boni (2014 S1)

*Play-Dumb (6th Series (1974)/Wacky Packages Tattoos (1974)/2014 S1 (medallion))
*Pay-Doh (ANS4 (2006))
*Play-Doze (ANS7 (2010))
*Play-Gogh (ANS10 (2013))
*Prey-Doh (ANS11 (2013) (sticker and coloring card))
*Work-Doh (Off the Market Series Two (2020))
*Slay-Doh (All New Weekly Series 2020)
*Play-Doom (Attacky Packages Series 4 (2020))
*Play-Toe (All New Weekly Series 2020)
*Play-Doe (All New Monthly Series 2022)
*Play-Goh (All-New Monthly Series 2022)
*Sleigh-Go (Holiday Postcards 2023)
*Play-Bro (ANS 2024)
*Dray-Dol (Holiday Postcards 2024)

*Chef Girl-Ar-Dee (4th Series (1973)/Wacky Package Tattoos (1974)/ANS4 (2006) (magnet)/ANS6 (2007) (Make Your Own Wacky Packs)/Wacky Pack Flashback (2008)/50th Anniversary Series (2017) (medallion)/Minis Series 2 (2021) (mini: Wave 1-3; sticker: Wave 1-3))
*Chef Boar-Ar-Dee (ANS5 (2007))
*Chef Boy-R-U-Dum (ANS8 (2011))
*Chef Birdee (ANS11 (2013))
*Cy-Borg-Ar-Dee (2015 S1/Minis Series 1 (2020) (sticker: Wave 2))
*Chef Bone-Yard-ee (All New Weekly Series 2020)
*Chef Toy-Ar-Dee (All New Weekly Series 2020)
*Chef Boy-Are-We In Trouble! (All New Monthly Series 2021)

*Tied (Die-Cuts (1967)/Wacky Ads (1969)/1st Series (1973)/Wonder Bread Series 2 (1974)/Wacky Package Tattoos (1974)/Mad Caps (1994) (Wacky Caps subset)/Wacky Pack Flashback (2008)/Minis Series 1 (2020) (sticker: Wave 2-4)/Minis Series 3 (mini: Wave 1; sticker: Wave 1))
*Toad (1st version) (12th Series (1975)/3rd Rerun Series (1980)/Irish Series (1985)/Minis Series 2 (2021) (sticker: Wave 1-3)/Minis Series 3 (2022) (mini: Wave 1; sticker: Wave 1))
*Tired (ANS2 (2005))
*Hide (ANS7 (2010) (Wack-O-Mercial))
*Ultra Tite (ANS10 (2013))
*Tonya To Go (Not-Scars (2018) (print-on-demand))
*Toad (2nd version) (All New Weekly Series 2020) (on Hoppy Packages))
*Good Tidings (All New Weekly Series 2020)
*Tried (Off the Market Series Three (2021))

*Slop-Tarts (ANS1 (2004) (sticker and tattoo)/vending machine series 2 (2005))
*Pop-Aparts (ANS8 (2011))
*Poop-Tarts (2014 S1)
*Cop-Tarts (2015 S1/Minis Series 1 (2020) (mini: Wave 1-5; sticker: Wave 2-4))
*Ava-tarts (Wacky Packages Go to the Movies (2018) (Sci-Fi Film))
*Pop-a-S'morefs (Wacky Packages Go to the Movies (2018) (Animated))
*Peep-Tarts (All New Weekly Series 2020)
*Glop-Tarts (All New Monthly Series 2021)
*Pop-Hearts (All New Monthly Series 2022)
*Hop-Tarts (All New Monthly Series 2022)

*Cram (5th Series (1973)/Wacky Package Tattoos (1974)/Hostess Double Wackys (1975; paired with Peter Pain)/2nd Rerun Series (1979)/1982 Album Series/1986 Album Series (unreleased)/ANS2 (2005) (clingy and magnet)/Wacky Pack Flashback 2 (2008) (lenticular card)/ANS11 (2013) (patch relic)/Minis Series 2 (2021) (mini: Wave 1-3; sticker: Wave 1-3))
*Spaz (ANS4 (2006))
*Wham! (Chrome (2014) (Cutting Room Floor))
*Scram (2015 S1/(Minis Series 1 (2020) (mini: chase mini; sticker: Wave 1 and 4))
*Spampage (Wacky Packages Go to the Movies (2018) (Sci-Fi Film))
*Spamityville: The Uncanning (Wacky Packages Go to the Movies (2018) (Horror))
*Crumbs (All New Weekly Series 2020) (Wonky Packages)/Wonky Ads (2021) (bonus card))
*Sham (All New Weekly Series 2020)
*Slam (All New Series 2023)
*Spawn (ANS 2024)

*Taster's Choke (4th Series (1973)/Wacky Pack Flashback (2008) (Lost Wackys; unrealeased Wacky Package Posters version) (2008)/Wacky Pack Flashback 2 (2008) (Bonus Sticker B1)/Chrome (2014) (Lost Wackys; unrealeased Wacky Package Posters version)/Garbage Pail Kids: Food Fight (2021 S1) (patch card))
*Twister's Choice Instant Tornado (Wacky Packages Postcards Series 8 (2012))
*Taser's Choice (ANS10 (2013))
*Waster's Choice (Chrome (2014) (Cutting Room Floor))

*Gripe-Nuts (ANS3 (2005)/Minis Series 2 (2021) (mini: Wave 1-3; sticker: Wave 1-3))
*Grave-Nuts (Wacky Packages Postcards Series 3 (2009))
*Grape-Newts (ANS7 (2010)/ANS10 (2013) (Wacky Cereal C6)/Wacky Packages Posters Series One (2012))
*Grape-Nuts + Bolts (ANS11 (2013) (Bonus Sticker B13))
*Grape-Gnats (All New Monthly Series 2021)

*Cracked Jerk (Die-Cuts (1967)/ANS6 (2007)) (Foil Sticker F2)/Wacky Pack Flashback (2008)/ANS9 (2012) (magnet)/Old School 5 (2014) (tattoo)/Chrome (2014)/2015 S1 (embroidered relic)/Minis Series 1 (2020) (sticker: Wave 1 and 4))
*Slacker Jack (ANS3 (2005)/Erasers Series 1 (2011)/2014 S1 (patch relic)/Minis Series 2 (2021) (mini: Wave 3; sticker: Wave 1-3))
*Crooker Jack (ANS8 (2011)/ANS10 (2013) (tattoo))
*Cracker Drac (Wacky Halloween Postcards 2011 (postcard 7 (paired with Hairi-Boo Ghost-Bears) and mini-postcard PCM4))
*Crapper Jack (2015 S1 ("Batty Baseball"))
*Firecracker Jack (All New Monthly Series 2022)
*Cracker Jack in the Box (All New Monthly Series 2022)
*Cracker Jack-O (Wacky Halloween Postcards 2023)
*Cracker Hack (ANS Halloween 2024)

*Jolly Mean Giant He Loves To Split Peas (Die-Cuts (1967)/ANS6 (2007 (Foil Sticker F7))/Wacky Pack Flashback (2008)/ANS8 (2011) (lenticular card)/ANS10 (2013) (magnet)/2014 S1 (medallion)/50th Anniversary Series (2017 (here named Jolly Mean Giant Snarked Peas)) (50th Anniversary)/Minis Series 1 (2020) (mini: Wave 1-5; sticker: Wave 1 and 4))
*Geek Giant Dorky Pea-Wees (ANS4 (2006)/Erasers Series 1 (2011)/50th Anniversary Series (2017) (medallion))
*Greed Giant Fresh Green Backs (ANS8 (2011))
*Green Chant All We Are Saying is Give Peas a Chance (ANS10 (2013))
*Blue Giant Bittersweet Peas (2015 S1)
*Jolly Orange Giant He Loves To Split Peons (Trumpocracy (2017) (print-on-demand))
*Green Garbage Scrap Peas (Garbage Pail Kids: Food Fight (2021 S1))
*Clean Giant Bathed Blend (All New Monthly Series 2021)
*Queen Giant Cut Into Little Pieces Green Beans? (All New Monthly Series 2022)

*Trashformers (ANS6 (2007)/Wacky Packages Go to the Movies (2018) (Classic Film))
*Transfarmers (ANS8 (2011 (Wacky Packages Go to the Movies))
*Transfoamers 5 (2015 S1 ("Coming Soon"))
*Transfatties (Wacky Packages Go to the Movies (2018) (Action))
*Bumblebee Oil and Honey (Wacky Packages Go to the Movies (2018) (Action))
*Transfoolers (OLDS 8 (2019))
*Frosted GingerbreadManformers (All New Weekly Series 2020)

*Dead Bull (ANS1 (2004)/vending machine series 1 (2005; paired with Aquaflush (2nd version)/Erasers Series 1 (2011)/Minis Series 2 (2021) (mini: Wave 1-3; sticker: Wave 1-3))
*Spread Bull (ANS7 (2010) (Wack-O-Mercial))
*Real Dull (ANS9 (2012))
*Red Skull (joegparotee's JG2 (2017))
*Red Bulk (All New Weekly Series 2020)
*Red Bile (Off the Market Series Four (2023))

« Last Edit: January 25, 2025, 11:33:20 AM by mikecho »

Online mikecho

  • Posts: 2955
Re: What is the most-parodied Wacky?
« Reply #37 on: May 09, 2019, 09:31:42 PM »
I just thought of these two:

*Gadzooka (Die-Cuts (1967)/Wacky Ads (1969)/1st Series (1973)/Wacky Package Posters (1973 and 1974; both series)/Wonder Bread Series 2 (1974)/Wacky Package Tattoos (1974)/Wacky Patches (1974)/1st Rerun Series (1979)/1982 Album Series (both as sticker and puzzle)/Irish Series (1985)/1986 Album Series (as puzzle only, unreleased)/Mad Caps (1994; Wacky Caps subset)/ANS5 (2007; magnet)/Wacky Pack Flashback (2008; Wacky Package Posters version)/Wacky Pack Flashback 2 (2008; sticker version (Bonus Sticker B1))/ANS11 (2013; patch relic)/Topps 75th Anniversary promo card #46 (2013)/Wacky Packages Chrome (2014; including Die-Cuts checklist (borderless), Wacky Ads subset and Where Are They Now? subset))/Campaign Posters (2015)/50th Anniversary Series (2017)/Minis Series 1 (2020) (mini: Wave 2; sticker: Wave 1 and 4))
*Gadzooka Sugarmess (2nd Series (1973)/14th Series (1975)/Wacky Packages Chrome (2014; including 2nd Series checklist (borderless)/Garbage Pail Kids: Food Fight (2021 S1) (patch card))
*Gadzooka's Big Baddy (5th Series (1973)/Old School 5 (2014) (tattoo))
*Badzooka (1st version) (10th Series (1974)/vending machine stickers series 2 (2005; paired with Chumps)/Flashback 2 (2008))
*Batzooka (1985 Series/1986 Album Series (unreleased))
*Badzooka (2nd version) (1991 Series)
*Buzzooka (ANS2 (2005))
*Bazuccini (ANS2 (2005) (Slopps (Wacky Website card back)))
*Boozooka (1st version) (Wacky Halloween Postcards 2010)
*Braves (MLB Wacky Packages (2016))
*Bazonga (Network Spews (2017) (print-on-demand))
*Gadzooks (Trumpocracy - The First 100 Days (2017) (print-on-demand))
*Brrrzooka (All New Weekly Series (2020))
*Beezooka (All New Monthly Series (2021))
*Boogzooka (Garbage Pail Kids: Food Fight (2021 S1))
*Balooga (All New Monthly Series (2021) (Wonky Packages)/Wonky Ads (2022) (panel card))
*Boo!zooka (2nd version) (All New Monthly Series (2021))
*Bezerka (Attacky Packages Series 5 (2021))
*Bassooka (All New Monthly Series (2022))
*Bugzooka (All New Monthly Series (2022))
*Gnatzooka's Big Buggy (All New Monthly Series (2022)) (Wonky Packages)

*Shots (5th series (1973)/1st Rerun Series (1979)/Wacky Pack Flashback 2 (2008))
*Snots (ANS1 (2004)/vending machine series 1 (2005; paired with Zit Kat)//Minis Series 2 (2021) (mini: Wave 1-3; sticker: Wave 1-3))
*Bots (Wacky Halloween Postcards 2009/Wacky Packages Go to the Movies (2018) (Concession Stand)/Wacky Halloween Postcards 2020 (Glow in the Dark Card 1G))
*Plots (Wacky Halloween Postcards 2012)
*Botz (Alternative Facts (2017) (print-on-demand))
*Rots (Cleanup on Aisle 13 (2018))
*Ditz (All New Weekly Series (2020))
*Shorts (All New Monthly Series (2021) (Wonky Packages))
*Docs (All New Monthly Series (2021))

« Last Edit: April 21, 2023, 04:32:27 PM by mikecho »

Online mikecho

  • Posts: 2955
Re: What is the most-parodied Wacky?
« Reply #38 on: May 10, 2019, 05:29:47 PM »
It seems that the most-individually parodied Wacky is Gadzooka Bubble Gum, with 28 releases for this one Wacky (including one that was unreleased).

Overkill, anyone?
« Last Edit: December 14, 2021, 08:52:54 AM by mikecho »

Online mikecho

  • Posts: 2955
Re: What is the most-parodied Wacky?
« Reply #39 on: February 28, 2020, 11:24:16 AM »
Well, I guess I'll start another page:

*Crakola Crayons (3rd Series (1973)/Wacky Package Posters (1973 and 1974; both series)/Wonder Bread Series 2 (1974)/Wacky Package Tattoos (1974)/Wacky Patches (1974)/1st Rerun Series (1979)/1982 Album Series/1986 Album Series (unreleased)/Wacky Pack Flashback (2008; poster version)/ANS9 (2009; magnet)/Wacky Packages Chrome (2014))
*Cryola Wash-Out Markers (ANS6 (2007))
*Grayola Crayons (2015 S1)
*Purple Crayons (The Shammys (2017) (print-on-demand))
*CrayCrayola Crayons (Garbage Pail Kids: Late to School (2020 S1))
*Dracola Crayons (All New Weekly Series 2020) (Wonky Packages)
*Croakola Crayons (All New Monthly Series 2021)

*3 Mosquitoes (9th Series (1973)/ANS7 (2010) (Foil Sticker F8)/Wacky Packages Go to the Movies (2018) (Concession Stand))
*3 Racketeers (ANS10 (2013) (Bonus Sticker B1))
*2 Musketeers (2015 S1)
*1 Musketeer (Off the Market Series One (2019))
*3 Marskateers (Attacky Packages Series 4 (2020))
*3 Monsterteers (All New Weekly Series 2020)
*3 Muskefears (All New Monthly Series 2021)
*3 Musketoads (All New Monthly Series 2022)
*3 Masketeers (All New Monthly Series 2022)

*Chumps (5th Series (1973)/2nd Rerun Series (1979)/vending machine stickers series 2 (2005, paired with Badzooka (1st version))
*Chums Blow Hole Pop (ANS10 (2013))
*Harms Glow Pop (Wacky Halloween Postcards 2013)
*Geriatric Slow Pops (2014 S1)
*Snake Charmers (Halloween 2019)
*Harms Blood Pop (All New Weekly Series 2020)
*Super Charged Blown Pop (1st version) (All New Weekly Series 2020)
*Chimps (All New Monthly Series 2021) (Wonky Packages)
*Churns (All New Monthly Series 2021)
*Charmed Grow Pop (All New Monthly Series 2022)
*Super Charged Blown Pop - Candy Apple Red (2nd version) (ANS 2024)

*mr. Goodbye (7th Series (1974)/1982 Album Series/Wacky Pack Flashback 2 (2008)/Wacky Packages Go to the Movies (2018) (Concession Stand))
*mrs. Goodbar (ANS5 (2007))
*mr. Ghoulbar (Wacky Halloween Postcards 2010 (Bonus Card TS10))
*mr. Crowbar (Cleanup on Aisle 13 (2018))
*mr. Goonbar (All New Weekly Series 2020)
*mr. Goofbar (All New Monthly Series 2021)

*Shot Wheels (5th Series (1974)/1st Rerun Series (1979)/1982 Album Series/1986 Album Series (unreleased)/ANS6 (2007) (What's in the Box?!!)/Wacky Pack Flashback 2 (2008))
*Hot Whales (2014 S1)
*Snot Wheels (2015 S1)
*Smokin' Haute Wheels (Network Spews (2017) (print-on-demand))
*Bot Wheels (Attacky Packages Series 1 (2018))
*Heap Wheels Fizzlers (50th Anniversary Series (2017) (Wacky Packages Old School))
*Flat Wheels (Kooky Kards (2019))
*Block Wheels (All New Weekly Series (2020) (Wonky Packages))
*Hop Wheels (non-Wacky special Easter release)
*Hot Squeals (All New Monthly Series 2022)
*Rot Wheels (All New Series 2023)
*Hog Wheels (Off the Market Series Four (2023))
*Hot Snails (ANS 2024) (original and variation (V4))
*Shot Wolves (ANS Halloween 2024) (Wonky Packages)

*Garbage Pail Geezers (ANS5 (2007)/50th Anniversary Series (2017) (Best of the '00s))
*Gentle Plain Kids (ANS11 (2013))
*GOP Pail Kids (Disg-race to the White House (2017) (print-on-demand))
*DNC Pail Kids (Disg-race to the White House (2017) (print-on-demand))
*Garbage Fail Kids (OLDS 8 (2019))
*Garbage Jail Kids (Garbage Pail Kids: Late to School (2020 S1))
*Garbage Pail Kidders (April Fools Postcards (2020))
*Garbage Stale Kids Cruddy Candy (OLDS 9 (2020))
*Garden Snail Kids (All New Monthly Series 2021))
*Galactic Tale Kids (Attacky Packages Series 5 (2021)
*Garland Pail Kids (All New Monthly Series 2022)
*Garbage Impaled Kids (ANS Halloween 2024)

*Cheapios (4th Series (1973)/Wacky Package Posters (1973; first series)/Wacky Package Tattoos (1974)/ANS5 (2006) (magnet))/Wacky Pack Flashback (poster version) (2008)/Wacky Packages Posters Series One (2013)/Minis Series 2 (2021) (mini: Wave 1-3; sticker: Wave 1-3))
*Gearios (ANS1) (2004) (sticker and tattoo)/vending machine stickers series 2 (2005)/Minis Series 2 (2021) (sticker: Wave 1-3))
*Flavorless Drearios (2014 S1)
*Heinie Butt Cheekios (50th Anniversary Series (2017) (Cereal and Oversized Card))
*Cherios (Off the Market Series One (2019))
*Creepios (Attacky Packages Series 4 (2020))
*Fearios (All New Monthly Series (2021))
*Honey Not Cheerios Again! (All New Monthly Series 2021)
*Cheeriooze (Off the Market Series Five (2024))

*Apple Jerks (1st version) (from Snatch-A-Pak (3rd Series (1973)))
*Apple Jerks (2nd version) (ANS5 (2007)/Erasers Series 2 (2011))
*Asparagus Jacks (ANS9 (2012))
*Apple Tacks (OLDS 3 (2012))
*Awful Jokes (April Fools Postcards (2020))

*Muggies (1985 Series)
*Huffies Push-Ups (ANS5 (2007) (Bonus Sticker B3))
*Haggies (ANS8 (2011))
*Buggies (2014 S1)
*Sluggies (All New Monthly Series 2021)

*Chimps Ahoy! (ANS1 (2004) (sticker and tattoo)/vending machine series 1 (2005)/Erasers Series 1 (2011)/Minis Series 2 (2021) (mini: Wave 1-3; sticker: 1-3))
*Chops Ahoy! (1st version) (ANS8 (2011)/ANS10 (2013) (tattoo))
*Hips Ahoy! (OLDS 4 (2012))
*Crypt's Ahoy! (2015 S1/Minis Series 1 (2020) (mini: Wave 2, 4 and 5; sticker: Wave 2, 3 and 4))
*Chips Destroy! (All New Weekly Series 2020)
*Chumps Ahoy! (All New Monthly Series 2021)
*Chops Ahoy! (2nd version) (All New Monthly Series 2022)

*Sludgsickle (1st version) (Wacky Ads (1969))
*Plopsikle (5th Series (1973)/Wacky Package Posters (1973 and 1974; both series)/Wonder Bread Series 2 (1974)/Wacky Pack Flashback (2008) (poster version))
*Screamsicle (13th Series (1975))
*Sludgsicle (2nd version) (ANS1 (2004)/vending machine series 1 (2005; paired with Batz))
*Pudgsicle (ANS11) (2013) (Bonus Sticker B2))
*Bopsicle (2014 S1)
*Cyclopsikle (All New Weekly Series 2020) (Wonky Packages)/Wonky Ads (2021) (bonus card))
*Sledgesickle (Wonky Ads (2022))

*Starducks Coffee (ANS2 (2005))
*Scarbucks Coffee (2014 S1)
*Trumpbucks Coffee (Disg-race to the White House (print-on-demand) (2016))
*Seasick Mermaid Sloppuccino (Network Spews (print-on-demand) (2017))
*Starschmucks Old Brew (All New Weekly Series 2020)
*Starclucks Coffee (All New Monthly Series 2022)
*Starbugs French Roach (ANS 2024)
*Starbots Coffee (Off the Market Series Five (2024))

*Scarburst (ANS1 (2004)/Minis Series 2 (2021) (mini: Wave 1-3; sticker: Wave 1-3))
*Starbeast (Wacky Halloween Postcards 2010, paired with Tootsie Troll (1st version))
*Starburp (ANS9 (2012))
*Soreburst (2015 S1/Minis Series 1 (2020) (mini: Wave 2, 4 and 5; sticker: Wave 3-5))
*Starcurst (All New Weekly Series 2020)
*Tarburst (All New Monthly Series 2021)
*Starfirst (All New Monthly Series 2021)
*Heartburst (All New Monthly Series 2022)
*Starwurst (Off the Market Series Five (2024))

*Footsie Roll (6th Series (1974)/1st Rerun Series (1979)/ANS3 (2006) (magnet)/ANS6 (2007) (Make Your Own Wacky Packs)/Wacky Pack Flashback (2008) (lenticular card))
*Tipsy Roll Pop (16th Series (1977)/Wacky Pack Flashback 2 (2008))
*Tushie Roll (Lost Wackys Series 1 (2005))
*Tootsie Troll (1st version) (Wacky Halloween Postcards 2010, paired with Starbeast))
*Toothie Roll (Wacky Halloween Postcards 2011 (Bonus Card TS13))
*Footsie Plop Drops (Wacky Packages Chrome (2014) (Cutting Room Floor))
*Tootsie Troll (2nd version) (Off the Market Series One (2019))
*Tattootsie Roll (All New Weekly Series 2020)
*Tutsie Roll (All New Weekly Series 2020)
*Tweetsie Roll Pop (All New Weekly Series 2020)
*Rootsie Roll (All New Monthly Series 2021)
*Hootsie Roll (All New Monthly Series 2021)
*Bootsie Roll (All New Monthly Series 2021) (Wonky Packages)/Wonky Ads (2022) (panel card))
*Newtsie Roll (All New Monthly Series 2022)

*PEGO (1991 Series/50th Anniversary Series (2017) (Best of the '90s))
*LEGGO (ANS3 (2006))
*LUGEE Ninjagoo (ANS10 (2013))
*BEGO (2015 S1)
*BOOTLEGO Frauds (2015 S1)
*The LEGGO Bootman Movie (Network Spews (2017) (print-on-demand))
*LEG-OW (Holiday Postcards (2016)/Off the Market Series One (Bonus Card B2) (2019))
*Ninja-Go Deluxe Blending System (Wacky Packages Go to the Movies (2018) (Animated))
*LOCO Nunjago: No Mercy (Wacky Packages Go to the Movies (2018) (Animated))
*LEGOSI (All New Monthly Series 2022)
« Last Edit: January 25, 2025, 11:45:16 AM by mikecho »

Online mikecho

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Re: What is the most-parodied Wacky?
« Reply #40 on: May 04, 2020, 08:21:50 PM »
After adding up all the sets on Reply #6, I've found that this list has 14 sets of 5.

Five seems to be the average number for most-parodied products at this time. Originally, it was between 5 and 6.

And, as mentioned above on Reply #21, Cap'n Crunch currently has the highest number of releases at this time with 26, Wacky Packages is now a close second with 24 and Bazooka is third with 21 (although Reese's, Planters, Tootsie Roll, Hot Wheels, Play-Doh, Dunkin', Kit Kat, Snickers, Butterfinger, Pepsi-Cola, Garbage Pail Kids, Frosted Flakes, Kool-Aid, Charms, Raisin Bran, Milky Way, Pringles, Crest, Mr. Clean, 3 Musketeers, Ring Pop, Starburst, Lucky Charms, Spam and LEGO are all slowly but surely catching up to it with 15, 15, 14, 14, 14, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 12, 12, 12, 11, 11, 11, 11, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10 and 10, respectively). Also, as mentioned above on Reply #37, Gadzooka Bubble Gum is the most individually released Wacky of all with 28 (including one that was unreleased).

Always remember, though, that all of these figures are both subject and more likely than not to change at any time, of course.
« Last Edit: January 13, 2025, 12:17:37 PM by mikecho »

Online mikecho

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Re: What is the most-parodied Wacky?
« Reply #41 on: May 04, 2020, 08:45:17 PM »
I've got a question.

Are the Kill Kat vinyl figures finally done? If they are, I'd like to please have the final year so I can put it in the OP.


Offline Fanatical_and_Sickly

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Re: What is the most-parodied product among all Wackys?
« Reply #42 on: May 04, 2020, 09:19:59 PM »
Those are not even  Wackys, why are they in the list?

Online mikecho

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Re: What is the most-parodied product among all Wackys?
« Reply #43 on: May 04, 2020, 09:46:58 PM »
Those are not even  Wackys, why are they in the list?
See Reply #1 for that one, Patrick.

If you think they should be removed, though, I'll remove them.
« Last Edit: May 04, 2020, 09:53:17 PM by mikecho »

Offline Fanatical_and_Sickly

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Re: What is the most-parodied product among all Wackys?
« Reply #44 on: May 05, 2020, 05:58:50 AM »
Well, the title of your thread is most “among all Wackys”, so if it’s not a Wacky, I’d say it doesn’t belong.

Online mikecho

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Re: What is the most-parodied product among all Wackys?
« Reply #45 on: May 05, 2020, 07:51:12 AM »
Okay, it's done.

« Last Edit: May 05, 2020, 11:31:59 AM by mikecho »

Offline Paul_Maul

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Re: What is the most-parodied product among all Wackys?
« Reply #46 on: May 05, 2020, 11:06:33 AM »
This is a thread on a message board. There is no reason to remove posts.

Online mikecho

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Re: What is the most-parodied product among all Wackys?
« Reply #47 on: May 05, 2020, 11:32:26 AM »
This is a thread on a message board. There is no reason to remove posts.
Sorry about that.

Offline Fanatical_and_Sickly

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Re: What is the most-parodied product among all Wackys?
« Reply #48 on: May 05, 2020, 02:49:44 PM »
Just found one for you, that goes into Reply #6:

Cap'n Munch's Crunch Boogies (All New Weekly Series May 2020)

Hope you can put this in soon

Offline bigtomi

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Re: What is the most-parodied product among all Wackys?
« Reply #49 on: May 05, 2020, 02:59:18 PM »
Just found one for you, that goes into Reply #6:

Cap'n Munch's Crunch Boogies (All New Weekly Series May 2020)

Hope you can put this in soon

Offline Dr.M

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Re: What is the most-parodied Wacky?
« Reply #50 on: May 05, 2020, 03:05:47 PM »
I've got a question.

Are the Kill Kat vinyl figures finally done? If they are, I'd like to please have the final year so I can put it in the OP.


They may or may not be made anymore. The artist of the Kill Kats is having legal issues (copyrights) etc with KitKat. So time will tell.

Online mikecho

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Re: What is the most-parodied product among all Wackys?
« Reply #51 on: May 05, 2020, 03:49:30 PM »
Just found one for you, that goes into Reply #6:

Cap'n Munch's Crunch Boogies (All New Weekly Series May 2020)

Hope you can put this in soon
No sooner said than done, my friend!
« Last Edit: May 05, 2020, 03:55:21 PM by mikecho »

Online mikecho

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Re: What is the most-parodied Wacky?
« Reply #52 on: May 05, 2020, 03:53:18 PM »
They may or may not be made anymore. The artist of the Kill Kats is having legal issues (copyrights) etc with KitKat. So time will tell.
Okay, I was just wondering. That explains that. I did not see that coming.

How many of them did he make before he had to stop and what were their names? My question includes both the regular and XL versions.
« Last Edit: August 03, 2020, 05:39:30 PM by mikecho »

Offline Dr.M

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Re: What is the most-parodied product among all Wackys?
« Reply #53 on: May 05, 2020, 04:35:58 PM »
I’ll post the full list for you in a bit.

Offline Dr.M

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Re: What is the most-parodied Wacky?
« Reply #54 on: May 05, 2020, 04:38:36 PM »
Okay, I was just wondering. That explains that. I did not see that coming.

How many of them did he make before he had to stop and what were their names? My question includes both the regular and King Size versions.

6 Inch Edition

-Milk Chocolate
-Dark Chocolate (Chase Edition)
-Strawberry Ectoplasm
-Ground Bones & Blood
-Matcha Snake Venom
-Radioactive Waste
-Drunk On Japanese Sake
-Cappuccino Caffeine Overdose
-Bad Banana Blight
-Purple Drank
-Poison Pumpkin Spice
-Expired Stock
-Misfits Edition
-Cursed Cranberry
-Dirty Rotten Apple
-Assaulted Caramel

King Size Edition

-Milk Chocolate (King Size Edition)
-Himalayan Death Pepper (King Size Edition)
-Assaulted Caramel (King Size Edition)
-Misfits Edition (King Size Edition)
-Matcha Snake Venom (King Size Edition)
« Last Edit: February 10, 2021, 04:05:48 PM by Dr.M »

Online mikecho

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Re: What is the most-parodied product among all Wackys?
« Reply #55 on: May 05, 2020, 05:09:28 PM »

So, it looks like only four of them - Milk Chocolate (the original), Assaulted Caramel, the Misfits Edition and Matcha Snake Venom - have got both 6 inch and King Size editions so far; the rest of them haven't...yet.

Also, Himalayan Death Pepper has a King Size edition, but not a 6 inch edition...again, yet.

Finally, only one of them - Dark Chocolate - was a chase figure, probably meaning there was only a very limited number of this figure available for purchase compared to all the others and, once they were all sold out, that was it. There weren't any more to be had after that, nor would there ever be. Am I right here?
« Last Edit: October 31, 2021, 06:21:52 PM by mikecho »

Online mikecho

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Online mikecho

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Re: What is the most-parodied product among all Wackys?
« Reply #57 on: June 22, 2020, 12:08:12 PM »
Yes, starting another one:

*Sno-Saps (ANS7 (2010))
*Sno-Corpse (Wacky Halloween Postcards 2013)
*Sno-Craps (ANS11 (2013))
*Snore-Caps (2014 S1 (Lost Wackys L3))
*Sno-Naps (All New Monthly series 2022)

*Milk Muds (12th Series (1975)/Minis Series 3 (2022) (mini: Wave 1; sticker: Wave 1))
*Milk Dudes (ANS8 (2011))
*Milk Deads (ANS10 (2013))
*Milk Cuds (Holiday Postcards (2019))
*Milk Dads (All New Weekly Series 2020)

*Old Spit (5th Series (1973))
*Old Slice (ANS7 (2010))
*Old Spikes (Wacky Packages Postcards Series 7 (2011))
*Old Spicey (Trumpocracy - The First 100 Days (2017) (print-on-demand))
*Old Lice (All New Weekly Series 2020) (Guest Artist of the Week))
*Old Spies (All New Monthly Series 2021)
*Oil Spill (All New Monthly Series 2021) (Wonky Packages)

*Dork Peppermint Potty (ANS1 (2004) (sticker and tattoo)/Minis Series 2 (2021) (mini: Wave 1-3; sticker: Wave 1-3))
*Your Peppered Body (ANS2 (2005) (Whacked Packages (Wacky Website card back)))
*Ork (Wacky Halloween Postcards 2011/Wacky Halloween Plaques (2014))
*Yuck (ANS9 (2012))
*Pork Porkermint Pattie (All New Weekly Series 2020)
*Yike Poltergeist Pattie (All New Monthly Series 2022)
*Yorick Peppermint Cranium (Off the Market Series Four (2023))

*Melty Way (Wacky Ads (1969))
*Mirky Way (1st version) (Wacky Halloween Postcards 2012)
*My Way (Trumpocracy - The First 100 Days (2017) (print-on-demand))
*Mummy Way Tut Size (Halloween 2019)
*Milky Weight (All New Weekly Series 2020)
*Milky Slay (All New Weekly Series 2020)
*Murky Way (2nd version) (Off the Market Series Three (2021))
*Monkey Way (1st version) (Wonky Ads (2021))
*Milky Sleigh (All New Monthly Series 2021)
*Milky Ray (Attacky Packages Series 6 (2022))
*Monkey Way (2nd version) (Off the Market Series Five (2024))

*Twerx (2014 S1)
*Twits (2014 S1 (Lost Wacky L2))
*Stix (2015 S1)
*Twitch (2016 Halloween Pack O' Fun)
*Thix (All New Monthly Series 2021)
*Tweird (All New Monthly Series 2022)
*Twicked (All New Monthly Series 2022)
*Left Twitch and Right Twitch (Wacky Halloween Postcards 2023)
*Nix (ANS 2024)

*Frustrated Meanie-Wheats (ANS6 (2007))
*Undead Moany-Wheats (ANS11 (2013))
*Frosted Mini-Cleats (2014 S1)
*Frosted Minion-Wheats (Off the Market Series Two (2020))
*Fast Mini-Tweets (All New Monthly Series 2022)
« Last Edit: January 25, 2025, 11:46:38 AM by mikecho »

Offline ToadallyDude

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Re: What is the most-parodied product among all Wackys?
« Reply #58 on: July 14, 2020, 01:31:11 AM »
slightly off-topic (or backwards anyway), but what's the LEAST parodied 1-16 series Wacky?  In other words, what's the parody most strangely MISSING in the original Wackys?  I'm going to say, "Coke".  That always stuck out to me as it was one of the biggest products ever, and so many jokes to be made.  But missing, even in the dies & ads.  So many popular kids toys, like Frisbie and Lego and Nerf missing, too.  Seemed kind of strange, considering the abundance of oddball adult brands and made-up titles (Decay) that kids wouldn't necessarily know.

Offline RawGoo

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Re: What is the most-parodied product among all Wackys?
« Reply #59 on: July 14, 2020, 04:44:25 AM »
slightly off-topic (or backwards anyway), but what's the LEAST parodied 1-16 series Wacky?  In other words, what's the parody most strangely MISSING in the original Wackys?  I'm going to say, "Coke".  That always stuck out to me as it was one of the biggest products ever, and so many jokes to be made.  But missing, even in the dies & ads.  So many popular kids toys, like Frisbie and Lego and Nerf missing, too.  Seemed kind of strange, considering the abundance of oddball adult brands and made-up titles (Decay) that kids wouldn't necessarily know.

Fortunately, we're seeing a lot of these in Old School!!

Offline MoldRush

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Re: What is the most-parodied product among all Wackys?
« Reply #60 on: July 14, 2020, 08:56:21 AM »
slightly off-topic (or backwards anyway), but what's the LEAST parodied 1-16 series Wacky?  In other words, what's the parody most strangely MISSING in the original Wackys?  I'm going to say, "Coke".  That always stuck out to me as it was one of the biggest products ever, and so many jokes to be made.  But missing, even in the dies & ads.  So many popular kids toys, like Frisbie and Lego and Nerf missing, too.  Seemed kind of strange, considering the abundance of oddball adult brands and made-up titles (Decay) that kids wouldn't necessarily know.
Agreed, I’ve always wondered about a few products never parodied as well - Coke stands out as you said, Colgate Toothpaste, Kellogg’s Corn Flakes, Frosted Flakes, Froot Loops, Cocoa Puffs, Cocoa Pebbles and any number of other kiddie cereals, to name a few.

Offline MoldRush

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Re: What is the most-parodied product among all Wackys?
« Reply #61 on: July 14, 2020, 08:58:20 AM »
Fortunately, we're seeing a lot of these in Old School!!
Even Old School is blending the obscure with the familiar.  But that could just be Dave stretching resources the best he can to keep the train rolling.

Offline Swiski

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Re: What is the most-parodied product among all Wackys?
« Reply #62 on: July 14, 2020, 02:32:12 PM »
Agreed, I’ve always wondered about a few products never parodied as well - Coke stands out as you said, Colgate Toothpaste, Kellogg’s Corn Flakes, Frosted Flakes, Froot Loops, Cocoa Puffs, Cocoa Pebbles and any number of other kiddie cereals, to name a few.

Probably some of those are due to a lot of Cease and Desist threats from Kelloggs, Post and Procter & Gamble. I would have loved to see some of those back in the day. For sodas, we didn't get any Coke products I believe. Never saw a Sprite parody. ANS opened the floodgates with these products at least.

Offline ToadallyDude

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Re: What is the most-parodied product among all Wackys?
« Reply #63 on: July 16, 2020, 12:10:54 AM »
Yah, after 6Up, something like Choke-a-Cola, Croak-a-Cola, Smoke-a-Cola, or Broke, seem such gag-likely shoe-ins for series 3 or 7.  Funny it took 'em so long just to go after Pepsi... and they did it twice!  Even Dr. Pepper got a nod.  One's gotta think there's at least a few good Lynch or Spiegleman roughs out there for a Coke parody, though.

Online mikecho

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Re: What is the most-parodied product among all Wackys?
« Reply #64 on: July 19, 2020, 11:56:08 AM »
Probably some of those are due to a lot of Cease and Desist threats from Kelloggs, Post and Procter & Gamble. I would have loved to see some of those back in the day. For sodas, we didn't get any Coke products I believe. Never saw a Sprite parody. ANS opened the floodgates with these products at least.
I noticed a long time ago that Nabisco had some Wackys in the OS run that were cease-and-desisted immediately, yet when the ANS run was started, we got Wackys galore of their products!

Shows how much times have changed between then and now.

Offline Fanatical_and_Sickly

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Re: What is the most-parodied product among all Wackys?
« Reply #65 on: July 19, 2020, 12:53:06 PM »
I noticed a long time ago that Nabisco had some Wackys in the OS run that were cease-and-desisted immediately, yet when the ANS run was started, we got Wackys galore of their products!

Shows how much times have changed between then and now.

strange how often the Nabisco products that are in 6th and 7th sets are overlooked in the C&D discussions

Offline BustedFinger

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Re: What is the most-parodied product among all Wackys?
« Reply #66 on: July 20, 2020, 04:11:38 PM »
I noticed a long time ago that Nabisco had some Wackys in the OS run that were cease-and-desisted immediately, yet when the ANS run was started, we got Wackys galore of their products!

Shows how much times have changed between then and now.

But haven't the courts said that parody is fair game since the days of the original series?  Isn't that partially what the Petley lawsuit was about?
Giving "The Hobby" the finger since 1999!

Online mikecho

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Re: What is the most-parodied product among all Wackys?
« Reply #67 on: July 20, 2020, 05:49:55 PM »
strange how often the Nabisco products that are in 6th and 7th sets are overlooked in the C&D discussions
Funny you should mention that, Patrick.

It turns out that the cease-and-desisted ones in the OS run were all cookies and/or crackers. The ones from the 6th and 7th series were all candy products.

I wonder what happened here?
« Last Edit: February 05, 2021, 11:00:56 PM by mikecho »

Online mikecho

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Re: What is the most-parodied product among all Wackys?
« Reply #68 on: July 20, 2020, 05:57:03 PM »
But haven't the courts said that parody is fair game since the days of the original series?  Isn't that partially what the Petley lawsuit was about?
Yes, but by the time the Petley lawsuit happened (btw, this was the only time in Wacky history that a cease-and-desist order ultimately went to court), there had been so many cease-and desisted Wackys that had come before it that Topps, as we all know, was forced to parody more and more obscure products that most kids would've never even heard of just to keep Wacky Packages going. In other words, the writing was already on the wall at this point; it's just that probably no one realized it at the time.

Topps won that lawsuit, of course, by proving that they parodied their own products in addition to everyone else's, but by then it was too little, too late. The damage had been done and there was nothing anyone could've done to stop it at that point. That and the fact that, according to Greg's website, everyone who collected Wackys thought it was all over with the 15th series (the series where Petley came from, btw). Afterward, it was primarily poor distribution of the 16th series to stores that pretty much sealed the deal after that (this last part is proven by the fact that very few complete 16th series sets (including completed puzzles) in the hands of collectors are known to exist today).

At least, that's how I've heard it and how I remember reading about it.
« Last Edit: May 03, 2022, 05:29:51 PM by mikecho »

Offline BustedFinger

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Re: What is the most-parodied product among all Wackys?
« Reply #69 on: July 21, 2020, 04:59:44 PM »
Yes, but by the time the Petley lawsuit happened, there had been so many cease-and desisted Wackys that had come before it that Topps was forced to parody more and more obscure products just to keep Wacky Packages going. In other words, the writing was already on the wall at this point. Topps won that lawsuit, of course, but by then it was too little, too late. The damage had been done and there was nothing anyone could've done to stop it. That and the facts that everyone thought it was over with the 15th series (where Petley came from, btw) and poor distribution of the 16th series pretty much sealed the deal.

At least, that's how I've heard it and how I remember reading it.
You are probably right.  By the time Topps won that lawsuit, Original Series Wackys were already on the decline.  I was really referring to the fact that with the modern era Wackys, as someone else mentioned, most products seem to be fair game.
Giving "The Hobby" the finger since 1999!

