Author Topic: Gag Criticism, Variation, and Packaging  (Read 796616 times)

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Re: Gag Criticism and Variation
« Reply #280 on: October 15, 2016, 07:33:25 AM »
Diecuts #36 - Maddie Boy

Maddie Boy
Dog Food
100% Condemned Beef
Get rid of your dog fast

Real Product
Laddie Boy
Chicken Dog Food

What does "Maddie" make the product? If anything, "Oddie" Boy would've been better for the normal card if you ask me.

A hard product to find a decent color photo of. Our neighbors at the time had a pet dog that looked a lot like Maddie so their son, who was a few years younger than me, had several Maddie Boy stickers on one of his school notebooks,

aka Scot Leibacher (no trademark)

Offline Bigmuc13

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Re: Gag Criticism and Variation
« Reply #281 on: October 15, 2016, 05:18:06 PM »
All this fuss about the pinky/spoon... but just look at the top of that can!  Pure artistry.

I know, the lid is amazing.  I remember Wink from when I was a kid.  I grew up in Western New York very close to Canada, so we got all of the imported stuff.   I remember this being an odd product since there was no tab to open at the top, you needed a can opener.  It was fairly expensive, so i think I only had it once or twice.  But I remember thinking  it was cool opening it with a can opener.
Still looking for Series 17

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Re: Gag Criticism and Variation
« Reply #282 on: October 15, 2016, 07:05:02 PM »
Again, interesting theory, but David Saunders has stated that Norm painted all the die cuts. He has stated that definitively several times, so unless he adds a note of uncertainty, I will assume Norm painted everything in Series 1.
Well, I wrote to David to double check as my recollection matched Tom's and sure enough, Tom is correct, Norm did NOT paint 100% of all diecut titles.  Tom is wrong on Fink, it appears Norm is responsible for the odd pinkie. 

This is the direct quote from David:

"The pinky is no more out-of-proportion that the nose, chin and ears of the little man.  He is a painted cartoon charcater, so Norman Saunders was rendering a fellow with exaggerated features. The same style of rendered cartoon characters was used in most of the Nutty Awards.  The can has a metallic rim that was painted by the same air-brush artist on the Topps staff that did the bottle for Boredoms.  His assignment was to fill in as much of the finished product as he could, so that Topps would only need to pay their “free-lance artist” (Norman Saunders) for the least amount of work.  This approach was later abandoned after the first set of stickers.
...they wanted to use their staff artists to produce as much of the final painting as they could and then only need to pay Norman Saunders for painting the lettering and the characters.  This approach was later abandoned by Topps". 

My comment:
The last sentence refers to Norm doing much of of the painting for each title as the series went on and that is clearly visible in the quality of the art as the middle series and later series are far more superior than the diecuts.

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Offline Paul_Maul

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Re: Gag Criticism and Variation
« Reply #283 on: October 15, 2016, 07:25:56 PM »
It sounds like what this is referring to is more like young comic artists providing assists on non-skill art tasks. Sounds like Norm did all the characters. And the Fink lid looks fantastic, not sure how this is an example of lesser art.

Offline Jean Nutty

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Re: Gag Criticism and Variation
« Reply #284 on: October 15, 2016, 08:26:27 PM »
This is the direct quote from David:

"The pinky is no more out-of-proportion that the nose, chin and ears of the little man. 

That was my thought as I looked at it. The pinkie looked ridiculous until I noticed the other exaggerated features.

Offline NationalSpittoon

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Re: Gag Criticism and Variation
« Reply #285 on: October 16, 2016, 03:44:18 AM »
Diecuts #37 - Coronation

Coronation Evaporating Milk
The milk from condemned cows
Drink it we'll crown you

Real Product
Carnation Sterilized Evaporated Milk

I like the "evaporating" touch. This one's also special because I got my first copy of it yesterday!

Offline Beanball

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Re: Gag Criticism and Variation
« Reply #286 on: October 16, 2016, 05:26:47 AM »
A little off topic: One thing I appreciate about the original series is the artistic license taken to fill out the sticker. You can see how much longer and thinner the actual can is, but the sticker works because the ratio was altered so the art would fill out the canvas. It makes such a difference.

In my mind, too many of the ANS images were made exactly to scale and got lost with too much white space on the card. Not to mention practically needing a magnifying glass to read the smaller type.
They wasted quite a bit of sticker on some of the Ans. I thought they would put two images on some of them. I agree about them being two small on the print.

Offline Paul_Maul

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Re: Gag Criticism and Variation
« Reply #287 on: October 16, 2016, 07:28:47 AM »
Never having seen the Wink product, I assumed from the wacky that it was a canister sized can like Hawaiaan Punch came in.

Online sco(o)t

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Re: Gag Criticism and Variation
« Reply #288 on: October 16, 2016, 08:34:19 AM »
Diecuts #37 - Coronation

Coronation Evaporating Milk
The milk from condemned cows
Drink it we'll crown you

Real Product
Carnation Sterilized Evaporated Milk

I like the "evaporating" touch. This one's also special because I got my first copy of it yesterday!

This one always seemed a stretch to me as a parody. Not really memorable artwork either.  Nice can top though  ;)

« Last Edit: October 16, 2016, 08:36:36 AM by sco(o)t »
aka Scot Leibacher (no trademark)

Offline NationalSpittoon

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Re: Gag Criticism and Variation
« Reply #289 on: October 16, 2016, 09:00:33 AM »
Why is it a stretch?

Offline Swiski

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Re: Gag Criticism and Variation
« Reply #290 on: October 16, 2016, 09:14:59 AM »
This one always seemed a stretch to me as a parody. Not really memorable artwork either.  Nice can top though  ;)

Here is a photo of an older can, if anyone cares. LOL

« Last Edit: October 16, 2016, 09:17:53 AM by Swiski »

Online sco(o)t

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Re: Gag Criticism and Variation
« Reply #291 on: October 16, 2016, 03:47:36 PM »
Why is it a stretch?

Just that most of the parody names, although similar to the real product name, usually denote or imply that the products are less than desirable. Names like Grave, Maddie, Fink, Duzn't, etc. Some of these, more successfully than others even relate back to the actual product in some way. Corontation, although close to the word Carnation, is defined as: the act or ceremony of crowning a king, queen, or other sovereign. So unlike most Wackies, the name change neither relates back to the original product, nor does it impugn the original product in some way. That is just the nature of Wackies in general. I don't mean to claim all Wackies have to be that way. One of my favorite recent Wackies is Polar Spring. This one is more of a satirical statement about global warming than ragging on the original product in any way. Coronation just seems to lack of any of the sting, either satirical or just plain 11 year old level mud slinging variety,  I normally associated with WPs. Then again, I could be wrong.  ;)
« Last Edit: October 16, 2016, 03:50:07 PM by sco(o)t »
aka Scot Leibacher (no trademark)

Offline RawGoo

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Re: Gag Criticism and Variation
« Reply #292 on: October 16, 2016, 04:01:48 PM »
I don't believe I ever saw Coronation as a kid.  I like the faces on the flowers, and the can art, but the gag leaves me a little confused.  Maybe Cremation would have worked better?

Offline NationalSpittoon

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Re: Gag Criticism and Variation
« Reply #293 on: October 16, 2016, 04:03:32 PM »
I don't believe I ever saw Coronation as a kid.  I like the faces on the flowers, and the can art, but the gag leaves me a little confused.  Maybe Cremation would have worked better?

I think someone made a Cremation Milk parody card on Deviant Art. Someone made a lot of Wacky's on there.

Offline NationalSpittoon

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Re: Gag Criticism and Variation
« Reply #294 on: October 17, 2016, 02:31:25 AM »
Diecuts #38 - Cracked Animals

No Biscuit
Cracked Animals
Laughing Hyena
Dead Alligator
Crazy Zookeeper
Hippy Hippo

Real Product
Barnum's Cracker Animals
(animals vary)

Online sco(o)t

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Re: Gag Criticism and Variation
« Reply #295 on: October 17, 2016, 03:29:12 AM »
Diecuts #38 - Cracked Animals

No Biscuit
Cracked Animals
Laughing Hyena
Dead Alligator
Crazy Zookeeper
Hippy Hippo

Real Product
Barnum's Cracker Animals
(animals vary)

Another one of my top 5 favorite Die Cuts. Great parody title, artwork and tag line. What kid didn't love the animal wagon-car shaped box with the string carrying handle? While searching for actual product images, I found its a little difficult to find the yellow box the Wacky is based on. The later red box is much more prevalent.

« Last Edit: October 17, 2016, 04:02:23 AM by sco(o)t »
aka Scot Leibacher (no trademark)

Offline Swiski

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Re: Gag Criticism and Variation
« Reply #296 on: October 17, 2016, 04:27:23 AM »
Just that most of the parody names, although similar to the real product name, usually denote or imply that the products are less than desirable. Names like Grave, Maddie, Fink, Duzn't, etc. Some of these, more successfully than others even relate back to the actual product in some way. Corontation, although close to the word Carnation, is defined as: the act or ceremony of crowning a king, queen, or other sovereign. So unlike most Wackies, the name change neither relates back to the original product, nor does it impugn the original product in some way. That is just the nature of Wackies in general. I don't mean to claim all Wackies have to be that way. One of my favorite recent Wackies is Polar Spring. This one is more of a satirical statement about global warming than ragging on the original product in any way. Coronation just seems to lack of any of the sting, either satirical or just plain 11 year old level mud slinging variety,  I normally associated with WPs. Then again, I could be wrong.  ;)

Tarnation would have been a good name for the parody.

Another one of my top 5 favorite Die Cuts. Great parody title, artwork and tag line. What kid didn't love the animal wagon-car shaped box with the string carrying handle? While searching for actual product images, I found its a little difficult to find the yellow box the Wacky is based on. The later red box is much more prevalent.

I suppose there wasn't a lot of words they could have substituted for Barnum's. Burn 'ems?

Offline RawGoo

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Re: Gag Criticism and Variation
« Reply #297 on: October 17, 2016, 06:10:07 AM »

I suppose there wasn't a lot of words they could have substituted for Barnum's. Burn 'ems?

I think there was a Burn 'ems in a recent ANS series. 

I like Cracked Animals a lot, and the "Cracked" part can be linked to the original product by the word "crackers."
« Last Edit: October 17, 2016, 06:11:55 AM by RawGoo »

Offline koduck

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Re: Gag Criticism and Variation
« Reply #298 on: October 17, 2016, 07:17:29 AM »
I think someone made a Cremation Milk parody card on Deviant Art. Someone made a lot of Wacky's on there.

You might be thinking of this concept I drew for ANS4...

Online freetoes

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Re: Gag Criticism and Variation
« Reply #299 on: October 17, 2016, 08:01:29 PM »
I don't believe I ever saw Coronation as a kid.  I like the faces on the flowers, and the can art, but the gag leaves me a little confused.  Maybe Cremation would have worked better?

Cremation would have been better, but it would likely have been considered over the top for a kids' card in 1967.  The gag lies in combining Coronation and "Drink it or We'll Crown You."  ("Crown" being a slang term meaning to conk on the head.)

 I didn't think much of the gag, but I did like the artwork.

Online freetoes

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Re: Gag Criticism and Variation
« Reply #300 on: October 17, 2016, 08:08:09 PM »
Tarnation would have been a good name for the parody.

I suppose there wasn't a lot of words they could have substituted for Barnum's. Burn 'ems?

I thought "Cracked Animals" worked because most kids just called them "Animal Crackers."

Side note:  In 2000, we had a thread on which Wacky character would make the best Presidential candidate.  I went with Crazy Zookeeper, based on his having the most relevant executive experience.

Offline Jean Nutty

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Re: Gag Criticism and Variation
« Reply #301 on: October 17, 2016, 10:08:36 PM »

Tarnation would have been a good name for the parody.

Love it


Offline NationalSpittoon

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Re: Gag Criticism and Variation
« Reply #302 on: October 18, 2016, 02:49:15 AM »
Diecuts #39 - Hostage

Hostage Cupcakes
Filled with mud
The food kidnappers give to their victims

Real Product
Hostess Cupcakes

Offline Swiski

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Re: Gag Criticism and Variation
« Reply #303 on: October 18, 2016, 10:40:18 AM »
Love it


Exactly! Tarnation would have worked instead of Coronation.

Online sco(o)t

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Re: Gag Criticism and Variation
« Reply #304 on: October 18, 2016, 11:37:24 AM »
Diecuts #39 - Hostage

Hostage Cupcakes
Filled with mud
The food kidnappers give to their victims

Real Product
Hostess Cupcakes

I like the hostage artwork done in the same style as the product cameo silhouette, however, I'd give this one a general overall "Meh" rating.

« Last Edit: October 18, 2016, 11:40:11 AM by sco(o)t »
aka Scot Leibacher (no trademark)

Offline NationalSpittoon

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Re: Gag Criticism and Variation
« Reply #305 on: October 19, 2016, 02:33:45 AM »
Diecuts #40 - Mutts

Mutts Apple Juice
Favorite with dogs everywhere

Real Product
Motts Apple Juice

Online sco(o)t

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Re: Gag Criticism and Variation
« Reply #306 on: October 19, 2016, 04:14:22 AM »
Diecuts #40 - Mutts

Mutts Apple Juice
Favorite with dogs everywhere

Real Product
Motts Apple Juice

Like the title, like the artwork, love dogs. Just seems like there should have been more fodder to pull this one together into a tighter piece.

aka Scot Leibacher (no trademark)

Offline RawGoo

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Re: Gag Criticism and Variation
« Reply #307 on: October 19, 2016, 04:39:29 AM »
Like the title, like the artwork, love dogs. Just seems like there should have been more fodder to pull this one together into a tighter piece.

I really like this title, one of my favorites from Series 1.  Good gag, great mutts, and the bottle is nicely done.

Offline Swiski

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Re: Gag Criticism and Variation
« Reply #308 on: October 19, 2016, 04:57:18 AM »

I like the hostage artwork done in the same style as the product cameo silhouette, however, I'd give this one a general overall "Meh" rating.

Here is an image of just the label from Jason Liebig's collection. I wonder why the font in "Hostage" looks so different on the parody.

Offline Swiski

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Re: Gag Criticism and Variation
« Reply #309 on: October 19, 2016, 04:59:52 AM »
Like the title, like the artwork, love dogs. Just seems like there should have been more fodder to pull this one together into a tighter piece.

I have another photo showing the bottle...

Offline Bigmuc13

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Re: Gag Criticism and Variation
« Reply #310 on: October 19, 2016, 05:42:44 AM »
Love it


That would have been a great Wacky tag line,  Only 50 years too late!!
Still looking for Series 17

Offline Bigmuc13

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Re: Gag Criticism and Variation
« Reply #311 on: October 19, 2016, 05:44:51 AM »

I like the hostage artwork done in the same style as the product cameo silhouette, however, I'd give this one a general overall "Meh" rating.

I always loved this one as a kid.  Maybe because I liked the product so much.  I also liked the detail on the celophane.  It is amazing.
Still looking for Series 17

Offline RawGoo

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Re: Gag Criticism and Variation
« Reply #312 on: October 19, 2016, 06:45:05 AM »
I always loved this one as a kid.  Maybe because I liked the product so much.  I also liked the detail on the celophane.  It is amazing.

I always liked Hostage.  The Wacky has so much more detail than the real product!  A decent gag, close to the product name, and I agree, the cellophane is awesome.
« Last Edit: October 19, 2016, 06:47:03 AM by RawGoo »

Offline Gurgle

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Re: Gag Criticism and Variation
« Reply #313 on: October 19, 2016, 09:44:31 AM »
I remember thinking this was one of the best gags. And I was also very familiar with the product.

Diecuts #39 - Hostage

Hostage Cupcakes
Filled with mud
The food kidnappers give to their victims

Real Product
Hostess Cupcakes

Offline Paul_Maul

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Re: Gag Criticism and Variation
« Reply #314 on: October 19, 2016, 10:53:46 AM »
Here is an image of just the label from Jason Liebig's collection. I wonder why the font in "Hostage" looks so different on the parody.

..and remember, the Shedds version of Hostage has the proper lettering font!

