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It's one sentence. "Rats enjoy these crackers" Not "RATS. Enjoy these crackers."
Diecuts #33 - Grave TrainGrave TrainDog FoodYour dog will never eat anything else...Real ProductGravy TrainDog FoodI've always loved the art on this card.
Nice parody of the product name. Great art. I suspect there is a better packaging match than the one I show below.
Diecuts #34 - Duzn'tDuzn't Do Nuthin'Laundry DetergentApproved by beatnicks everywhereReal ProductDuzLaundry Detergent
Never really one I liked. Not quite sure why. Its got a pretty good parody of the title. The artwork is solid.
Agreed, it's a good parody of the title, and the artwork is well done. I think this was never one of my favorites because I didn't understand dishwashing detergent being used in a bathtub.
I searched extensively through vintage Gravy Train ads and packaging, and I don't think a brown box exists.
This one duzn't do nuthin for me
What don't you get? Fink was a popular term at the time. I never heard of the real product as a kid, but as usual that didn't matter to me.
Diecuts #35 - FinkCanada WetFinkThe Sassy Grapefruit DrinkReal ProductCanada DryWinkGrapefruit BeverageI don't get this one.
I took it to mean the juice was the fink for its irritating actions. The pinky does look odd, never noticed that before.
A product I had heard of back in the day, but seemed exotic and adult. Yeach! I think a name like BLINK would have been more appropriate with the grapefruit squirting in the eye gag with the company name Canada Pry. Always liked the pic, but didn't seem to fit in with the FINK title. Maybe if you knew this guy personally, you would agree he was a fink.
I wonder why the yellow bar is straight on the parody art and not "bowing" like the bar on the actual can. The green is also brighter than the actual can. Also interesting how packaging artwork was foreshortened during the vintage days to best fit on the trading card without a lot of white space. Today, ANS suffers from too much white space on the card.
Funny, I always thought that pinky was the spoon handle.
The 3-D rendering on this is awful hence no bow on the bar, the awful pinkie. I don't believe Saunders suddenly got better in the middle and later series wackys in which many pieces are far superior in art quality. I believe Saunders did touch all wackys, some he did almost everything, others he touched up the work of other artists to try to add rendering and such.I believe "saunders touched all series 1 wackys" somehow got converted into "Saunders DID all of the Series 1 wackys".
I took it to mean the juice was the fink for its irritating actions.
Wow! What a difference. The original art has a deeper green color with nice shadowing. When the stickers were printed, they must have toned down the black quite a bit on press.
Me, too, Pat. Now that I look at it more closely, I'm quite certain it is. A pinkie wouldn't have a hole thru it near one end, like a large spoon might.
No sign of Wink in Brooklyn. Never heard of it at all.