I didn't know the story behind the Hickman, only that I have the green version. I did know about the other four Cubs from the 1st series, and I do have them. Trading Card Database doesn't recognize the variations on Sutton, Brown, and Locker, and I didn't really see any differences in the ones you posted.
I’m not suggesting the Sutton, Brown and Locker are variations. Just that they are from the same root cause as the Hickman, which is only considered a “variation” because it’s a Cubs card, and there are four legit Cubs variants. None of the cards I posted are variations, they are all just printing errors.
If you look closely at the ones I posted, you will see yellow bleeding, the grass is yellow tinged, etc. Look at the upper left of the Sutton and Locker, Sutton’s right leg, etc. They are all from the same sheet column and no other cards come like this. So you are free to seek a yellow Hickman, but I’m just telling you it is nothing more than a print error like the rest of these.