Author Topic: "Who is going to the Philly Show"  (Read 206566 times)

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Offline bandaches

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Re: "Who is going to the Philly Show"
« Reply #140 on: May 02, 2010, 12:32:37 PM »
This was my first show attendance and the Topps table had a 24pk box of FB2 on the table with the top off showing the unopened pack contents. Well, I said to them, it wouldn't be right today if I don't open up any wacky's, so I asked, are the FB2 packs the usual 2 dollar price. The man said, they are not for sale !  :o  Just for display !  I said no way.  He was very nice and said go ahead and open a pack if you want, but you can't take the cards. I said, naaah that's alright then - I'd probably pull a gold or plate or something crazy and be tortured. Then he said, if I did pull one of those I could keep it! So I gave it to my girl to open (as she has opened many of these with me at home) and everyone cracked up when she saw no Gold or Plate she said out loud, that was a dud !  :D  Priceless wacky moment.
Great story dude, sorry I missed that moment.  You and "your girl" were great to hang out with!  Looking forward to doing it again!
Contact me at as I have tons of wackys for sale!  Visit my website

Offline bandaches

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Re: "Who is going to the Philly Show"
« Reply #141 on: May 02, 2010, 12:38:13 PM »
I have to agree with you. I don't see what the big deal is. You paid for your items whether they be these promos, OLDS, ANS, FB or even original stickers so you can sell them for whatever you want. People don't have to buy them. I don't understand why you are getting singled out. Lots of people have bought ANS boxes or FB or OLDS and taken certain things that they want from them and then sold off other components for profit to make back some of the money they spent.

I think many collectors in this and other hobbies support their collecting by offsetting their spending with selling some stuff they don't need.

I think it's great that other collectors promised to get promos for people at cost but your not required to do this and you did not make a promise that your now reneging on.
Agreed, remember, it was DPV who made the comment, enough said there.
Contact me at as I have tons of wackys for sale!  Visit my website

Offline Turbo

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Re: "Who is going to the Philly Show"
« Reply #142 on: May 02, 2010, 01:10:53 PM »
I have to agree with you. I don't see what the big deal is. You paid for your items whether they be these promos, OLDS, ANS, FB or even original stickers so you can sell them for whatever you want. People don't have to buy them. I don't understand why you are getting singled out. Lots of people have bought ANS boxes or FB or OLDS and taken certain things that they want from them and then sold off other components for profit to make back some of the money they spent.

I think many collectors in this and other hobbies support their collecting by offsetting their spending with selling some stuff they don't need.

I think it's great that other collectors promised to get promos for people at cost but your not required to do this and you did not make a promise that your now reneging on.

Thanks Dave.
You couldn't have explained it any better!

Offline RonZombie

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Re: "Who is going to the Philly Show"
« Reply #143 on: May 02, 2010, 01:17:45 PM »

It was great meeting you Shawn! Hopefully we will do it again at the next show!!!
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Offline Playbug

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Re: "Who is going to the Philly Show"
« Reply #144 on: May 02, 2010, 01:29:34 PM »
Just went back and checked out the list of attendee's that I was complining and glad to say I met most there yesterday!

Ronzombie - Ron, Raw Goo - Pat , Monsterette's - Elizabeth, Band Ache - Ernie
Pupsi - Mark, Demented - Frank, Dr. Popper - Rob, Paul Maul - Dave, ratchet007 - (didn't meet)
Slamjim - Dave, Hipton - Cheryl & Mike, Feetina - Steve Brute 88 - Brian

I also met Greg and Matt there as well.

It was cool getting to talk to everyone in person and not having to type everything. HA  :)

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Offline BustedFinger

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Re: "Who is going to the Philly Show"
« Reply #145 on: May 02, 2010, 01:30:53 PM »
I'm probably late to the party again but if anyone has an extra Peepers promo available, I would love to get one as well.
Giving "The Hobby" the finger since 1999!

Offline DrDeal

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Re: "Who is going to the Philly Show"
« Reply #146 on: May 02, 2010, 01:35:20 PM »
I far from greedy. I've spent so much money in this hobby like the rest of you. If I do make a profit it goes right back into the hobby to buy more cards.

If you don't have anything nice to say then keep your mouth shut. I never ripped anyone off in this hobby and don't understand why people always have something negative to say about me. All I do is help other collectors out.

Dear Mr Turbo,

      I would like to offer some advice for your future Ebay listings. When I have resold Regular Wacky Postcards I have stated in my auction that they were also available on Topps online store for more than I was selling my regular set for but the Topps store set would include a bonus card which I had kept. When you saw this listing you emailed me and asked me to stop mentioning in my listings that these postcards were available directly from the Topps website because I was hurting your sales by putting this information in the public domain. While that may be true, I do it because I would prefer not to have someone buy something from me ,  and then later learn that they had other options directly from Topps. Post purchase dissonance is never a good thing and we have all had it. The nasty feeling in your stomach when you think you got a good deal and then you find out you could have gone a different way.By mentioning the Topps store I feel I am promoting the Wacky Hobby and making sure that people have full knowledge of their options prior to buying from me. So if I list 5 Regular Wacky postcards for $5.00 and the Topps store will give you the set with a Bonus card for $8.00 I don't mind if three people pass on my auction and the fourth person is happy with their purchase. You just listed your Philly Promo card but did not mention where it came from. Someone who lives in PA could have driven to show today if you mentioned it was going on today also. Then your ad could have helped the show and your card still would have sold. You listed the Old School binder but did not mention it could be purchased from Topps for much less than you price of $38 I think I recall. Maybe if you love this hobby like most of us do these comments will resonate with you.

Regards,  DrDeal

Offline Feetena

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Re: "Who is going to the Philly Show"
« Reply #147 on: May 02, 2010, 02:02:23 PM »
Just went back and checked out the list of attendee's that I was complining and glad to say I met most there yesterday!

Ronzombie - Ron, Raw Goo - Pat , Monsterette's - Elizabeth, Band Ache - Ernie
Pupsi - Mark, Demented - Frank, Dr. Popper - Rob, Paul Maul - Dave, ratchet007 - (didn't meet)
Slamjim - Dave, Hipton - Cheryl & Mike, Feetina - Steve Brute 88 - Brian

I also met Greg and Matt there as well.

It was cool getting to talk to everyone in person and not having to type everything. HA  :)

I second that...had a great time, it was well worth the trek north for me.  All really good peeps and look forward to the next one! It's nice to finally put real faces to the avatars.

I had no idea what to expect because I haven't been to a hobby show since probably around 1980 at my neighborhood mall on Long Island.  The Merchants Square Mall is an interesting one... being in the commercial real estate biz, I've heard of Class "A" and "B" malls - even B minus -  but this place was a solid "D"!  Not that it took anything away from the day.  The place definitely had character (and characters).

Offline RonZombie

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Re: "Who is going to the Philly Show"
« Reply #148 on: May 02, 2010, 02:13:33 PM »
I far from greedy. I've spent so much money in this hobby like the rest of you. If I do make a profit it goes right back into the hobby to buy more cards.

If you don't have anything nice to say then keep your mouth shut. I never ripped anyone off in this hobby and don't understand why people always have something negative to say about me. All I do is help other collectors out.

Dear Mr Turbo,

      I would like to offer some advice for your future Ebay listings. When I have resold Regular Wacky Postcards I have stated in my auction that they were also available on Topps online store for more than I was selling my regular set for but the Topps store set would include a bonus card which I had kept. When you saw this listing you emailed me and asked me to stop mentioning in my listings that these postcards were available directly from the Topps website because I was hurting your sales by putting this information in the public domain. While that may be true, I do it because I would prefer not to have someone buy something from me ,  and then later learn that they had other options directly from Topps. Post purchase dissonance is never a good thing and we have all had it. The nasty feeling in your stomach when you think you got a good deal and then you find out you could have gone a different way.By mentioning the Topps store I feel I am promoting the Wacky Hobby and making sure that people have full knowledge of their options prior to buying from me. So if I list 5 Regular Wacky postcards for $5.00 and the Topps store will give you the set with a Bonus card for $8.00 I don't mind if three people pass on my auction and the fourth person is happy with their purchase. You just listed your Philly Promo card but did not mention where it came from. Someone who lives in PA could have driven to show today if you mentioned it was going on today also. Then your ad could have helped the show and your card still would have sold. You listed the Old School binder but did not mention it could be purchased from Topps for much less than you price of $38 I think I recall. Maybe if you love this hobby like most of us do these comments will resonate with you.

Regards,  DrDeal

I do'nt know about all the details, but I can say from experience that "Turbo" (Shawn) is a solid guy & a great seller, I have made several deals w/him & was always more than satisfied! Just my "2 cents " worth. Hope you had a "Wacky Weekend"...RonZ 8)
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Re: "Who is going to the Philly Show"
« Reply #149 on: May 02, 2010, 02:39:42 PM »
I needed the Reesees promo also, did anyone hook me up?

Offline deadpresidentsvisa

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Re: "Who is going to the Philly Show"
« Reply #150 on: May 02, 2010, 02:54:02 PM »

Do any of you people have a life? Seems not since all yous do is talk sh** on people. I bought extras of the promo so why does it matter what I do with them. Would you rather have me be greedy and keep all of them? I put one up so collectors that can't make it to the show have a chance to buy one.
I was goi g to list it for $10 and put it up for $19 and uped the price since people bitched I had it up for too low of a price.
I spent a lot of money at the show so don't see what's wrong with trying to make some back. Also I paid for the promos.

By the way I don't eat mcdonalds.

I far from greedy. I've spent so much money in this hobby like the rest of you. If I do make a profit it goes right back into the hobby to buy more cards.

If you don't have anything nice to say then keep your mouth shut. I never ripped anyone off in this hobby and don't understand why people always have something negative to say about me. All I do is help other collectors out.


Offline RawGoo

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Re: "Who is going to the Philly Show"
« Reply #151 on: May 02, 2010, 03:08:22 PM »
I second that...had a great time, it was well worth the trek north for me.  All really good peeps and look forward to the next one! It's nice to finally put real faces to the avatars.

I had no idea what to expect because I haven't been to a hobby show since probably around 1980 at my neighborhood mall on Long Island.  The Merchants Square Mall is an interesting one... being in the commercial real estate biz, I've heard of Class "A" and "B" malls - even B minus -  but this place was a solid "D"!  Not that it took anything away from the day.  The place definitely had character (and characters).
Where did you go to shows on Long Island?  I've lived in Suffolk County since 1977, and have been to a lot of shows on the island.  Used to go to the Creation shows at the Penta in NYC, too.

Funny about that mall yesterday, it has wooden floors, and sheet metal walls.  I would have liked to have been able to explore the stores there.  Lots of cool stuff out on display!  If it weren't for the trip from home to NJ, I'd do the 2 hour drive to that mall as a special nice weather destination day.

Offline Feetena

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Re: "Who is going to the Philly Show"
« Reply #152 on: May 02, 2010, 03:34:47 PM »
Where did you go to shows on Long Island?  I've lived in Suffolk County since 1977, and have been to a lot of shows on the island.  Used to go to the Creation shows at the Penta in NYC, too.

Smithhaven Mall in Nesconset.  I used to go to baseball card shows there when that hobby was still enjoyable - circa 1979-1980.  I grew up in nearby Stony Brook. 

Offline Gurgle

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Re: "Who is going to the Philly Show"
« Reply #153 on: May 02, 2010, 03:37:29 PM »
Ernie, I think it's great that you and John Frick picked up extras and are looking out for collectors on the forum. This type of thing is one of the best aspects of the group.

Offline ScaryLee

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Re: "Who is going to the Philly Show"
« Reply #154 on: May 02, 2010, 04:01:54 PM »
Can you publish your list as I am with the others, it is not clear who you are covering.

I dont even have a list yet. 7 people responded here followed by me responding that all 7 of you are covered. Not sure how that could cause confusion. I am also covering Plastered Peanut.

Offline Duznt

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Re: "Who is going to the Philly Show"
« Reply #155 on: May 02, 2010, 04:05:45 PM »
I do'nt know about all the details, but I can say from experience that "Turbo" (Shawn) is a solid guy & a great seller, I have made several deals w/him & was always more than satisfied! Just my "2 cents " worth. Hope you had a "Wacky Weekend"...RonZ 8)

I second that!  :D

Offline NEZHEAD42

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Re: "Who is going to the Philly Show"
« Reply #156 on: May 02, 2010, 06:16:36 PM »
If I can get in on this, that would be swell. Anyone that has an extra promo to sell, please contact me. Thanks kindly.
 I got one off ebay just now, so take me out of the running. It was cool of everyone to get extras for the members here. This hobby is too cool.
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Offline bandaches

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Re: "Who is going to the Philly Show"
« Reply #157 on: May 02, 2010, 07:58:06 PM »
I dont even have a list yet. 7 people responded here followed by me responding that all 7 of you are covered. Not sure how that could cause confusion. I am also covering Plastered Peanut.
"I am also covering Plastered Peanut" who was not in the first seven responses made it very confusing and not only did Dave not know he was covered from the posts, several of us others who have extras were trying to dance around your list to cover the others.

What is so hard about just listing who you have covered?
Contact me at as I have tons of wackys for sale!  Visit my website

Offline bandaches

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Re: "Who is going to the Philly Show"
« Reply #158 on: May 02, 2010, 08:02:35 PM »
I second that...had a great time, it was well worth the trek north for me.  All really good peeps and look forward to the next one! It's nice to finally put real faces to the avatars.

I had no idea what to expect because I haven't been to a hobby show since probably around 1980 at my neighborhood mall on Long Island.  The Merchants Square Mall is an interesting one... being in the commercial real estate biz, I've heard of Class "A" and "B" malls - even B minus -  but this place was a solid "D"!  Not that it took anything away from the day.  The place definitely had character (and characters).
Speaking of characters, you needed to see the one who greeted me and Ron when I helped Ron carry stuff to his car and he could pick up the sheet from me.  The guy scared the shit out of both of us, I had thoughts of us climbing into my car and waiting until he went away.  Watcha say Ron, eerie eh?
Contact me at as I have tons of wackys for sale!  Visit my website

Offline RonZombie

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Re: "Who is going to the Philly Show"
« Reply #159 on: May 02, 2010, 08:08:16 PM »
Speaking of characters, you needed to see the one who greeted me and Ron when I helped Ron carry stuff to his car and he could pick up the sheet from me.  The guy scared the shit out of both of us, I had thoughts of us climbing into my car and waiting until he went away.  Watcha say Ron, eerie eh?
LOL! That guy was Creepy with a capital "C"!!! Like you said I was ready to "Run for cover" :o
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Offline Feetena

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Re: "Who is going to the Philly Show"
« Reply #160 on: May 02, 2010, 08:19:20 PM »
LOL! That guy was Creepy with a capital "C"!!! Like you said I was ready to "Run for cover" :o

It was this guy!:

Offline RonZombie

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Re: "Who is going to the Philly Show"
« Reply #161 on: May 02, 2010, 08:21:10 PM »
It was this guy!:

(Image removed from quote.)
He actualy looked a little like that!!!
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Offline bandaches

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Re: "Who is going to the Philly Show"
« Reply #162 on: May 02, 2010, 09:18:57 PM »
It was this guy!:

(Image removed from quote.)
Holy crap, did you see him?  He really looked like that!

BTW - great to meet in person, wish we had a chance to chat even more.  October show won't have the pinball show to create competition for time!
Contact me at as I have tons of wackys for sale!  Visit my website

Offline Feetena

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Re: "Who is going to the Philly Show"
« Reply #163 on: May 02, 2010, 09:26:22 PM »
I think I did see him...was he the guy walking around with the uncut wonder bread sheet that looked like it was pulled from the bottom of the ocean?

Nice meeting you too Ernie!

Offline bandaches

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Re: "Who is going to the Philly Show"
« Reply #164 on: May 02, 2010, 09:36:03 PM »
I think I did see him...was he the guy walking around with the uncut wonder bread sheet that looked like it was pulled from the bottom of the ocean?

Nice meeting you too Ernie!
Oh crap, I forgot about that guy, totally different guy but I think creep looks more like him than the car dude!  Great call out!

You are right, that series 1 wonderbread sheet definitely looked like it washed ashore.  I came across that guy because he was walking around the show trying to sell stuff to dealers there and one of my dealer friends beckoned me as he didn't want to deal with buying wackys.  I bought very nice Cracked Animals and Weakies Diecuts from the guy but I couldn't buy this trainwreck sheet as he kept insisting it must be super valuable and super rare so I took him out of the show to the table of collectors and urged him to find someone there who might want it.  greg kept barking out, I will give you $35 for it, don't know what ended up happening as I ducked back into the show.

Contact me at as I have tons of wackys for sale!  Visit my website

Offline ScaryLee

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Re: "Who is going to the Philly Show"
« Reply #165 on: May 02, 2010, 09:50:11 PM »
Ok here is a list of who i've given (sold) a promo to:

dr sushi

I wish I would have took the time to gotten even more but no matter how many there would always be somebody else that wants one. Hopefully someone else here can help some people out.

Offline bandaches

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Re: "Who is going to the Philly Show"
« Reply #166 on: May 02, 2010, 10:13:41 PM »
Ok here is a list of who i've given (sold) a promo to:

dr sushi

I wish I would have took the time to gotten even more but no matter how many there would always be somebody else that wants one. Hopefully someone else here can help some people out.
I tried to hold to my word to cover the first folks to respond to my original offer to grab some for people but you have some of them covered.  I have Brad, BigTomi and Sue Me covered(althought Sue me hasn't been on recently so I am not sure what is up with that).  I got access to a 4th extra one and will cover Martin.  If Sue me doesn't claim that one, then I will cover Head and Boulders.  I mentioned to everyone that you could buy 2 extra sets, it wasn't well advertised that you could but I don't know how many people went back and bought two more.
Contact me at as I have tons of wackys for sale!  Visit my website

Offline Plan 9

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Re: "Who is going to the Philly Show"
« Reply #167 on: May 03, 2010, 01:18:24 AM »
I posted in the trading section but this site is so sprawling I wonder how many members ever see it all. I have a 2ft. tall De-Mented LTL decal and a 2ft. tall IOU decal. I'm willing to trade either of these for three Peepers postcards in anyone is interested.

Offline BumChex

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Re: "Who is going to the Philly Show"
« Reply #168 on: May 03, 2010, 07:24:17 AM »

Do any of you people have a life? Seems not since all yous do is talk sh** on people. I bought extras of the promo so why does it matter what I do with them. Would you rather have me be greedy and keep all of them? I put one up so collectors that can't make it to the show have a chance to buy one.
I was goi g to list it for $10 and put it up for $19 and uped the price since people bitched I had it up for too low of a price.
I spent a lot of money at the show so don't see what's wrong with trying to make some back. Also I paid for the promos.

By the way I don't eat mcdonalds.

I far from greedy. I've spent so much money in this hobby like the rest of you. If I do make a profit it goes right back into the hobby to buy more cards.

If you don't have anything nice to say then keep your mouth shut. I never ripped anyone off in this hobby and don't understand why people always have something negative to say about me. All I do is help other collectors out.

I think you can sell anything you want for whatever price people will pay. I think we just thought it was funny when you sold the red envelope from OLDS. The funny part is that someone bought it. As long as there is a market why not.

Offline BumChex

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Re: "Who is going to the Philly Show"
« Reply #169 on: May 03, 2010, 07:27:55 AM »
I posted in the trading section but this site is so sprawling I wonder how many members ever see it all. I have a 2ft. tall De-Mented LTL decal and a 2ft. tall IOU decal. I'm willing to trade either of these for three Peepers postcards in anyone is interested.

Do you guys think we should just have one category for all trading and selling? The issue is, like the other forum, that when they are all put under one category it's hard to go back to find what is being offered. Everything get's put into bucket for you to search through. This way if you are looking to trade you go to the trade section. If you are looking just to buy go to the selling section. You may want to review both if there is something you really need quickly.

Offline BustedFinger

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Re: "Who is going to the Philly Show"
« Reply #170 on: May 03, 2010, 07:46:43 AM »
Anybody snap any photos from the show/gathering?
Giving "The Hobby" the finger since 1999!

Offline Turbo

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Re: "Who is going to the Philly Show"
« Reply #171 on: May 03, 2010, 08:00:52 AM »


IM far from greedy. I've spent so much money in this hobby like the rest of you. If I do make a profit it goes right back into the hobby to buy more cards.

If you don't have anything nice to say then keep your mouth shut. I never ripped anyone off in this hobby and don't understand why people always have something negative to say about me. All I do is help other collectors out.

Dear Mr Turbo,

      I would like to offer some advice for your future Ebay listings. When I have resold Regular Wacky Postcards I have stated in my auction that they were also available on Topps online store for more than I was selling my regular set for but the Topps store set would include a bonus card which I had kept. When you saw this listing you emailed me and asked me to stop mentioning in my listings that these postcards were available directly from the Topps website because I was hurting your sales by putting this information in the public domain. While that may be true, I do it because I would prefer not to have someone buy something from me ,  and then later learn that they had other options directly from Topps. Post purchase dissonance is never a good thing and we have all had it. The nasty feeling in your stomach when you think you got a good deal and then you find out you could have gone a different way.By mentioning the Topps store I feel I am promoting the Wacky Hobby and making sure that people have full knowledge of their options prior to buying from me. So if I list 5 Regular Wacky postcards for $5.00 and the Topps store will give you the set with a Bonus card for $8.00 I don't mind if three people pass on my auction and the fourth person is happy with their purchase. You just listed your Philly Promo card but did not mention where it came from. Someone who lives in PA could have driven to show today if you mentioned it was going on today also. Then your ad could have helped the show and your card still would have sold. You listed the Old School binder but did not mention it could be purchased from Topps for much less than you price of $38 I think I recall. Maybe if you love this hobby like most of us do these comments will resonate with you.

Regards,  DrDeal

love the hobby like the rest of you, come on man.
If I didn't love the hobby I wouldn't go to card shows and walk around all day in my back brace with a broken spine  and drive hours and spend all the money I saved for years on cards for my personal collection. I even sold one of my cars to buy more cards, but I guess that means I don't love this hobby. Come on.
I Also buy stuff for other collectors I know if I see something they been looking for and 95% of the time I give it to them for exactly what I paid and some give extra for my time which is nice and that money also goes right back in to buy more cards.

I'm using the  iPhone selling app and forgot to type in Philly show promo which I have done on previous Philly promos I sold in the past and used a base desrciption, which isn't a excuse but I was so into the show and I just wanted to get one of my extras up on eBay to give other collectors a chance to own one and was bitched at for only putting it up for $19.99 as others said these will sell for $50, sorry I can't make everyone happy.. People
emailed me on my auction And asked where it was from and I told them
from the Philly nonsports show. Also another member sent me a email weeks ago with a pic of the promo and said these will be at the show so I figured everyone knew,  I told people in other states and around pa I know about coming to the show and they couldn't make it. I try and help promote it to try and get other collectors to come and some people don't want to drive that far or have other plans.
 Im also helping the trading card museum promote their website and handing out promos for them and giving them  in orders to get people to their site. Just selling wackys on eBay is helping the hobby. Even when my postcard sets sell for really high I take all the profits and buy more from topps, so what's wrong with that. I haven't pocketed a penny from this hobby and actually still in debt from
cards so If you think I'm making a living off this your wrong. All this has done was make me spend the money I saved for years and years and still have awhile to go till I'm debt free from
cards, but it doesn't bother me since this is what my passion is.
If you would come to my house you would see how much I love cards. I have 4 rooms in my house filled with cases, boxes and sets. I would keep everything If I could but have to sell some to get some money back. I'm sorry everyone for all the rambling but I'm soo tired of this of having to explain myself on here all the time. If you don't like me then keep it to yourself and out of your post. I never badmouthed anyone in this hobby.

With the postcards I didn't know I needed to list I bought them from topps online store when the postcard says on the back where you can buy them. Most of the people that buy from me have the other series sets and I'm sure they looked at the back of the card and seen topps online store, Which I know they have and I told most of them they can buy the same thing from topps store,some
of my direct customers don't have paypal or credit cards and only send cash or money orders, does topps accept those forms of payment?. So when you list ans or os sets or boxes do you list that you bought them
from lockwood, the store or on eBay? I didn't think so.

When you buy from wholesalers or distrubtors do they tell you where they buy from? No. I feel I didn't do anything wrong when the card says on the back where it came from
and it's the same people that buy from me and they know topps online
store has them but love the service I provide and i include free extras in almost every order. You bitch that I don't list these are from topps store and the buyers thank me for listing them. WhAt about the other 50 sellers that sell the postcards and don't list where there from, do yous send them emails of post about it, I feel I get singled out all the time for everything I do and then for something that says on the back of card, topps online store exclusive.

I only signed up on here to defend myself against rude posts. I'm done on this forum since it's drama all the time. I thought everyone is here to talk about cards and meet new people but that's far from
what these forums are.

I'll stick to gregs site where stuff like this isn't welcomed there anymore.

There is a lot of cool people on here and it was nice meeting some of you's.

Ron your a awesome guy and hope to see you again and hang out, it was fun.

 I get the same emails from
people when I have other things listed for cheap that I'm hurting everyone else, your not the only one that gets emails.
Another note
have any of you's every talked with Cardgarys or done deals with him? I have and Gary is one of the nicest sellers out there and everyone bashes everything he does, are people jealous that he has the money to buy everything? Yeah it sucks when one person buys everything and marks it up but that's the American way. So do you people go to walmart and say you don't have on the item where you bought it from
and I know yous paid $5 and are selling it for $10?

I would appreciate  if people could leave me
out of their posts if it's something that isn't nice and I'll stay off this forum to make everyone happy. Just look at it as I'm dead or invisible and life will be better for all.
I only found out about the posts about me at the card show from other collectors and I knew by listing one of my extra promos this would happen.

Thank you
it was nice meeting a bunch of you's at the show.
Peace out

Ps. I'm using a iPhone to type this and 3 times now this site froze
my Internet on iPhone and closed all the other broweser I had open and I had to power off iPhone 3 times now and power back on to type this when the site says iPhone native. Odd
I never had this problem on the other forum.

I have one extra Reeses peepers promos if anyone wants to trade or buy. First pm gets it.

Offline Turbo

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Re: "Who is going to the Philly Show"
« Reply #172 on: May 03, 2010, 08:10:14 AM »
I think you can sell anything you want for whatever price people will pay. I think we just thought it was funny when you sold the red envelope from OLDS. The funny part is that someone bought it. As long as there is a market why not.

How is it funny selling a empty red envelope. So is it funny selling empty wrappers? I sold 9 of them as some collectors didn't want to buy a full box or a 5x7 set and just wanted the envelope as it's part of the series. I thought they were nice looking and would of bought one if I didn't buy any boxes. I would sell them for $1 if I could but with fees and shipping you have to charge way more.

I'm having problems with your site brad using the iPhone, has anyone else encountered any problems using a iPhone? I'm scrolling down far and my post is showing up in the wrong box.

Offline BumChex

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Re: "Who is going to the Philly Show"
« Reply #173 on: May 03, 2010, 08:34:41 AM »

How is it funny selling a empty red envelope. So is it funny selling empty wrappers? I sold 9 of them as some collectors didn't want to buy a full box or a 5x7 set and just wanted the envelope as it's part of the series. I thought they were nice looking and would of bought one if I didn't buy any boxes. I would sell them for $1 if I could but with fees and shipping you have to charge way more.

I'm having problems with your site brad using the iPhone, has anyone else encountered any problems using a iPhone? I'm scrolling down far and my post is showing up in the wrong box.

There is no problem posting with an iphone or ipad the problem is when you quote someone. For some reason the scroll bar doesn't show up when you reply. I am not quite sure why. I have also updated the site to use the Tapatalk app. This app is still in beta for this forum software. The software is quite improved from the last release but it's still not perfect. Some of the quotes are working quite properly yet. You should give the app a try.

Offline Dr Popper

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Re: "Who is going to the Philly Show"
« Reply #174 on: May 03, 2010, 08:45:26 AM »
Ok here is a list of who i've given (sold) a promo to:

dr sushi

I wish I would have took the time to gotten even more but no matter how many there would always be somebody else that wants one. Hopefully someone else here can help some people out.

I bought the 2 extra they allowed and I have one promised to someone, but the other one I'm glad to sell at cost if anyone gets shorted.
Dr Popper (aka Rob Palmer)