I think I now know why auctions by Turbo and Thejoje bug me so much. Nothing against these guys at all (Turbo, don't take this the wrong way and think you have to defend yourself, this is only my observation of your sales).
I understand that guys have to sell stuff but for me the biggest issue is the postcards. I believe the limited edition post cards have to be complete with everything you get with a LE postcard such as the sketch, certificate, bio cards, & special insert. I see auctions where they sell all the pieces individually and totally destroy the whole package. Maybe I am wrong here but I like to get everything with a LE set. Maybe people are used to subsets and such with special inserts but I want the whole think in tact when I buy it. I have a few postcard sketches that I have purchased and traded for but without all the other stuff it's not the same.
My belief is that all the stuff that comes with the LE sketch cards belong with the sketch card set. There are only 200 or so of each LE post card set and with all the pieces sold off it just bugs me. Again this is my opinion but I believe they are sold that way as a total LE set. You don't get them with the regular post cards for a reason because it's not an LE set.
You could say, why are people buying the OLDS sketches and that is part of the set. I don't see it that way since it's not a limited edition that goes with the all the cards that make up the LE set.
I do believe that the people that retain the whole set of postcards will be better off. This could be due to resell or trade value.
Do you all agree this makes sense with the post cards or am I just the only one?
Another analogy is I sold a Harry Potter LE 5 disc Blue-Ray set on ebay and a guy sent it back to me because it was missing one of the bookmarks. He got it for $60, which is a hell of a deal for 5 blu-ray movies and he spent $12 sending it back to me because it wasn't complete. I sold it because of the movies but he didn't see it that way. He wanted the whole LE set.
You do the same thing and sell your extra postcard sets, bio sets and bonus cards in seperate listings.
So your telling me you don't sell the bonus card, postcards and bio set seprately? I seen you sell just the postcards and just the bio set by themselves on other postcard series without the sketch card.
When I sell a sketch the COA goes with it, I don't break it up like joje.
The bonus card, bio set and postcards aren't numbered like the sketch and coa so what's the big deal and some people only want the sketch and coa.
So it's ok for you to sell your postcards, bio set and bonus card seprately without the sketch and coa but not ok for me.
Any sketch I ever sold the coa goes with it, and the only time I sell a sketch is if it's a double.
So your selling your colored sketch on eBay for $799 without the postcards, bio card and bonus card which is way more then I would sell the smokin Joe colored I pulled but since I'm a collector I'm keeping my color sketch I pulled.
I don't get why you posted my name when I do the same thing you do and I never sold a sketch without a coa.