I found it for ya.
OK, I was thinking of starting my own topic on this but here seems a great place to lay it all out. This goes back maybe 4 or 5 months ago. I own a metal detector and before my spinal cord injury I was an avid searcher. Not many days would go by before I would get the itch to dig something out of the ground that someone had lost. In 35+ years of looking I have found many nice things, gold and silver jewelry, hundreds of silver coins...even a large cent from 1828, my oldest coin found. People would call me on the phone and ask me if I could come over and help find lost things, wedding bands and what not, most of the time if the item was actually lost in that area I would find it. I only go out a few times a year anymore, its all my body can handle, but I enjoy it.
OK, lets Flashback to Flashback 2 2008. I do remember buying a gravity feed and some loose packs (maybe 50 to 60) I had ordered 3 24 pack boxes from a local card shop, I bought all these cards on the same day. Over the next few days to weeks I opened a few, just about 10-15 packs in I pulled a Gold, I was very excited, it was my first big wacky score. I put the rest of the packs in a box sealed it but never wrote on the box what was in it. A few months ago I was cleaning out a part of my garage that had stacks of boxes from before my injury (may 2012). I was confused as to what was in the sealed (with packing tape) boxes...the open ones I could see, duh. So I placed all the boxes with tape off to the side. I stacked them next to a shelf/table that I do work on. I started opening the boxes and found that all but 1 of the boxes were filled with books (i like books). I get to the last box, I open it to see all these Beautiful green Flashback 2 unopened packs.(if you have any flashback 2 wrappers check them out they are the coolest wacky wrapper of modern times) I take out a few packs and open them looked and laughed then said now what am I going to do with these loose stickers...so I stuck em. Meanwhile back at the table after I sealed up the box and wrote the contents on it, I looked over and saw my metal detector. Thinking, did I ever take the batteries out at the end of the season? So I pushed the button and on it came. As soon as it cycled through its opening boot it started beeping. It beeps when the coil (the end that detects) is near metal. I thought it might have been the nails in the table but moving the coil away from where it was closer to the box it got louder instead of stopping. Of course I'm thinking what could be causing this very loud target? I ran the machine over the box a few times always getting the same large hit! So I dump the box out, all 100+ packs and start going over each one. About half way through I find the HOT PACK with a PRINTING PLATE in it.
The pack remains UNOPENED...
Why on earth I didn't do this years ago, I have no idea...but thinking about it, I guess I'm just not a pack searcher...Funny how things happen. ENJOY