While it's not the most "professional" way to handle things, this is the approach that I took regarding the "What to do with my junk when I'm gone" issue: A few years ago, I started traveling a lot. In the early days, I just informed my daughter that I would be away for a while, and gave her the numbers and addresses of the places that I would be as contact info. In the event of my demise, I instructed her to go to a certain binder to obtain her life insurance beneficiary documents, as well as the keys to various safety deposit boxes. More recently, I added another binder next to the life insurance binder that contains a whole bunch of info regarding my collections, primarily the Wacky Packages. In the front of this binder is a page consisting of the names and numbers of individuals who may be interested in buying the collection as a whole. In the event that there were no "bulk" takers, the rest of the binder has photos of what each series & item in the collection looks like, with a ball-park figure as to what it would go for, in the event that she decided to piece-out the collection on eBay, or through private deals. Once I'm gone, I obviously will have no need for my Wackys, but I would like to think that they would end up in a collector's hands who enjoys them. Oh, and I would like to think that my daughter would be able to make some profit from something that she has no personal interest in!