Sadly I'm not getting group interaction on this thread. I will continue with comparison images for the sake of completing the task, but I won't go into extra details anymore. Not worth the extra effort since nobody cares.
Next is Reaganets compared to real-life Raisinets.

Speaking of this one, I wish that they had done Goobers in this series to go with Raisinets, specifically with the former's packaging being very similar to the latter's, but with (I think) blue lettering in the name.
These two products also had a TV commercial jingle back in 1971, which went like this:
"The chocolate covered candies that pour!
Goobers and Raisinets! Goobers and Raisinets!
Goobers are delicious peanuts covered with chocolate!
Raisinets are raisins covered with chocolate, too!
Goobers and Raisinets! The chocolate covered candies that pour!"