On to the 1985 Series titles.
For some reason, exact real product images are very difficult to find, compared to the original series. So anyone who has better images, feel free to share them, along with facts or other details regarding the parody or product. As much as I'm having a blast posting these, I'm more excited to see group participation. I'm going to try to post these weekly, if not sooner.
First on the checklist is TV Ghoul. Magazine parodies usually don't follow an exact cover to spoof, so this one is just OK. Posted is an image of the 1985 TV Guide Fall Preview cover. I also included an image of the Original Series 11 TV Garbage to show as a comparison, and they reused the "Newlydead Game" joke on the cover.
I actually would have loved to see a TP Guide parody (just the logo on the ANS9 Awful Apps set). Imagine the TV show listings on the cover...Crapper John MD, The Toilet Zone, Kung Poo, etc.