Thanks, slamjim, but I'm looking for ANS and Flashback, not OLDS.
Does anyone here know of any other promo flyers for the modern run? So far as I've seen both on eBay and Greg's web page, there's promo flyers for ANS1 (four of them), ANS5, ANS6, Flashback (two of them) and Flashback 2 (with one listing of the fifth one priced at $59.97/$5.95 S&H because the seller says that it's "hard of find"). Do ANS2, ANS3 and ANS4 have them at all?
I found out that Flashback has two promo flyers - a one-page one and a four page one. The four-page one is the only one of the two that I saw on eBay and it's listed there three times ($29.97/free shipping, $7.91/free shipping and $10.00/$6.95 shipping). Flashback 2, however, has only one promo flyer and it's listed on eBay two times ($59.97/$5.95 shipping and $29.95/$4.95 shipping).