Does anyone know anything about these having 2 different backs? There seems to be discussions on this as of lately. I have some where the copyright is bottom/right side and top/left side. Is there any info anywhere on this and is one more rare then the other? Thanks
yes. I noticed this not long after the set came out years ago. I had a few examples, but never pursued them in detail.
Recently though, Greg Grant was updating his website to include all the information on the ANS11 series. I let him know that there were die-cut variations, which he'd also need to include, but I didn't have much detail on them at the time.
Since then, we've both looked at a good number of die-cut cards, and it appears that it's only the upper half of the set (28-55) that has both orientations of the copyright text.
The lower # half only has one orientation, without variation.
It also seemed like the two orientations of the text for the higher # cards was evenly split. i.e. neither was 'rare'.
Here's what Greg has written up so far., I'm curious where these recent discussions are taking place that you mention?