Author Topic: 2023 Wacky Packs Flashback ‘73 online set  (Read 32915 times)

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Offline drono

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Re: 2023 Wacky Packs Flashback ‘73 online set
« Reply #70 on: June 28, 2023, 10:21:08 AM »
The real shame is that the pricing pretty much guarantees that they're not seeking a new audience.  No one would spend almost $1K to buy something they didn't already love as a kid...and the kids certainly can't plop down $90+ only hoping to get a full set.  Those glorious days of our childhood are gone.  :'(

Offline JailOJohn

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Re: 2023 Wacky Packs Flashback ‘73 online set
« Reply #71 on: June 28, 2023, 10:24:42 AM »
I agree with Pat-disappointing. All stickers are reprints, with Flower power backgrounds, like the first 2 Flashbacks. Chasers are nice, but appear so infrequently that it would cost hundreds to complete a set with chasers. There are 50 base cards. The difference being in Flashback 1 and 2 you could open packs, I think a pack of 10 cards were $2 or $2.99. Now, one box in a bag costs $20, it gets you 13 cards, 10 base stickers, 1 checklist and 1 coupon plus another hit. So, cards are literally 10 times more expensive as the previous retail Flashback sets. Add in the trouble I've had getting online all day so far, and this is not a pleasant experience. Maybe most collectors can afford more than me, but for less money, I'd rather buy Original Series stickers, NOS of Flashback Series 1 and 2, or even minis or erasers....
« Last Edit: June 28, 2023, 10:36:05 AM by JailOJohn »

Offline Fanatical_and_Sickly

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Re: 2023 Wacky Packs Flashback ‘73 online set
« Reply #72 on: June 28, 2023, 10:32:06 AM »
I figure it is the same way as last time.
I would say it’s the same as last time as well.
Either one pack in a lunch sack or five packs in the lunch sack.
Website details and descriptions are definitely not their strong point.

Offline RawGoo

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Re: 2023 Wacky Packs Flashback ‘73 online set
« Reply #73 on: June 28, 2023, 10:32:49 AM »
At least without the silver borders you should have a chance at the 5 Attackys and 5 Portraits.

Offline Swiski

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Re: 2023 Wacky Packs Flashback ‘73 online set
« Reply #74 on: June 28, 2023, 10:39:31 AM »
Quoting Lando Calrissian from The Empire Strikes Back - "This deal is getting worse all the time!"

Well, that's how I feel about EVERYTHING these days!

Regarding Topps handling Wacky Packages these days...The "old guard" who ran Topps in the old days understood what collectors wanted, and made it more of a gratifying and enjoyable experience. Unfortunately, those days and people are all gone. The "new guard" running Topps seems to be motivated by greed and lack of enthusiasm for the Wacky Packages brand. The Attacky Packages and Portraits are welcome as always, but you wont get a full set without forking over a few hundred dollars.

Offline sco(o)t

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Re: 2023 Wacky Packs Flashback ‘73 online set
« Reply #75 on: June 28, 2023, 11:31:15 AM »
 The Attacky Packages and Portraits are welcome as always, but you wont get a full set without forking over a few hundred dollars.

Also, keep in mind that sometimes there are short titles within the chase sets and base set itself. I really splurged and ordered 3 of the 5 packs. But even then, I bet there will end up being one portrait and/or Wacky Attackys I will have to be trading for.   :]
aka Scot Leibacher (no trademark)

Offline JailOJohn

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Re: 2023 Wacky Packs Flashback ‘73 online set
« Reply #76 on: June 28, 2023, 11:51:34 AM »
A quick look at their checklist finds a MAXIMUM of 15 titles of their 50 base stickers that have NOT  been reprinted between re-issues and the first two Flashback sets....some titles have been reprinted multiple times. I get it that the "old gaurd" doesn't work there or run the company any more, but they could at least not rip us off by making us pay $2 per reprint sticker...and then giving us doubles. It seems they figured out that selling complete sets doesn't milk the base as well as blind packs. We DO enjoy opening packs... just not when it is SO expensive...

Offline Paul_Maul

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Re: 2023 Wacky Packs Flashback ‘73 online set
« Reply #77 on: June 28, 2023, 12:22:34 PM »
A quick look at their checklist finds a MAXIMUM of 15 titles of their 50 base stickers that have NOT  been reprinted between re-issues and the first two Flashback sets....some titles have been reprinted multiple times. I get it that the "old gaurd" doesn't work there or run the company any more, but they could at least not rip us off by making us pay $2 per reprint sticker...and then giving us doubles. It seems they figured out that selling complete sets doesn't milk the base as well as blind packs. We DO enjoy opening packs... just not when it is SO expensive...

I’m a bit confused as to what people were expecting. Topps can’t be expected to design a new set worrying about what was produced 15 years ago. That would rule out the use of all the most high profile titles.  I love the idea of a tribute to the 50th anniversary of 1973, but I kinda figured it would be very much like the original flashback series and that the actual product would be a bit less exciting than the concept.

Offline RawGoo

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Re: 2023 Wacky Packs Flashback ‘73 online set
« Reply #78 on: June 28, 2023, 02:10:42 PM »
I’m a bit confused as to what people were expecting. Topps can’t be expected to design a new set worrying about what was produced 15 years ago. That would rule out the use of all the most high profile titles.  I love the idea of a tribute to the 50th anniversary of 1973, but I kinda figured it would be very much like the original flashback series and that the actual product would be a bit less exciting than the concept.

To be perfectly honest Dave, I'm not sure what I expected, but when I heard "Flashbacks" last week I was less than thrilled, mostly because Topps stopped kiss-cutting their stickers, and I was afraid they would continue.  Unfortunately, Topps met my low expectations.  At least with FB1 and FB2 I could pull off the borders and make believe they were originals!

Then too, they are reusing many titles, instead of proceeding as Chrome with Series 4 in it's entirety.  I don't know, I am just disappointed.  Can't really explain why (obviously).   :-\

Offline JailOJohn

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Re: 2023 Wacky Packs Flashback ‘73 online set
« Reply #79 on: June 28, 2023, 02:22:58 PM »
Maybe we have reached the saturation point where almost all Original Series titles have been reprinted. Basic Math says there were about 480 stickers in the Original 16 series. There were 408 reprints, between the 1979/1980 re-issues and the first two Flashback series. There has been some duplication of titles of reprints, leaving perhaps 70-80 titles that have never bern reprinted. Maybe fewer if you factor in pulled titles.  It would ruin the 50th anniversary vibe, but I feel they could get a couple of series out of titles that have not been reprinted. Maybe dont gouge us quite so much on the price….
« Last Edit: June 28, 2023, 03:22:29 PM by JailOJohn »

Offline Paul_Maul

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Re: 2023 Wacky Packs Flashback ‘73 online set
« Reply #80 on: June 28, 2023, 03:04:45 PM »
To be perfectly honest Dave, I'm not sure what I expected, but when I heard "Flashbacks" last week I was less than thrilled, mostly because Topps stopped kiss-cutting their stickers, and I was afraid they would continue.  Unfortunately, Topps met my low expectations.  At least with FB1 and FB2 I could pull off the borders and make believe they were originals!

Then too, they are reusing many titles, instead of proceeding as Chrome with Series 4 in it's entirety.  I don't know, I am just disappointed.  Can't really explain why (obviously).   :-\

The lack of kiss cutting really isn’t cool given that their ad for the series shows stickers (without borders) stuck to lockers.

« Last Edit: June 28, 2023, 03:06:46 PM by Paul_Maul »

Offline BattleCaps

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Re: 2023 Wacky Packs Flashback ‘73 online set
« Reply #81 on: June 28, 2023, 03:17:32 PM »
I have to agree with general sentiment here so far.

  Not very excited about these as many of these have been reprinted already.

  Since the attackys and portrait are listed on the checklist, I assume (and hope) that they will be more plentiful than the comics in the 2023 ANS set. I am really only interested in  these because they are new designs.

 I haven't decided what I am going to do yet

Offline Fanatical_and_Sickly

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Re: 2023 Wacky Packs Flashback ‘73 online set
« Reply #82 on: June 28, 2023, 04:15:22 PM »
The lack of kiss cutting really isn’t cool given that their ad for the series shows stickers (without borders) stuck to lockers.

(Image removed from quote.)
they did the same thing for the ANS set. 
if they aren't actually kiss-cut, then they shouldn't be advertised that way.

Offline MoldRush

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Re: 2023 Wacky Packs Flashback ‘73 online set
« Reply #83 on: June 28, 2023, 04:19:55 PM »
Wacky Flashback. It's just what the doctor ordered

That’s awesome.  Great characters to zoom in on.

Offline Fanatical_and_Sickly

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Re: 2023 Wacky Packs Flashback ‘73 online set
« Reply #84 on: June 28, 2023, 04:22:05 PM »
does Topps know that the Wormy Packages that they're using is the 1982 Album version and not the 1973 version?
Guess that would be a 'no'.

Offline Paul_Maul

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Re: 2023 Wacky Packs Flashback ‘73 online set
« Reply #85 on: June 28, 2023, 04:24:30 PM »
does Topps know that the Wormy Packages that they're using is the 1982 Album version and not the 1973 version?
Guess that would be a 'no’…


Offline BustedFinger

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Re: 2023 Wacky Packs Flashback ‘73 online set
« Reply #86 on: June 28, 2023, 04:43:32 PM »
Glad I have opted out of all these new sets for several years now.  Just glad to see no Choke Wagon in the set.  Some things from the O.S. should remain in the O.S.  And Pat, Bum Chex was reprinted in Flashback 1
Giving "The Hobby" the finger since 1999!

Offline drono

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Re: 2023 Wacky Packs Flashback ‘73 online set
« Reply #87 on: June 28, 2023, 08:00:09 PM »
I’m a bit confused as to what people were expecting. Topps can’t be expected to design a new set worrying about what was produced 15 years ago. That would rule out the use of all the most high profile titles.  I love the idea of a tribute to the 50th anniversary of 1973, but I kinda figured it would be very much like the original flashback series and that the actual product would be a bit less exciting than the concept.

Topps delivered exactly what I expected - underwhelming and overpriced.

I think if they'd just done a base set of 50 with coupon backs and added in the extra hits per pack of the portraits, attackys, foil, and sketch cards, that would have been super.  The coupons are what really make the set stand out as brand new, and Topps has made them impossible to obtain without spending $1K+.  How is that a tribute for those of us who spent our nickels, dimes, and quarters running all around town tracking them down as kids?

Offline JailOJohn

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Re: 2023 Wacky Packs Flashback ‘73 online set
« Reply #88 on: June 28, 2023, 08:13:17 PM »
Internet calculator says 10 cents in 1973 equals 69 cents today. Packs contained 2 stickers, so multiply times 10 to get apples to apples.  Price would be $6.90. Allow Topps some extra profit, box of 10 should be no more than $10…not $20…The extra packaging is NOT worth an extra $10…..just my two cents worth…
« Last Edit: June 29, 2023, 08:26:44 AM by JailOJohn »

Offline bludevilok

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Re: 2023 Wacky Packs Flashback ‘73 online set
« Reply #89 on: June 28, 2023, 10:44:11 PM »
Well, I bit the bullet and bought some of this set.  It's about what I expected.  I like the idea of having the portraits and LOVE the idea of a few Attacky Packages (which will probably be as difficult to get as the comics in the 2023 set). But I could do without the rainbow foil parallels, which just takes up space from getting a chase that I really want.  It looks like another trading frenzy could ensue in about 6 weeks.

I DO hope that I actually get a coupon back in each pack this time.... :-\
« Last Edit: June 28, 2023, 10:57:46 PM by bludevilok »

Offline Plastered Peanut

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Re: 2023 Wacky Packs Flashback ‘73 online set
« Reply #90 on: June 28, 2023, 11:52:02 PM »
A quick look at their checklist finds a MAXIMUM of 15 titles of their 50 base stickers that have NOT  been reprinted between re-issues and the first two Flashback sets...

If you count the FB1&2 poster prints separate from their respective OS prints, I count a total of 17 titles that have NOT been reprinted.

If I could change one thing, I'd have done away with the rainbow foils, and instead have "bonus" titles that would have given us the Milk Foam poster art and the lost Winsome from OS4, among others.   Maybe even Bent and Quake 'n Ache with the original art taglines that were removed in the OS4 production.
Send me your borderless wackys!

Offline Plastered Peanut

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Re: 2023 Wacky Packs Flashback ‘73 online set
« Reply #91 on: June 29, 2023, 01:34:02 AM »
I’m a bit confused as to what people were expecting. Topps can’t be expected to design a new set worrying about what was produced 15 years ago. That would rule out the use of all the most high profile titles. 

This is obviously a set designed for the serious collector (non-retail, high cost), so a little bit of thought (or "worry") should be expected, IMHO; particularly to what has and has not been produced in previous releases.   

As for high profile titles, that apparently was not a concern.   You can't get more iconic than Crust and Gadzooka, which are both missing.
Send me your borderless wackys!

Offline drono

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Re: 2023 Wacky Packs Flashback ‘73 online set
« Reply #92 on: June 29, 2023, 03:09:33 AM »
Internet calculator says 10 cents in 1973 equals 69 cents today. Packs contained 2 stickers, so multiply times 10 to get apples to apples.  Price would be $6.90. Allow Topps some extra profit, box of 10 should be no more than $10…not $20…The extra packaging is NOT worth an extra $10…..just my rwo cents worth…

A couple of flaws there:
1. the packs were 5 cents in 1973
2. 2 stickers x 5 = 10 stickers

So a pack of 10 base cards should be 34 cents x 5 ~ $1.70

The printing and packaging costs are probably about the same (or cheaper) as they were in 1973 without even considering inflation, so I'm guessing that Topps is already making a huge profit.  Where the extra profit needs to go is to the sketch artists to keep them employed and happy - a big thank you to them.  So why not offer two versions of the packs - one with sketch cards and chasers and one without.

I'm guessing that a significant percentage of the purchases are being made by flippers since they're already being offered on eBay.  Another significant portion is for completists who buy a lot and then hope to resell to get their money back - thanks Pat and other forum members.  The real shame about the way it's being done is that even though it would take a minimum of 5 boxes to get a complete base set, they'll be almost worthless with so many going out to the two groups above just because of the chasers.  So if 10 base cards are worth about $1.70, then each chaser is worth about $9 ($89.99 / 10 chasers).  As much as I like the coupons, I wouldn't pay $450 for a set of 50, and I'm betting they'll be much higher when they hit eBay.  That's what disappoints me the most.  I get excited about a new release, and then what I consider the best part of it will cost me more than I'm willing to spend.  I have things that I'd rather do with my money.
« Last Edit: June 29, 2023, 03:36:08 AM by drono »

Offline Plastered Peanut

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Re: 2023 Wacky Packs Flashback ‘73 online set
« Reply #93 on: June 29, 2023, 03:41:30 AM »
  The real shame about the way it's being done is that even though it would take a minimum of 5 boxes to get a complete base set, they'll be almost worthless ...

I see where you're going; but, isn't the joy of collecting Wackys just the fun of it?   I collect Wackys, particularly OS Wackys, for the sheer joy.   If I want to make an investment, I'll buy stocks or bonds, and at the advice of my money manager--not Flashback '73 Wackys.   I ordered the 5-box because I started collecting Wackys with the 2nd series, and 1973 will always be a special year to me just because of Wackys.   I don't care about their resale value.
Send me your borderless wackys!

Offline drono

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Re: 2023 Wacky Packs Flashback ‘73 online set
« Reply #94 on: June 29, 2023, 03:47:22 AM »
I see where you're going; but, isn't the joy of collecting Wackys just the fun of it?   I don't care about their resale value.

Absolutely, and I don't care about resale value, but I do care about how much it costs to get some.  I just think it's a shame that so many base sets will be produced - many more than will be "collected."  I guess since they're made to be "stuck any place," we'll have some forum members with rooms full of Wacky Packages wallpaper. 

It reminds me too much of the "junk wax" era of baseball cards, when they were so overproduced.  I was into collecting them in the early '90s and would see people buy them, open the packs, pull out the chasers or any significant rookie cards, and throw the rest of them in the trash.
« Last Edit: June 29, 2023, 03:49:51 AM by drono »

Offline Plastered Peanut

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Re: 2023 Wacky Packs Flashback ‘73 online set
« Reply #95 on: June 29, 2023, 03:57:15 AM »
Absolutely, and I don't care about resale value, but I do care about how much it costs to get some.

Agreed!   Couldn't agree more!   Topps is turning into a grifter operation.
Send me your borderless wackys!

Offline Paul_Maul

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Re: 2023 Wacky Packs Flashback ‘73 online set
« Reply #96 on: June 29, 2023, 04:00:15 AM »
I see where you're going; but, isn't the joy of collecting Wackys just the fun of it?   I collect Wackys, particularly OS Wackys, for the sheer joy.   If I want to make an investment, I'll buy stocks or bonds, and at the advice of my money manager--not Flashback '73 Wackys.   I ordered the 5-box because I started collecting Wackys with the 2nd series, and 1973 will always be a special year to me just because of Wackys.   I don't care about their resale value.

The purpose of a set like this should be conjuring up some fond memories of collecting in 1973. That, to me, doesn’t include caring about obscurities like the Milk Foam poster art. I would be fine with the titles used, if the series were reasonably priced and sold in stores. As it is, I won’t buy it at all. Instead I’ll spend a few minutes looking at original series packs and stickers.

Offline Plastered Peanut

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Re: 2023 Wacky Packs Flashback ‘73 online set
« Reply #97 on: June 29, 2023, 04:05:04 AM »
The purpose of a set like this should be conjuring up some fond memories of collecting in 1973. That, to me, doesn’t include caring about obscurities like the Milk Foam poster art. I would be fine with the titles used, if the series were reasonably priced and sold in stores. As it is, I won’t buy it at all. Instead I’ll spend a few minutes looking at original series packs and stickers.

I wish you joy in looking at your OS collection.   I guess you did not particularly enjoy the extras that FB1 and FB2 gave us OS Wacky collectors.   
Send me your borderless wackys!

Offline drono

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Re: 2023 Wacky Packs Flashback ‘73 online set
« Reply #98 on: June 29, 2023, 04:08:17 AM »
The purpose of a set like this should be conjuring up some fond memories of collecting in 1973. Instead I’ll spend a few minutes looking at original series packs and stickers.

If I was going to spend $1K on Wackys, I'd go out and buy an unopened OS 1 pack - and keep it unopened.  Sometimes the joy of collecting is in keeping things as original as possible.

Offline Paul_Maul

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Re: 2023 Wacky Packs Flashback ‘73 online set
« Reply #99 on: June 29, 2023, 04:09:15 AM »
I stopped buying new releases a long time ago, so I didn’t even give this release much thought. But if Topps is going to make this release expensive and target adult collectors, they should have gone all the way and produced a package that would scratch the nostalgic itch the series claims to celebrate. Kiss cut, in wrappers, with as many trappings of the original series as possible, cost be damned. That is the only approach that would maybe get me to pony up some cash.

Offline Paul_Maul

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Re: 2023 Wacky Packs Flashback ‘73 online set
« Reply #100 on: June 29, 2023, 04:09:46 AM »
If I was going to spend $1K on Wackys, I'd go out and buy an unopened OS 1 pack - and keep it unopened.  Sometimes the joy of collecting is in keeping things as original as possible.


Offline Paul_Maul

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Re: 2023 Wacky Packs Flashback ‘73 online set
« Reply #101 on: June 29, 2023, 04:10:32 AM »
I wish you joy in looking at your OS collection.   I guess you did not particularly enjoy the extras that FB1 and FB2 gave us OS Wacky collectors.

I honestly don’t even remember what they were.

Offline Plastered Peanut

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Re: 2023 Wacky Packs Flashback ‘73 online set
« Reply #102 on: June 29, 2023, 04:21:34 AM »
I stopped buying new releases a long time ago, so I didn’t even give this release much thought. But if Topps is going to make this release expensive and target adult collectors, they should have gone all the way and produced a package that would scratch the nostalgic itch the series claims to celebrate. Kiss cut, in wrappers, with as many trappings of the original series as possible, cost be damned. That is the only approach that would maybe get me to pony up some cash.

And yet, you posted:

Quote from: Paul_Maul
I’m a bit confused as to what people were expecting.

As if the "peasant" wacky pack collector was expecting too much?   What say you, PSA collector?   Poo poo on the rank and file wacky collector!   Let them eat Jail-O!
Send me your borderless wackys!

Offline drono

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Re: 2023 Wacky Packs Flashback ‘73 online set
« Reply #103 on: June 29, 2023, 04:25:34 AM »
But if Topps is going to make this release expensive and target adult collectors, they should have gone all the way and produced a package that would scratch the nostalgic itch the series claims to celebrate. Kiss cut, in wrappers, with as many trappings of the original series as possible, cost be damned.

What's strange is that most of us still have our OS stickers, so a new offering of this type is only appealing because we want to keep them producing Wacky Packages.  Topps does this sort of "recycling design" stuff a lot with sports cards, with the opposite twist.  When they have a particularly popular design like the 1952 baseball set, they'll produce a set of current players in that style.  Wackys don't have that option, so they take older ones and reprint them in a new style instead.  As collectors, most of us really don't care about the borders (or the backs), it's the artwork and the gags that we loved as kids that draws us in.  So the coupons are really the only significant new things being offered, and they've priced the greater majority out of collecting those.

Offline Paul_Maul

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Re: 2023 Wacky Packs Flashback ‘73 online set
« Reply #104 on: June 29, 2023, 04:28:16 AM »
And yet, you posted:

As if the "peasant" wacky pack collector was expecting too much?   What say you, PSA collector?   Poo poo on the rank and file wacky collector!   Let them eat Jail-O!

Bro, what are you talking about?

I wasn’t expecting the kind of package I described, at all. I’m just saying that’s the only thing I would find at all appealing.
« Last Edit: June 29, 2023, 04:30:12 AM by Paul_Maul »

