I agree with Pat-disappointing. All stickers are reprints, with Flower power backgrounds, like the first 2 Flashbacks. Chasers are nice, but appear so infrequently that it would cost hundreds to complete a set with chasers. There are 50 base cards. The difference being in Flashback 1 and 2 you could open packs, I think a pack of 10 cards were $2 or $2.99. Now, one box in a bag costs $20, it gets you 13 cards, 10 base stickers, 1 checklist and 1 coupon plus another hit. So, cards are literally 10 times more expensive as the previous retail Flashback sets. Add in the trouble I've had getting online all day so far, and this is not a pleasant experience. Maybe most collectors can afford more than me, but for less money, I'd rather buy Original Series stickers, NOS of Flashback Series 1 and 2, or even minis or erasers....