Author Topic: 2023 Wacky Packs Flashback ‘73 online set  (Read 32921 times)

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Offline Corndog

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Re: 2023 Wacky Packs Flashback ‘73 online set
« Reply #105 on: June 29, 2023, 04:32:23 AM »
What are the chances that if you buy a five pack box that you'll receive a complete set? Looks like I will be looking for many trades in the near future.  :-\

As a preview...I will be mainly looking for any special foil of BLUNDER BREAD.  :P

After my purchase this morning...makes me think how many Wacky's I could have purchased on ebay with the same amount.  :^)

Offline Plastered Peanut

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Re: 2023 Wacky Packs Flashback ‘73 online set
« Reply #106 on: June 29, 2023, 04:34:43 AM »
Bro, what are you talking about?

Your air that only PSA collectors are the real collectors.   "Raw" stickers need not apply.  And you did not address your insolence toward forum member's feelings that they didn't really get what they were expecting.   You said, and I quote,

"I’m a bit confused as to what people were expecting."

So are you saying that you didn't expect squat, while the poor and pitiful rest of us were expecting a little bit more?
Send me your borderless wackys!

Offline Paul_Maul

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Re: 2023 Wacky Packs Flashback ‘73 online set
« Reply #107 on: June 29, 2023, 04:39:33 AM »
Your air that only PSA collectors are the real collectors.   "Raw" stickers need not apply.  And you did not address your insolence toward forum member's feelings that they didn't really get what they were expecting.   You said, and I quote,

"I’m a bit confused as to what people were expecting."

So are you saying that you didn't expect squat, while the poor and pitiful rest of us were expecting a little bit more?

Go start an argument with someone else. It’s only in your mind that I think PSA collectors are “better” than anyone else. I certainly don’t think that at all.

Offline Plastered Peanut

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Re: 2023 Wacky Packs Flashback ‘73 online set
« Reply #108 on: June 29, 2023, 04:55:25 AM »
Go start an argument with someone else. It’s only in your mind that I think PSA collectors are “better” than anyone else. I certainly don’t think that at all.

Quote from: Plastered Peanut on June 01, 2023, 08:42:51 PM
Loren, so glad Bigtomi came through for you!   What a strange time we live in when we have to ask for a "non-slabbed" card!

Paul Maul:  eyeroll     Yeah, totally nuts! 🙄

I responded to Bustedfinger that it was crazy we had to now clarify that any sticker available for trade was a "non-slabbed" card.   And you responded with an eye roll.   Explain the eye roll, please.
Send me your borderless wackys!

Offline Paul_Maul

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Re: 2023 Wacky Packs Flashback ‘73 online set
« Reply #109 on: June 29, 2023, 05:10:13 AM »
Anyone can see that you are the one who injected negativity into that thread. Loren expressed interest in a Cram variation. I offered him the PSA 8 (for $20, not $300) because that was the only one I had. I didn’t expect he would want it, but I offered it because I had it. When he declined, someone else immediately purchased it.

In that context, the sole purpose of your comment was to suggest that wanting or offering a PSA graded sticker is dumb. The reality is, you are the one who constantly belittles those with a different collecting perspective then yourself, not me.

Offline Plastered Peanut

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Re: 2023 Wacky Packs Flashback ‘73 online set
« Reply #110 on: June 29, 2023, 05:13:38 AM »
Anyone ...not me.

I am a legitimate person.
Send me your borderless wackys!

Offline Paul_Maul

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Re: 2023 Wacky Packs Flashback ‘73 online set
« Reply #111 on: June 29, 2023, 05:17:05 AM »
I am a legitimate person.

You certainly are! Change that to “anyone objective.”

Offline Plastered Peanut

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Re: 2023 Wacky Packs Flashback ‘73 online set
« Reply #112 on: June 29, 2023, 05:55:31 AM »
You certainly are! Change that to “anyone objective.”

Send me your borderless wackys!

Offline Paul_Maul

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Re: 2023 Wacky Packs Flashback ‘73 online set
« Reply #113 on: June 29, 2023, 06:06:29 AM »
Let me be clear. I happen to like things in really nice condition. Not because I think I’m better than anyone else, or worse, it is just what I like. I respect every individual collector’s preferences, and hope everyone gets as much enjoyment as they can out of this hobby. If I have inadvertently given a different impression, I am sorry.

Offline JasonLiebig

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Re: 2023 Wacky Packs Flashback ‘73 online set
« Reply #114 on: June 29, 2023, 08:23:16 AM »
The purpose of a set like this should be conjuring up some fond memories of collecting in 1973. That, to me, doesn’t include caring about obscurities like the Milk Foam poster art. I would be fine with the titles used, if the series were reasonably priced and sold in stores. As it is, I won’t buy it at all. Instead I’ll spend a few minutes looking at original series packs and stickers.

I couldn't agree with you more, excepting that I still try to keep up on the new stuff, just for fun. 

With regard to your analysis, I believe the collector market (and not just the card collector market at large that informs the parallels and such, but this specific WP hobby) has trained Topps what and what not to produce. 

Wacky Packages Old School in its prime was a pretty good approximation of the classic Wacky experience, aside from a lack of Wax packs.  And what I said about US training Topps, is that what immediately became evident upon release was, the stickers themselves, perhaps due to their ease of acquisition and plentiful number, quickly became "swill" and it became all about chasing sketches.  A shame considering the quality and nature of the Old School stickers (they're amazing).  And Topps responded by eventually reshaping the releases away from that original old school format and more to something that fed more of what Wacky collectors appeared to value, which wasn't the experience, but the chase. 

I've always been on the other side of this, insofar as what I enjoy.  I love the stickers and the experience, and I don't care all that much about the sketches or the chase cards. 

Still, I understand what drives the hobby, and it isn't me buying one or two boxes of stickers to open and enjoy.  It isn't recreating that original experience, because there's no need for anyone to spend $1,000 on THAT.  It's hitting those adult collector notes that matters and gets adult collectors to pony up, as it were. 

I certainly wish that it was in Topps' interest to do exactly what you say here.  Create a wax-wrapped, kiss-cut Wacky experience.  That would be fun.  But perhaps even that would be an experience that would, like plugging in an Atari 2600 cartridge to play, wear itself thin rather quickly.  But it's still what I want. 

All that said, I do dig what they're doing with this new Flashback series. Oh, it's not my personal wish fulfillment with regard to format, but I'm here for it because if can throw a bit of my limited disposable income at this, I'm okay with that. 

Jason Liebig - A swell TV host (currently on History Channel) who used to oversee Marvel Comics' X-Men - now creator and curator of and, a celebration of candy packaging, marketing and the people behind it all

Offline Paul_Maul

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Re: 2023 Wacky Packs Flashback ‘73 online set
« Reply #115 on: June 29, 2023, 08:34:10 AM »
Everyone has to find their own way. Back in 2004 I was really stoked that ANS wackys would recreate the feelings I experienced buying and opening wackys as a kid. That was never a realistic hope, and after a few years when I realized that wasn’t happening, I pretty much cooled off on new releases.

I was excited about the Flashback releases as they seemed more nostalgic, but ultimately I realized I am happier focusing my collecting efforts and budget on vintage items.

That’s the experience of someone whose collecting is primarily nostalgia driven. Those who care more about “product parody” as a thing probably have an easier time deriving enjoyment from new releases. Everyone can decide whether a given release is likely to give them pleasure and go from there.

Offline JasonLiebig

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Re: 2023 Wacky Packs Flashback ‘73 online set
« Reply #116 on: June 29, 2023, 08:37:23 AM »
I hesitate to write this as I don't want to spoil anyone's fun.  But this is a forum of (mostly all?) adults and it's a forum.

As I've read more deeply into this thread and looked more deeply at the order page, I'm realizing these are not kiss cut stickers (even though they looked it on the promo) and they have revivied the the terribly-designed flower power background from the previous Flashback (sorry original flashback designer). I'm not nostalgic for the Wacky Flashback release.  I'm nostalgic for the OG Wacky Packages.

I wish I could sit someone down at Topps and have a chat, but seeing as how they produce quadruple thick sports cards with scraps of uniforms that sell for tens of thousands of dollars when new, I'd probably be wrong about my assertions anyway.

Still, I happen to know a little something about the power of nostalgia, branding and design. I'm not just talking out my rear end. 

Damnit, I really can't believe they are using those color backgrounds again.  It wipes away one of the fundamental design elements that made Wacky Packages Wacky Packages.  To me it's just design cringe and shows a lack of fundamental understanding of the power of design.

Oof. This is really disappointing.

But it does save me the $100 I was going to spend on these.

Hopefully I can buy the Attacky Packages on eBay.  At least they look like Wacky Packages still. 
« Last Edit: June 29, 2023, 08:39:24 AM by JasonLiebig »
Jason Liebig - A swell TV host (currently on History Channel) who used to oversee Marvel Comics' X-Men - now creator and curator of and, a celebration of candy packaging, marketing and the people behind it all

Offline Plastered Peanut

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Re: 2023 Wacky Packs Flashback ‘73 online set
« Reply #117 on: June 29, 2023, 08:55:58 AM »

I wish I could sit someone down at Topps and have a chat, but seeing as how they produce quadruple thick sports cards with scraps of uniforms that sell for tens of thousands of dollars when new, I'd probably be wrong about my assertions anyway.   

Yep.   thank you.   If only us kids from the 70's could sit down and talk to these Topps executives,,,
Send me your borderless wackys!

Offline JailOJohn

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Re: 2023 Wacky Packs Flashback ‘73 online set
« Reply #118 on: June 29, 2023, 08:58:40 AM »
I agree with Mr. Liebig. I am mostly interested in the stickers, the gags and art and completing a set. Its not that I am not at all interested in sketches and other chaser cards...its just that it is so expensive, that like others have stated, I have other things I would rather spend hundreds if not $1,000 on. It's true everyone collects for different reasons, and have different price thresholds of what they consider is too much money for them. I agree that Old School sets had more appeal to me. New releases lost part of my interest when they stopped kiss cutting them. (I'm still not sure why this process costs so much more money) and lost most of the rest of my interest when they started charging $2 per sticker, meaning it will take hundreds of dollars to complete a set. With random collation, there is no way 5 boxes containing 50 cards will yield you a set. More like 15 boxes, so around $300. It is true that trading is part of the hobby, but only "big spenders" will have extras to trade...Maybe if we could all sit on the floor and trade. Oh yeah, they have that, its called "conventions...."

Offline drono

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Re: 2023 Wacky Packs Flashback ‘73 online set
« Reply #119 on: June 29, 2023, 09:13:07 AM »
I think it's all about money, and Topps needs to be profitable to continue to exist, so they milk what they can from the rabid collector.  The Topps Now sports stuff is outrageously priced for a single card that's available for a single day, but they sell hundreds and sometimes thousands of each release.  The greatest percentage of buyers are probably flippers who think they can turn a quick buck.  I can't believe that many are true collectors of a full set.  I went to a baseball card show a few months ago trying to buy some albums and almost every dealer told me that no one puts cards in albums anymore.

Wacky Packages are only coveted by a small select group, so they have to charge even higher prices to make it worthwhile.  I work in the hospitality industry, and we have calculations that determine our pricing.  Other than demand, when a certain number of rooms are sold you need to add another housekeeper, more restaurant staff, front desk clerks, etc.  I imagine it's the same with Wackys.  If they don't print a certain amount of them, then they can't turn a profit.  Knowing that if they produced only what we wanted, we'd only buy what we wanted, so they realize they can't get a high enough print volume to turn a profit using that model.  Their response is to put these chasers in there making the rabid collector buy way more than they should have to for the value of the product.  Again there are a lot of flippers who buy only to turn a profit, and they're already on eBay with this release, even though it's still available from Topps.  It's just a byproduct of laissez faire capitalism, and that's what our country was founded upon.  Of course, that doesn't mean I have to like it.

Offline mikecho

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Re: 2023 Wacky Packs Flashback ‘73 online set
« Reply #120 on: June 29, 2023, 09:46:59 AM »
Jason, I just thought I should tell you that the first five OLDS series did have wax packs and boxes. It was after that, beginning with OLDS 6, that Topps stopped making them.

But I forget, were those first five series' stickers die-cut/kiss-cut or not?

Offline Paul_Maul

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Re: 2023 Wacky Packs Flashback ‘73 online set
« Reply #121 on: June 29, 2023, 10:06:09 AM »
Jason, I just thought I should tell you that the first five OLDS series did have wax packs and boxes. It was after that, beginning with OLDS 6, that Topps stopped making them.

But I forget, were those first five series' stickers die-cut/kiss-cut or not?

I think he meant the lack of actual wax wrappers, not the foil packs Old School (and all Topps products since the early nineties) have been distributed in.

And yes, they were kiss cut.

Offline mikecho

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Re: 2023 Wacky Packs Flashback ‘73 online set
« Reply #122 on: June 29, 2023, 10:15:33 AM »
I think he meant the lack of actual wax wrappers, not the foil packs Old School (and all Topps products since the early nineties) have been distributed in.

And yes, they were kiss cut.
Thanks. I didn't know that the OLDS packs were foil ones.

Offline Fanatical_and_Sickly

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Re: 2023 Wacky Packs Flashback ‘73 online set
« Reply #123 on: June 29, 2023, 10:42:47 AM »
Thanks. I didn't know that the OLDS packs were foil ones.
They weren’t foil, but a plastic. Either way though, they weren’t the wax paper wrappers of old with the folded backs

Offline Fanatical_and_Sickly

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Re: 2023 Wacky Packs Flashback ‘73 online set
« Reply #124 on: June 29, 2023, 10:46:32 AM »
The 5-pack is now showing SOLD OUT

Offline JasonLiebig

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Re: 2023 Wacky Packs Flashback ‘73 online set
« Reply #125 on: June 29, 2023, 11:08:14 AM »
I think it's all about money, and Topps needs to be profitable to continue to exist, so they milk what they can from the rabid collector. 

I still wonder if those first few Old School sets (sold in boxes with plentiful kiss-cut stickers) were not profitable?  Or if they'd simply have to raise the price from the VERY affordable $50 pricetag they once had.  Hell, I'd happily pay $100 (double) for a new box of a new series like that, with all that it included. 

Without the knowledge of the profitability of that original format, I'm not convinced that the decisions being made are done so with a terribly clear calculus. 

And I say that with the experience of being one of the creative leads on what were, at the time, the best-selling comics books in that industry, The X-Men. I looked around and saw calculus' being made with profitability in mind, but not always clear or well-thought out ones. 

Now, it may well be that those first few series of Old School just all failed. 

OR... it could be as I've long surmised: That Topps mistakenly chased a shooting star that was a WILDLY overblown enthusiasm for sketches.  So they ramped up their print runs of later series to meet this brief over-hyped demand, and then were left wondering why people still weren't buying multiple cases of OS for sketches they could flip for hundreds of dollars.  And that mistake of theirs, misjudging a brief blip in the market as real, is what they used to determine their future direction. 

Rather than than taking a more thoughtful approach and going back to what informed their choices to create Wacky Packages Old School in the first place, and what it was meant to be to the hobby. 
« Last Edit: June 29, 2023, 11:12:33 AM by JasonLiebig »
Jason Liebig - A swell TV host (currently on History Channel) who used to oversee Marvel Comics' X-Men - now creator and curator of and, a celebration of candy packaging, marketing and the people behind it all

Offline Paul_Maul

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Re: 2023 Wacky Packs Flashback ‘73 online set
« Reply #126 on: June 29, 2023, 11:15:22 AM »
One of the reasons it is so great that Steve Cohen bought the NY Mets is because he is a long time fan of the team.  He runs a very successful hedge fund, and brings all of those skills to his ownership of the team, but he has an innate understanding of what the fans of the team want and prioritize, because he is and always has been one.

Wouldn’t it be great if all of the Topps guys brought that level of familiarity with wacky packages and the fan base to their decisions? People always warn against letting fans make decisions, but I think having that perspective, as long as it’s combined with sound business practices, is an asset.

Offline DrDeal

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Re: 2023 Wacky Packs Flashback ‘73 online set
« Reply #127 on: June 29, 2023, 12:06:36 PM »
Purchased 6 boxes.   Hoping for a set; but not overly optimistic.  Looking to pull Shot Wheels Foil #1    :)

Regarding the displeasure expressed about this release not being "Kiss Cut" ;  The Super Impulse Micro Wackys ARE Kiss Cut.  My 4 year old grandson went home yesterday wearing a Micro Slum Maid Sticker on his shirt. :)

« Last Edit: June 29, 2023, 02:26:23 PM by DrDeal »

Offline JailOJohn

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Re: 2023 Wacky Packs Flashback ‘73 online set
« Reply #128 on: June 29, 2023, 12:46:43 PM »
But aren't some of the artists on here? Or at least monitoring the forum? I suppose creative types telling the suits (Actually I picture it being all Millennials with business casual and Birkenstocks) what to do won't happen without profit and loss statements. I just think that it seems to be a downward spiral...They price these so only hardcore empty nesters in their 50s can afford to go all in...thus guaranteeing fewer sales...which means they raise the price again...which means even fewer customers...rinse and repeat. I have to think that some kind of retail set that (if properly marketed) sells hundreds of thousands of packs would earn them more profit than these small-scale online money grabs...

Offline BattleCaps

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Re: 2023 Wacky Packs Flashback ‘73 online set
« Reply #129 on: June 29, 2023, 03:45:50 PM »
The 5-pack is now showing SOLD OUT

I didn't even get 24 hours to make my mind up on these.

I'm not going to buy single packs without the discount and the promise of a sketch card.

Speaking of SOLD OUT,  I would like to see sales numbers on the 2023 ANS packs and Postcard sets, but I guess that's never going to happen.

Offline drono

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Re: 2023 Wacky Packs Flashback ‘73 online set
« Reply #130 on: June 29, 2023, 05:30:48 PM »
The 5-pack is now showing SOLD OUT

So does that mean that they've already packaged them, or are the boxes different sizes and they've only made so many of each?  I'm very curious how many 5 packs were sold because there are currently 1,217 single packs available.

Offline Swiski

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Re: 2023 Wacky Packs Flashback ‘73 online set
« Reply #131 on: June 29, 2023, 07:25:44 PM »
The 5-pack is now showing SOLD OUT

Didn't this happen with the new 2023 set 5-box bundles? They sold out, but then they added some more a few days later?

Offline Zenergizer

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Re: 2023 Wacky Packs Flashback ‘73 online set
« Reply #132 on: June 30, 2023, 05:50:19 AM »
Just my two cents, and I'm not being paid by Topps or Fanatics or anyone....

1.  sure, I think we all think the set could be a bit cheaper, especially since the base set consists of previously done artwork.

2.  coupons look great!   Also, the two small subsets, wish they were even bigger!

3.  Fanatics may have more of a decision with the pricing and makeup of this set, and I'm guessing
       that these printers are dealing with rising costs, if not other problems.

4.  If Neil did all those coupons, his hands must be cramped and tired, but thank you, that's a lot of work!

Hey, they're still Wackys, maybe Flashbacks are not everyone's cup of tea, but I still support them

Offline Swiski

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Re: 2023 Wacky Packs Flashback ‘73 online set
« Reply #133 on: June 30, 2023, 07:14:36 AM »
Each box is suppose to have 13 cards - 10 base, 1 coupon, 1 insert and 1 checklist.

It would have been nicer if the checklists were just printed on 2 of the backs.....and the 3 inserts were random, not a guaranteed coupon in each box.

This way the chances of getting Attacky Packs or Portraits are greater.

Offline Zenergizer

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Re: 2023 Wacky Packs Flashback ‘73 online set
« Reply #134 on: June 30, 2023, 07:43:47 AM »
agreed, it does seem like a strange decision to even have a checklist, the previous ANS 50-card set
didn't have one at all.

Offline DrDeal

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Re: 2023 Wacky Packs Flashback ‘73 online set
« Reply #135 on: June 30, 2023, 07:56:17 AM »
agreed, it does seem like a strange decision to even have a checklist, the previous ANS 50-card set
didn't have one at all.

So we all will be swimming in checklists. Gee!

Offline Fanatical_and_Sickly

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Re: 2023 Wacky Packs Flashback ‘73 online set
« Reply #136 on: June 30, 2023, 08:03:59 AM »
Each box is suppose to have 13 cards - 10 base, 1 coupon, 1 insert and 1 checklist.

It would have been nicer if the checklists were just printed on 2 of the backs.....and the 3 inserts were random, not a guaranteed coupon in each box.

This way the chances of getting Attacky Packs or Portraits are greater.
I’m glad a coupon is guaranteed, it makes collecting them a little easier.

Without the silver borders taking up a lot of the chase card spots (averaged 2 of 5 packs), there are going to be tons of Attacky and Portrait floating around. Don’t worry about those. Actually would have been great to have those both be at least 9 card sets instead of 5. Fill up a page and reduce the print number of each card.
« Last Edit: July 03, 2023, 11:49:29 AM by Fanatical_and_Sickly »

Offline NationalSpittoon

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Re: 2023 Wacky Packs Flashback ‘73 online set
« Reply #137 on: June 30, 2023, 12:39:34 PM »
I could buy multiple original series sets for five bags (a whole set worth) of these. WTF?

Offline fbvikes

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Re: 2023 Wacky Packs Flashback ‘73 online set
« Reply #138 on: June 30, 2023, 03:41:46 PM »
I ordered 5 Packs and I hope to make some trades to complete base set using any extras and bonus cards.    Looking forward to it.


Offline ToadallyDude

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Re: 2023 Wacky Packs Flashback ‘73 online set
« Reply #139 on: July 05, 2023, 03:35:34 PM »
...But it does save me the $100 I was going to spend on these.

You just saved me $100+ too.  Thanks for the warning.  I was excited to finally get a new batch of Wackys... but those crazy colored backgrounds are one of the things I've hated most about the ANS stuff.  That and the thicker cards with ads on the back, color borders, zillions of chase cards with the same titles as the commons, etc.  But no kiss-cut too?  Nope.  Can't jump on that bandwagon.  I'd rather just buy multiples of the 1979 Reprints.