Author Topic: Galactic Groceries ~ 2023  (Read 4551 times)

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Offline Soremel

  • Posts: 567
Galactic Groceries ~ 2023
« on: May 22, 2023, 09:16:44 PM »
Hello Everyone...

Regarding the Galactic Groceries project, I know there are MANY existing threads threads containing questions about this set, so I wanted to start a new thread to address its status. Along with this new thread/topic, my goal is to offer extreme transparency with constant updates and info pertaining to Galactic Groceries releases.

First, I would like to apologize for my lack of communication since this was set first released. It is true that I am a scatter-brain (I'll be the first to admit it!), but I know I can do better when it comes to organizing, and releasing information to all of the subscribers who have been waiting for their already-paid-for cards, as well as when new cards will be offered.

Second, I wish to clear up/answer some of the looming questions at hand... Yes, I am still alive! Yes, Galactic Groceries is still an active subscription set. Yes, Card #4's sketches are being distributed. No, I am not scamming/fleecing collectors.

I am committing to offering weekly updates for everyone to review in order to hopefully regain the subscriber's trust in me, and this particular card set. Again, I am very sorry for my not-so-professional approach, and I fully appreciate those subscribers who have remained onboard.

At this past weekend's Spring Philly Non-Sport Card Show, I had the refund checks with me for those who requested their funds back for their Galactic Groceries subscriptions. For those who are expecting their refunds, but did not attend the show, they will be mailed out this coming Thursday (Thursdays and Saturdays are my post office days)

While I am (still) not able to post photos from my laptop onto this forum, I will be doing so via other forum member's, or, until the issue is regarding my ability to post photos is rectified. A couple of forum members, who I spoke with this past weekend, have graciously volunteered to assist me in that aspect.

I hope that this new thread satisfactorily addresses the concerns over this set, and helps restore some of your faith that my actions, and lack of action, have eroded over the last few years.

Best Regards,

George Wright

Offline Dr.M

  • Posts: 618
Re: Galactic Groceries ~ 2023
« Reply #1 on: May 22, 2023, 09:24:09 PM »
Hello Everyone...

Regarding the Galactic Groceries project, I know there are MANY existing threads threads containing questions about this set, so I wanted to start a new thread to address its status. Along with this new thread/topic, my goal is to offer extreme transparency with constant updates and info pertaining to Galactic Groceries releases.

First, I would like to apologize for my lack of communication since this was set first released. It is true that I am a scatter-brain (I'll be the first to admit it!), but I know I can do better when it comes to organizing, and releasing information to all of the subscribers who have been waiting for their already-paid-for cards, as well as when new cards will be offered.

Second, I wish to clear up/answer some of the looming questions at hand... Yes, I am still alive! Yes, Galactic Groceries is still an active subscription set. Yes, Card #4's sketches are being distributed. No, I am not scamming/fleecing collectors.

I am committing to offering weekly updates for everyone to review in order to hopefully regain the subscriber's trust in me, and this particular card set. Again, I am very sorry for my not-so-professional approach, and I fully appreciate those subscribers who have remained onboard.

At this past weekend's Spring Philly Non-Sport Card Show, I had the refund checks with me for those who requested their funds back for their Galactic Groceries subscriptions. For those who are expecting their refunds, but did not attend the show, they will be mailed out this coming Thursday (Thursdays and Saturdays are my post office days)

While I am (still) not able to post photos from my laptop onto this forum, I will be doing so via other forum member's, or, until the issue is regarding my ability to post photos is rectified. A couple of forum members, who I spoke with this past weekend, have graciously volunteered to assist me in that aspect.

I hope that this new thread satisfactorily addresses the concerns over this set, and helps restore some of your faith that my actions, and lack of action, have eroded over the last few years.

Best Regards,

George Wright

Hi George!

Will your new set be made available the same way? Wondering how I get information about your new set and how to purchase it or obtain any cards etc you produce?

Thank you!

Offline Soremel

  • Posts: 567
Re: Galactic Groceries ~ 2023
« Reply #2 on: May 22, 2023, 09:49:45 PM »
The new set (Monster Mart), will be offered as a FULL set at the upcoming 2023 Fall Philly Non-Sport Card Show. I will be starting a "Monster Mart" topic/thread this week that will offer info & updates for that set.

In terms of production and distribution of the Galactic Groceries set, that was a one-time "experiment" that, early on, I knew I would be shooting myself in the proverbial feet with! The goal was to offer collectors, particularly younger collectors with limited funds, the ability to obtain sketch cards with EVERY set card purchase, instead of hopefully scoring one, or two, chase items from a $40.-$90. hobby box of cards. While Galactic Groceries' production is being ramped up, it is still the slowest set in the world of non-sports cards! And to reiterate, any future sets that I produce will be available as FULL sets.

Offline vahsurfer

  • Posts: 1637
Re: Galactic Groceries ~ 2023
« Reply #3 on: May 23, 2023, 07:00:28 AM »
I was able to spend a lot of time with George this weekend and I know he is committed to getting all the GGs back up and running.
We also discussed some ways to create a more complete and simplified distribution of the GGs!

GREAT! Seeing you again George!


Offline Soremel

  • Posts: 567
Re: Galactic Groceries ~ 2023
« Reply #4 on: May 23, 2023, 07:26:12 AM »
It was great to catch up with you, too! It's amazing how the Philly Non-Sport Card Show attendees & vendors, along with the "Forum Consortium", create a sort of "family reunion" atmosphere!

Remember... ALWAYS stay Wacky!!

Offline roughwriter

  • Rough Writer
  • Posts: 550
Re: Galactic Groceries ~ 2023
« Reply #5 on: May 24, 2023, 10:46:13 AM »
It was "A Long Time Ago, In A Galaxy Far, Far Away" that I signed up for this set, but I'm glad "our 5 year mission to boldly go where no man has gone before" is nearing its completion!

Offline redfan05

  • Posts: 20
Re: Galactic Groceries ~ 2023
« Reply #6 on: August 03, 2023, 03:18:32 PM »
Is this still happening? Can I please have info on the subscription cost?

Offline roughwriter

  • Rough Writer
  • Posts: 550
Re: Galactic Groceries ~ 2023
« Reply #7 on: August 03, 2023, 05:26:55 PM »
Sorry, Space Rangers! Galactic Groceries has crashed and burned on a distant planet. George has decided to go no further with the set. You may want to see what you can scavenge off of eBay. Good luck!

