I received, and opened, my 12 packs yesterday. Got 8 out of 12 mystery packs that were all Wackys, so I was happy about that. Collation wasn't great (got up to six of at least one sticker and none of about 11 of the 47 "regular" stickers). I like how the little packs are sealed and I'll keep one of each color in my display area. Hoping to trade my unopened GPK packs (and opened 20 loose GPK stickers) for some Wackys and then do some trading to complete a couple sets.
I know there's been talk of what type of pages will fit this unusual sized sticker. If anyone has a link or specific info, please share.
from what I've noticed so far - a case contains 8 yellow header and 4 red header clamshells
the 8 yellow header mystery packs are Wacky and the 4 red header mystery packs are GPK.
for pages, i think you could go with either a 20 pocket tobacco card or a 20 pocket coin page?
tobacco have narrow and tall slots (1 9/16 x 2 3/4) on a 9 x 11 1/4 sheet
and the coins are square slots (2 1/8 x 2 1/8) on a 9 3/4 x 11 3/8 sheet
the micro stickers are 1 1/8 x 1 1/2, so would fit in either one