Author Topic: Shedds Ultra Blight  (Read 2480 times)

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Offline Paul_Maul

  • Posts: 3354
Shedds Ultra Blight
« on: April 20, 2023, 06:47:25 PM »
This came up in another thread but I thought it deserved its own.

For years it has been accepted wisdom that the image on the Shedds Ultra Blight sticker is the same image from the UB Wacky Ad, and not the image from the 2nd series sticker. And the Shedds image is certainly similar to the Ads image. But it doesn’t look like the exact same image. If you measure the toothpaste tube cap on the Ultra Blight Ad image, it is just about the same length as the word “Ultra.” However on the Shedds sticker, the cap is considerably shorter than that word.

Also, the shading inside the cap’s tip opening appears different as well.

Does anyone think that the cap was repainted for the Shedds sticker, perhaps so the image would fit better on the smaller card?

« Last Edit: April 20, 2023, 07:36:56 PM by Paul_Maul »

Re: Shedds Ultra Blight
« Reply #1 on: April 21, 2023, 10:04:52 AM »
This came up in another thread but I thought it deserved its own.

For years it has been accepted wisdom that the image on the Shedds Ultra Blight sticker is the same image from the UB Wacky Ad, and not the image from the 2nd series sticker. And the Shedds image is certainly similar to the Ads image. But it doesn’t look like the exact same image. If you measure the toothpaste tube cap on the Ultra Blight Ad image, it is just about the same length as the word “Ultra.” However on the Shedds sticker, the cap is considerably shorter than that word.

Also, the shading inside the cap’s tip opening appears different as well.

Does anyone think that the cap was repainted for the Shedds sticker, perhaps so the image would fit better on the smaller card?

(Image removed from quote.)

Great catch Dave!  It's appears that the art was either repainted or heavily touched up (letters were often touched up).  In addition to the cap, the brush bristles are much more frayed on the ad, especially the middle.  On the Shedd's the fraying increases as you go to the right.  The letters vary slightly as well, especially the "t"s, "a" and "g" are fatter on the Shedd's with the center of the "g" being a good comparison point.  I'm leaning toward heavy touch up.

Offline bandaches

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Re: Shedds Ultra Blight
« Reply #2 on: April 21, 2023, 02:56:06 PM »
I bet the base of the cap matches the Wacky ad so this suggests heavy touch up in effect squashing the size of the cap with the top being redone and the bottom being left as is.
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Offline Paul_Maul

  • Posts: 3354
Re: Shedds Ultra Blight
« Reply #3 on: April 21, 2023, 03:42:06 PM »
The whole thing is strange. It’s not like the 2nd series ultra blight was unavailable, as it was used in 1979. Same with the original Hawaiian Punks.

Offline Joe G.

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Re: Shedds Ultra Blight
« Reply #4 on: April 21, 2023, 04:06:42 PM »
You sure Ernie?  Looks like they just used the Wacky Ad one to me.

I bet the base of the cap matches the Wacky ad so this suggests heavy touch up in effect squashing the size of the cap with the top being redone and the bottom being left as is.

Offline Paul_Maul

  • Posts: 3354
Re: Shedds Ultra Blight
« Reply #5 on: April 21, 2023, 04:40:20 PM »
You sure Ernie?  Looks like they just used the Wacky Ad one to me.

As I explained above, the cap on the Shedds image is not the same as the cap on the Ads image.

Offline Gurgle

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Re: Shedds Ultra Blight
« Reply #6 on: June 02, 2023, 05:08:15 PM »
I think it was repainted.

Offline ToadallyDude

  • Posts: 514
Re: Shedds Ultra Blight
« Reply #7 on: June 27, 2023, 06:03:39 PM »
It looks to me like the TUBE was repainted (you can see differences in the top part of the tube below the cap, too, and the upper and lower edges all the way across).  But the lettering has a very very quirky bend to it, and the "u" and "a" are a little weird.  Those match.  And the toothbrush matches.  So it almost looks like they had their product packaging painter (can't remember his name, but I'd heard they had someone who specialized in the packages and he'd paint those before Norm would add the characters sometimes).  Anyway... maybe they had him lay that product down on something and they combined the images for that sticker.  I can't remember if I've ever seen the original art, but maybe it got so messed up that they had to repaint it anyway?