Author Topic: Forum Members' Teen/Amateur Wacky Packages  (Read 19158 times)

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Offline roughwriter

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Re: Forum Members' Teen/Amateur Wacky Packages
« Reply #105 on: March 29, 2023, 08:20:51 AM »
Again, the invitation is out there for our resident gag writers to use as they see fit....

Invitation accepted! Will work some more up soon! :)

Offline slamjim

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Re: Forum Members' Teen/Amateur Wacky Packages
« Reply #106 on: March 29, 2023, 10:34:55 AM »
Again, the invitation is out there for our resident gag writers to use as they see fit....

I'll go through all your products and gags (and the other people if they like) and see if they work with the new Old School set I'll be working on soon. Even if its just like a title that I haven't already put down on my list I'll work from that. Will LYK!

Offline bludevilok

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Re: Forum Members' Teen/Amateur Wacky Packages
« Reply #107 on: March 29, 2023, 11:00:39 PM »
Roughwriter and Slamjim, I would be honored to have you work up some ideas for Topps based on my Wacky drawings!  Slamjim, since all my drawings were done in the mid-1970s, I would think some would be prime pickings for Old School.  I know a couple were actually done by Topps in the later original series run.  Some of the products I parodied might make you think, "Oh yeah, I remember that...."  I know I did when I looked back at them.  Ah, nostalgia....a prime ingredient for Old School Wackys.  Now, whether or not they're appropriate for the Old School series, only you and Topps would know the answer to that equation.  I hope you find something you can use in the future.

Offline bludevilok

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Re: Forum Members' Teen/Amateur Wacky Packages
« Reply #108 on: March 30, 2023, 01:18:35 PM »
Forum friends, these are the last several Wacky Packages I drew as a teen, what I had completed of my 10th series.  I was likely 14, maybe 15 at the time.  Then, as i was finishing middle school and approaching high school, the homework became more abundant.  For some reason, I drew one on one page and two in the middle of another.  Maybe I had plans for those blank spaces?  I couldn't tell you.  I will tell you that the gag on the Tootsie Roll Pop is supposed to read "Lootsie Roll Plop"; I noticed it is fairly difficult to read.  (The gag name is also the reason I used green color, the color of money, I remember.)

I'm extremely gratified that I inspired other Forum members to rummage through their old drawings and post some of their own, which I personally have enjoyed immensely and laughed at, and certainly would have appreciated them had I pulled them in a real Wacky series back in the day.

I hope you all have enjoyed my run, and with Roughwriter and Slamjim looking at them, who knows?  You and I may not have seen the last of some of these. 

Now, it's up to more of you to dig up and/or come up with your own ideas and post away.  I'd love to see them!     :D

So, here are my final teen Wacky Packages.....I hope you enjoy them and get some giggles.


Offline Joe G.

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Re: Forum Members' Teen/Amateur Wacky Packages
« Reply #109 on: March 30, 2023, 01:29:45 PM »
Paul it has been a blast getting to see your original series home-made Wacky treasures! It would be amazing to see one or two live on as an honest to goodness official Wacky.  That would be the perfect ending to your childhood Wacky creative journey!
« Last Edit: March 30, 2023, 01:41:56 PM by Joe G. »

Offline RawGoo

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Re: Forum Members' Teen/Amateur Wacky Packages
« Reply #110 on: March 31, 2023, 07:01:48 AM »
Fanatic really grabs me, just like the Lost Wacky!!  And, your illustrations are so very colorful!!  Excellent job!

Offline Swiski

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Re: Forum Members' Teen/Amateur Wacky Packages
« Reply #111 on: March 31, 2023, 08:43:45 AM »
Forum friends, these are the last several Wacky Packages I drew as a teen, what I had completed of my 10th series.  I was likely 14, maybe 15 at the time.  Then, as i was finishing middle school and approaching high school, the homework became more abundant.  For some reason, I drew one on one page and two in the middle of another.  Maybe I had plans for those blank spaces?  I couldn't tell you.  I will tell you that the gag on the Tootsie Roll Pop is supposed to read "Lootsie Roll Plop"; I noticed it is fairly difficult to read.  (The gag name is also the reason I used green color, the color of money, I remember.)

I'm extremely gratified that I inspired other Forum members to rummage through their old drawings and post some of their own, which I personally have enjoyed immensely and laughed at, and certainly would have appreciated them had I pulled them in a real Wacky series back in the day.

I hope you all have enjoyed my run, and with Roughwriter and Slamjim looking at them, who knows?  You and I may not have seen the last of some of these. 

Now, it's up to more of you to dig up and/or come up with your own ideas and post away.  I'd love to see them!     :D

So, here are my final teen Wacky Packages.....I hope you enjoy them and get some giggles.


The fun part is trying to locate the real products you parodied. Some of those products are obscure and long gone now.

Offline Gurgle

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Re: Forum Members' Teen/Amateur Wacky Packages
« Reply #112 on: March 31, 2023, 01:56:53 PM »
By all means.

I'll go through all your products and gags (and the other people if they like) and see if they work with the new Old School set I'll be working on soon. Even if its just like a title that I haven't already put down on my list I'll work from that. Will LYK!

Offline sco(o)t

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Re: Forum Members' Teen/Amateur Wacky Packages
« Reply #113 on: April 01, 2023, 06:17:24 AM »
In the 10th series, Tragic Markers is less a parody and more like factual reporting.  :]  Those things were messy!
aka Scot Leibacher (no trademark)

Offline bludevilok

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Re: Forum Members' Teen/Amateur Wacky Packages
« Reply #114 on: April 03, 2023, 10:01:28 PM »
The fun part is trying to locate the real products you parodied. Some of those products are obscure and long gone now.

Indeed!  That is why I always enjoy the Old School series.  Consider these an amateur Old School...except I actually did them in the '70s.  Some of these even I don't remember.  For example, the Sugarless Vile gum I remember seeing in my mom's purse, but I can't remember its real name.  Trash is obviously one of those teen celebrity magazines that proliferated back then, but not sure what the real name was....maybe Flash?  Some others throughout the series I distinctly remember, but alas, are no longer around and really bring on the nostalgia.

Offline bludevilok

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Re: Forum Members' Teen/Amateur Wacky Packages
« Reply #115 on: April 03, 2023, 10:03:49 PM »
In the 10th series, Tragic Markers is less a parody and more like factual reporting.  :]  Those things were messy!

Which, of course, explains the real series 9 Wacky Package for the same product, Messy Marker!

Offline bludevilok

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Re: Forum Members' Teen/Amateur Wacky Packages
« Reply #116 on: April 03, 2023, 10:18:40 PM »
Again, I thank all of you for your enthusiasm for the work I did as a young teen.  Before I forget, I would like to thank Chad Scheres, to whom I sent the first page of my Wackys several months ago during a trade.  He said the Forum members would enjoy seeing them.  With that encouragement, I waited for a good time to start posting.  And then, with additional encouragement from Joe and roughwriter and so many more, I continued to post.  Most of all, I'm glad I provided some enjoyment to the Forum members, just as the Topps pros have provided me for the past 5 decades!

Now, all you closet artists and gag writers out there, let's see some more Wackiness posted here!  We've had three people contribute to this thread so far, so don't be shy and let's see what you've got!

Offline Swiski

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Re: Forum Members' Teen/Amateur Wacky Packages
« Reply #117 on: April 04, 2023, 05:01:09 AM »
Again, I thank all of you for your enthusiasm for the work I did as a young teen.  Before I forget, I would like to thank Chad Scheres, to whom I sent the first page of my Wackys several months ago during a trade.  He said the Forum members would enjoy seeing them.  With that encouragement, I waited for a good time to start posting.  And then, with additional encouragement from Joe and roughwriter and so many more, I continued to post.  Most of all, I'm glad I provided some enjoyment to the Forum members, just as the Topps pros have provided me for the past 5 decades!

Now, all you closet artists and gag writers out there, let's see some more Wackiness posted here!  We've had three people contribute to this thread so far, so don't be shy and let's see what you've got!

I'm considering sketching up some new parodies, but I'm a little rusty on my sketch skills. I have ideas already swimming in my brain.

Offline Fanatical_and_Sickly

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Re: Forum Members' Teen/Amateur Wacky Packages
« Reply #118 on: April 04, 2023, 06:43:08 AM »
Trash is obviously one of those teen celebrity magazines that proliferated back then, but not sure what the real name was....maybe Flash? 
Thanks for posting all of these! They’ve been a blast to look through. So cool that they didn’t get lost over the years since you drew them.

Trash is a spoof of the children’s mag Smash. It was a Dynamite magazine wannabe that was only around for a couple years.

Offline Fanatical_and_Sickly

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Re: Forum Members' Teen/Amateur Wacky Packages
« Reply #119 on: April 04, 2023, 06:57:31 AM »
And the gum looks to be Clark’s Di-et Smile.

Offline bludevilok

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Re: Forum Members' Teen/Amateur Wacky Packages
« Reply #120 on: April 04, 2023, 10:47:54 PM »
Excellent research, Patrick!  Yup, those products are exactly what I used.  I'm really surprised you found images of those products.

Offline bludevilok

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Re: Forum Members' Teen/Amateur Wacky Packages
« Reply #121 on: April 04, 2023, 10:53:04 PM »
I'm considering sketching up some new parodies, but I'm a little rusty on my sketch skills. I have ideas already swimming in my brain.

I say go for it, Swiski!!!!  None of what's been posted here is professional, nor is it meant to be.  The title of the thread even includes the word "amateur"!  I and the rest of the Forum, I'm sure, would be thrilled to see what's swimming in your brain.  So, get out the ol' sketch pad.  I may even do the same (but after I finish other household projects).

Offline Swiski

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Re: Forum Members' Teen/Amateur Wacky Packages
« Reply #122 on: April 05, 2023, 07:25:31 AM »
I say go for it, Swiski!!!!  None of what's been posted here is professional, nor is it meant to be.  The title of the thread even includes the word "amateur"!  I and the rest of the Forum, I'm sure, would be thrilled to see what's swimming in your brain.  So, get out the ol' sketch pad.  I may even do the same (but after I finish other household projects).

I'm going to wait for the excitement to die down a little with the postcards and 2023 set. People will be discussing that and these other threads will get ignored.

I don't have my ideas completely panned out yet, but it's something similar to Old School that might be cool.

Offline bludevilok

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Re: Forum Members' Teen/Amateur Wacky Packages
« Reply #123 on: April 05, 2023, 10:36:03 PM »
That's probably wise, Swiski.  I had the same idea to wait until things died down a bit before posting mine.  Besides, I realize it takes time to get one's ideas together and start sketching.  We'll wait with anticipation....just don't forget about us!

