Thanks to the Makers here who posted with an update...that's what I wanted to check since there was no solicitation today. I have to admit, it's bittersweet. We were treated to almost a Wacky a day with the monthlies. While it was hard on the wallet, especially being a completist for the sub-series (Wonky Packages and the sets of four Comics each month or whatever preceded it).
Parting thoughts:
1) A few "thanks" to the team...there were a lot of really good Wackies in the monthly series. Some misses, but so many good ones and some all-timers I thought. Amazing output of work.
2) The Comic sub-set was GENIUS and easily the best of all of the sub-sets, with more value to me that high school pics or trading cards. We get to see characters come to life, in their Wacky product context, even if briefly....that was awesome. If Monthlies do continue, and I hope they can in a future year, please consider my vote for continuing these.