Author Topic: What is the story behind this Wacky Package 3d Mini Series 1 SET OF 60???????  (Read 2196 times)

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Offline sco(o)t

  • Posts: 4569
  • Looking:Postcard Ser4 BUGWEISER Smokin' Joe sketch

How can this be as Series 1 is a set of 66?????

I think that is a mock-up they used in early advertising before the product was actually released.
aka Scot Leibacher (no trademark)

Offline DrDeal

  • Posts: 3478
Can we get an update on S4?  Someone must have an idea of when they will hit.

Offline drono

  • Posts: 1484
I think that is a mock-up they used in early advertising before the product was actually released.

It looks like the one that was featured at the toy show to announce the upcoming release.  I remember the post-it note with August on it.

