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My sketch pulls: A little disappointed that the artists didn't stick to Ads.
Who drew the 6 up sketch?A
Nice sketches, though. The Cannibal soup is great.
There are several of the Wonky variations that showed up 50/50 to the standard,but the remaining are tougher at 1/5, 1/10 or harder
Which seem to be the more difficult variations? I'm not due to get my delivery until this weekend.
Any clue as to the Wacky character in this one? It's not Cracked Lighter.
That's Jujitsubees from ANS4.
Here are my sketch pulls from 8 packs.What are the chances I’d get the same sketch subject twice???Cool to get a double subject sketch though - Hag / Clunky - even though I don’t recognize the hag reference - A
'21 included with '22 as a point of reference.
"Shrinkflation" hits Wacky Packages.
OK - So my 22 sets arrived today - I will post sketches later - Had to open before my beauty sleep!22 Sets - 7 Sketches - GreatHere is my concern and issue, coalition - againI have 22 of the Glam and not one alternate ?? - I need one please and thank you if anyone can helpI have 21 of the "Alternative" and only one regular (Patrick is the Master Set List correct??)Richard#StayWacky
Is it me or did the regular and ALTs get switched in Patrick's Master List or did I get reverse luck!?
I'm not 100% sure on the Ultra Bite standard and variation, and your pulls are yet another indication they may be reversed.Both seem very plentiful? And a lot of people had about 50/50, so it's not clear cutMaybe Neil knows which is which?