I love this discussion
....so many ideas and common sense points made. So now here is my 2 cents.
Honestly I fear the Wacky Packages will die out just as us old Wacky collectors.

I bet if we conduct a poll, we would find what we all refuse to admit, that we're in our 50's, 60's, and older. I have tried to get my son (who is in this 20's and who is big into Yu-Gi-Oh! card games) to get hooked on Wackys, but with no success. We're a dying breed, with little to no interest by today's youth.
Secondly, what we all enjoyed growing up with Wacky Packages was the THRILL of the hunt!!!

We needed to get the whole set. Unfortunately, the thrill of the hunt, has turned into how can I {Topps Company} make a bigger profit from these Wacky addicts?

I noticed this during the ANS phase of my addiction. Instead of just being satisficed to collect the set, it turned into now I need to collect the SAME titles, but with different borders? How much money am I willing to spend on these? Yikes!!! So I took a break from the Wacky world and went through detox (due to my wife to put a stop to my Wacky spending)

....only to find out I missed out on the world of Old School, Lost Wacky sets, and others.

There was also a time where I without better judgement and due to the need to come up with extra cash I sold all but a few of my Wackys from 1967-1976 era to pay bills....heck I even have nightmares from selling my 'Good n Empty' Ad (which was in near mint condition) for only $450

(which was a fair price then), but now wish I still have it.
Now that I am back on better financial ground (living within my means....not rich) I find myself playing catch-up...and forced to use places like this forum, ebay, and other venues to gather my collection again. Which is one reason why I have also focused my addition on a select few Wacky characters, than whole sets (which are still nice...don't get me wrong). For instance, if you didn't know already my favorite character is and always has been BLUNDER BREAD!!!
OK ok ok....enough about me, back to the topic. Here is what I would like see happen with the future of Wacky Packages. Go back to the basics.
* Wax wrappers (for online sales) and ANS style wrappers for store sales.
* Stickers have blank backs, with random inserts with ad backs.
* Each pack contain one card stock checklist with a puzzle piece.
* Each set(series) would have a variation of the puzzle (one common and one rare variation).
* Each box would contain either one of nine bonus stickers or a sketch card.
* common set stickers would be fresh new titles.
* bonus stickers & puzzles would be from previous set characters.
* each new series would have a different theme. Themes would be product types, comic book characters, movies/TV shows, political characters, world leaders, video games, books, magazines, pokemon, cartoon characters, etc....
This way everyone would be happy. There would be cheaper common sets (easier to complete), there would be ways to hunt for special puzzle pieces, and BIG buyers would still be able to cash in on special bonus stickers and sketch cards.