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As of this upcoming Sat. We'll be 8 weeks out from the next non-sport show. It will be held at the Greater Oaks Expo center in Oaks, PA.Looking forward to hopefully seeing all of you who were at the "21" Oct. Fall show and also those of you who haven't attended a show in over 3-4 yrs or more. I'll be in attendance on Sat. but won't be able to stay over. Let's get a possible head count. C-Ya all in 2 months.
I be going. Marc I love going thru your extras. I am sorry you won't be setting up
Joe, LMK what to bring and I'll bring it!
I will be there again as well. Joe, thanks for the recent buys. I will be bringing lots of my extra stuff. Let me know if you want to meet up after we both rifle through everything at the show.
Are there any Wacky or other parody promo cards announced?Still hoping George Wright continues the Galactic Groceries and ships me the last set I never received (March 2019?)
Brother Shoe states that he might not be at this one either.
Can someone pick me up the promo pack? I'll pay for an entry pass!
How much are entry passes? Maybe I'll buy one to get all the free promos.Anyone know what promos will be available or is it too early? The Philly website doesn't have info yet.
Pat,I would be happy to get you an "entry"Richard#StayWacky
I need a 1st series white-back Mutts if anyone happens to see one at the show. Or if anyone has one available now, I would be interested.
Loren good to hear from ya! Wish I had a Mutts for you.And may I ask if anyone sees a very nice Slum Maid, I have a very nice Demented I'd like to trade for it.
Some of us here in the Midwest cannot make Philly…will have to settle for Chicago show the week before Philly…..Have we ever figured out why there are so many more Wacky-heads (Wack-a-doodles makes us sound demented) out East than here in the Midwest?
Because Topps is located in the East. We easterners get the purest product. We are very close to the source. That makes us the Wackiest people!
Why does this sound like drug dealing?Jim
I always consoled myself as a teenager in the 1980s by saying we here in the Midwest would be the last ones attacked in a nuclear war….My friend always pointed out that depending on the wind, the fallout would probably get us….
While I am anxious to hand out some flyers I have created, my kids' lives dictate my life(which i thoroughly enjoy) and since I am the head coach of a softball team with practices both days that weekend, doesn't look to be in the cards for me to come. Does anyone attend these shows that tout 150 dealer tables?
Before I ask, what promos are available this year? I would like an entry pass as well if the price isn't too high.Otherwise, I hope there will be extra parody promos available here in the forum for a decent price.Thank you!