Author Topic: Mars Attacks  (Read 5284 times)

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Offline rebelx0024

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Mars Attacks
« on: February 18, 2022, 03:07:16 PM »
How many folks here know about this legendary franchise?  I have been considering taking up collecting these at some point in the future.  I do already have a few cards that are Wacky or GPK crossovers (the Attacky Packages, the recent GPK crossover set from Uprising), but none of the "core" cards.  What would be nice to know is if there is a fan community similar to this that might be able to help me out should I decide to start buying them, and where I could get a rundown of what's been released.  What do you guys know?  Please share.  Thanks so much!

Offline Dr.M

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Re: Mars Attacks
« Reply #1 on: February 18, 2022, 03:39:37 PM »
There’s not really much out there in regards to a MA fan site like this. There are a few Facebook groups that came out from those that participated in the Kickstarter projects. You kinda have to just keep searching. There is the NFT Mars Attacks series from You can still buy them. Topps hasn’t really done anything since the Revenge series in 2017 (which was a terrible format and set). There are the mash up sets as you mentioned. The Kickstarter sets have done the best to keep the franchise alive. Other than the original set there has been a reprint set done in the 1980’s and a set done in 1994. Topps did a 50th anniversary set in 2012 and a follow up set the following year. Nothing special. Usual colored border insert cards and a few chase cards + sketches. There have also been comics and toys. Based on the frustration that came out of the latest Kickstarter set, I doubt we’ll see anytime soon. But Mars Attacks will always be a great nostalgic set.

Offline Fanatical_and_Sickly

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Re: Mars Attacks
« Reply #2 on: February 18, 2022, 04:39:46 PM »
be sure to include in the List the 2021 release Invasion 2026, the 10 card set that featured Elon Musk

Offline Dr.M

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Re: Mars Attacks
« Reply #3 on: February 18, 2022, 07:12:17 PM »
be sure to include in the List the 2021 release Invasion 2026, the 10 card set that featured Elon Musk

Good call! Thanks for the reminder!

Offline BattleCaps

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Re: Mars Attacks
« Reply #4 on: February 19, 2022, 02:54:36 PM »
I've always liked the iconic original set, but the cards were always expensive.  I have kept up with the reprint and Kckstarter releases since they are much more affordable.

  Was always planning on getting some of the originals, but the higher end PSA graded ones have been going for outrageous money the past couple of years so I have put that off until hopefully the graded card market crashes. Otherwise, I'll enjoy my reprints.

  There's a "Mars Attacks" book similar to the Spiegelman Wacky Packages books that is pretty good too.