Author Topic: Parody Comparison to the Real Products - Part 2!  (Read 19138 times)

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Offline Swiski

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Re: Parody Comparison to the Real Products - Part 2!
« Reply #35 on: August 22, 2021, 06:11:47 AM »
Yeah, I think someone pulled that Oysterettes image from my Flickr.  It was one of the reasons I was keen to buy and publish that Nabisco Showcase, so many years ago:

Nabisco Showcase - Page 05 - Late 1960's
by Jason Liebig, on Flickr

As such, I probably have the thing scanned at higher resolution somewhere...

Those vintage packaging designs were awesome!

Offline JasonLiebig

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Re: Parody Comparison to the Real Products - Part 2!
« Reply #36 on: August 22, 2021, 04:53:35 PM »
Those vintage packaging designs were awesome!

They really were. Wish I had more of that stuff, but I've got some nice ones. 
Jason Liebig - A swell TV host (currently on History Channel) who used to oversee Marvel Comics' X-Men - now creator and curator of and, a celebration of candy packaging, marketing and the people behind it all

Offline Swiski

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Re: Parody Comparison to the Real Products - Part 2!
« Reply #37 on: August 26, 2021, 02:53:46 PM »
I'm kinda bummed this thread doesn't get more followers than it does. I put a lot of care and devotion into my research and was looking forward to getting into the post-vintage series, but if nobody cares it's a moot point to continue. Those 3D mini plastic pieces of crap are all the rage now I guess. The least important thing to me is being a completist and die-hard collector who has to own everything. It's all about the quality artwork to me.

Offline mikecho

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Re: Parody Comparison to the Real Products - Part 2!
« Reply #38 on: August 26, 2021, 03:11:08 PM »
I'm kinda bummed this thread doesn't get more followers than it does. I put a lot of care and devotion into my research and was looking forward to getting into the post-vintage series, but if nobody cares it's a moot point to continue. Those 3D mini plastic pieces of crap are all the rage now I guess. The least important thing to me is being a completist and die-hard collector who has to own everything. It's all about the quality artwork to me.
I'd like to see the rest of this. Please carry on.

Offline lucidjc

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Re: Parody Comparison to the Real Products - Part 2!
« Reply #39 on: August 26, 2021, 05:48:32 PM »
I'm kinda bummed this thread doesn't get more followers than it does. I put a lot of care and devotion into my research and was looking forward to getting into the post-vintage series, but if nobody cares it's a moot point to continue. Those 3D mini plastic pieces of crap are all the rage now I guess. The least important thing to me is being a completist and die-hard collector who has to own everything. It's all about the quality artwork to me.

DUDE! I don't give a shit about little plastic pieces...This thread is where its at. I hang on this one just like the OS thread. Just cause you aint getting all the love does not mean you don't have some secret admirers.  Please keep going!


Offline MoldRush

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Re: Parody Comparison to the Real Products - Part 2!
« Reply #40 on: August 26, 2021, 07:06:55 PM »
Yes, think of yourself as the Velvet Underground of Wackys, having a small but devoted following.

Offline Swiski

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Re: Parody Comparison to the Real Products - Part 2!
« Reply #41 on: August 26, 2021, 07:49:10 PM » guys convinced me to keep on truckin'  :]

My goal is not to get thank yous for my posts, but rather responses with possibly interesting facts about the art that I might not now. On Greg's old site, I remember some cool threads such as the one where Norm Saunders son shared a lot of little known facts about Wacky Packages artwork. 

Like I said before, I feel like a large group of folks on this forum are all about collecting and not really into history anymore.
« Last Edit: August 26, 2021, 07:58:46 PM by Swiski »

Offline MadMike

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Re: Parody Comparison to the Real Products - Part 2!
« Reply #42 on: August 26, 2021, 11:25:06 PM »
I look forward to the next update. Thanks for taking the time to do this!

Offline RawGoo

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Re: Parody Comparison to the Real Products - Part 2!
« Reply #43 on: August 27, 2021, 01:36:00 AM »
I love hearing about the history, but have nothing to contribute in that area.  I never even found out about any of the forums until around 2004, so even though I was collecting Wackys while those forums were active in the 90's, I missed out on all the cool discoveries as they were happening.

Offline Swiski

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Re: Parody Comparison to the Real Products - Part 2!
« Reply #44 on: August 27, 2021, 08:44:02 AM »
I love hearing about the history, but have nothing to contribute in that area.  I never even found out about any of the forums until around 2004, so even though I was collecting Wackys while those forums were active in the 90's, I missed out on all the cool discoveries as they were happening.

That's OK, Pat. I guess I was focusing more on getting responses on this thread than the people enjoying them silently in the background. I love doing this research even if nobody has any facts to offer. I think a lot of those older history buffs either moved on or are still devoted to Greg's forum.

Offline sco(o)t

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Re: Parody Comparison to the Real Products - Part 2!
« Reply #45 on: August 27, 2021, 11:37:52 AM »
That's OK, Pat. I guess I was focusing more on getting responses on this thread than the people enjoying them silently in the background. I love doing this research even if nobody has any facts to offer. I think a lot of those older history buffs either moved on or are still devoted to Greg's forum.

I think some of the "history buffs" only drop in occasionally. To paraphrase:  you built it, they will come... but just not on a daily basis. I really enjoy reading this info but, like some others, don't have much to comment on after your thorough comments. I do think, however, you could be less judgmental on what what people enjoy about Wacky collecting. I think everyone collects in different fashions and enjoys varying elements of the hobby. Bad mouthing the mini collectors may be detrimental to the audience you are trying to build for this thread.
aka Scot Leibacher (no trademark)

Offline Swiski

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Re: Parody Comparison to the Real Products - Part 2!
« Reply #46 on: August 27, 2021, 12:23:14 PM »
I think some of the "history buffs" only drop in occasionally. To paraphrase:  you built it, they will come... but just not on a daily basis. I really enjoy reading this info but, like some others, don't have much to comment on after your thorough comments. I do think, however, you could be less judgmental on what what people enjoy about Wacky collecting. I think everyone collects in different fashions and enjoys varying elements of the hobby. Bad mouthing the mini collectors may be detrimental to the audience you are trying to build for this thread.

I don't think I was bad mouthing any members here...more of a frustrated venting about the "crickets" here.

Offline JasonLiebig

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Re: Parody Comparison to the Real Products - Part 2!
« Reply #47 on: August 27, 2021, 04:00:27 PM »
That's OK, Pat. I guess I was focusing more on getting responses on this thread than the people enjoying them silently in the background. I love doing this research even if nobody has any facts to offer. I think a lot of those older history buffs either moved on or are still devoted to Greg's forum.

If there's a product you're looking into, before you go doing a lot of research, you can certainly check with me.  Otherwise, you might end up finding scans of mine that I've published anyway, but there's lots that I haven't published, too. 

Not that I'm the BEST person at getting back to people all of the time, but I've devoted a lot of effort to tracking down the "original reference products" to Wackys.  And have so much material.


Jason Liebig - A swell TV host (currently on History Channel) who used to oversee Marvel Comics' X-Men - now creator and curator of and, a celebration of candy packaging, marketing and the people behind it all

Offline DrSushi

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Re: Parody Comparison to the Real Products - Part 2!
« Reply #48 on: August 27, 2021, 05:23:34 PM » guys convinced me to keep on truckin'  :]

My goal is not to get thank yous for my posts, but rather responses with possibly interesting facts about the art that I might not now. On Greg's old site, I remember some cool threads such as the one where Norm Saunders son shared a lot of little known facts about Wacky Packages artwork. 

Like I said before, I feel like a large group of folks on this forum are all about collecting and not really into history anymore.

Glad you're going to keep on truckin', I enjoy this thread.

Offline MadMike

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Re: Parody Comparison to the Real Products - Part 2!
« Reply #49 on: August 27, 2021, 09:55:20 PM »
Definitely looking forward to more wacky knowledge.

Offline Swiski

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Re: Parody Comparison to the Real Products - Part 2!
« Reply #50 on: August 31, 2021, 09:39:23 AM »
Full color artwork was completed for this next lost Wacky, but was never officially released to my knowledge - Rotting Zone compared to Rolling Stone

Offline roughwriter

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Re: Parody Comparison to the Real Products - Part 2!
« Reply #51 on: August 31, 2021, 10:45:02 AM »
Hey, for what its worth, I read every entry, and I use these comparisons as a guide when I design new roughs. Especially because nostalgia is such a big part of the appeal of Wackys and staying true to form is key to really nailing a gag, I try hard to keep in line with all that has gone before. Without these reference materials, the task would be much harder. I rely on the material I gather from this site to put out the best drawings possible. If I haven't said it before, what you do is a huge help, and I appreciate it. - Pete

Offline mikecho

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Re: Parody Comparison to the Real Products - Part 2!
« Reply #52 on: August 31, 2021, 11:19:41 AM »
Full color artwork was completed for this next lost Wacky, but was never officially released to my knowledge - Rotting Zone compared to Rolling Stone

I'm still waiting for this one to be placed in a future 1970s OLDS series, thus finishing the planned Wacky Magazines releases once and for all.

Oh, Dave, are you out there and are you listening...

Offline quas

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Re: Parody Comparison to the Real Products - Part 2!
« Reply #53 on: August 31, 2021, 04:54:25 PM »
I'm still waiting for this one to be placed in a future 1970s OLDS series, thus finishing the planned Wacky Magazines releases once and for all.

Oh, Dave, are you out there and are you listening...

I second the motion!

Offline mikecho

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Re: Parody Comparison to the Real Products - Part 2!
« Reply #54 on: August 31, 2021, 06:31:22 PM »
I second the motion!
You got it! I was hoping you'd get it. I was hoping somebody here would get it.

Offline roughwriter

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Re: Parody Comparison to the Real Products - Part 2!
« Reply #55 on: September 01, 2021, 07:26:27 AM »
We DO have a magazine design for OS 10 under consideration, but that set is 80s oriented, so Rotting Zone will have to wait until the series returns to the 70s, I guess.

Offline mikecho

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Re: Parody Comparison to the Real Products - Part 2!
« Reply #56 on: September 01, 2021, 08:26:36 AM »
We DO have a magazine design for OS 10 under consideration, but that set is 80s oriented, so Rotting Zone will have to wait until the series returns to the 70s, I guess.
Oh good, at least Rotting Zone is under consideration for something! Thank you very much, roughwriter, that's all I ask!
« Last Edit: September 02, 2021, 05:01:54 PM by mikecho »

Offline MoldRush

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Re: Parody Comparison to the Real Products - Part 2!
« Reply #57 on: September 02, 2021, 02:54:26 PM »
Oh good, at least Rotting Zone is under consideration! Thank you very much, that's all I ask!
I know some of the lost Wackys were done in Flashback II I believe, but in hindsight it would have made more sense to do a larger subset encompassing all of them, so as not to leave collectors pining for the rest in these ensuing years.

Offline mikecho

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Re: Parody Comparison to the Real Products - Part 2!
« Reply #58 on: September 02, 2021, 04:46:00 PM »
I know some of the lost Wackys were done in Flashback II I believe, but in hindsight it would have made more sense to do a larger subset encompassing all of them, so as not to leave collectors pining for the rest in these ensuing years.
Not just in Wacky Pack Flashback 2, but more were done in ANS1 before that as well. That's what started the whole thing about the lost 1992 series Wackys finally being released.

After Flashback 2, a few others have been released on an on-and-off basis, but so far never to the same extent as those two series. And there's still a lot more out there waiting to see the light of day officially. Some were finished and all ready to go before the series was cancelled; others were just roughs that never got beyond that point. To find out what they are, look up my post "Lost 1992 series Wackys that have been released and those that haven't been - yet." I'd also like to direct you to the Lost Wackys section of, but I don't know how much of it is still operational ever since Rusty took ill. On my post, there's a reference to Fred Wheaton's article "Wacky Packages: The Lost 1992 Series," but it desperately needs to be updated in many places (I've given Fred all the updates it needs and so far they still haven't been included). There's also a reference to a web article about Drew Friedman on my post, who was the artist who did much of the artwork for the Wackys that Pat Piggott painted for that series.
« Last Edit: September 03, 2021, 08:11:29 AM by mikecho »

Offline Swiski

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Re: Parody Comparison to the Real Products - Part 2!
« Reply #59 on: September 03, 2021, 05:29:51 AM »
Next up is the unpublished Fool-Aid compared to Kool-Aid, along with vintage series 1 Kook-Aid

UPDATE: There was a mention that the Fool-Aid green was too dark on the more recent Topps sticker. I found a scan of the original Lost Wacky which has a brighter more accurate green. Duane Dimock's stickers were also this brighter green. Not sure sure why Topps printed the green so dark.

« Last Edit: September 05, 2021, 06:07:09 AM by Swiski »

Offline RawGoo

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Re: Parody Comparison to the Real Products - Part 2!
« Reply #60 on: September 03, 2021, 05:34:25 AM »
Next up is the unpublished Fool-Aid compared to Kool-Aid, along with vintage series 1 Kook-Aid

I love the Fool-Aid Wacky!

Offline roughwriter

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Re: Parody Comparison to the Real Products - Part 2!
« Reply #61 on: September 03, 2021, 07:17:55 AM »
I drew a Stool-Aid gag once...Can't imagine why Topps turned it down!

Offline MoldRush

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Re: Parody Comparison to the Real Products - Part 2!
« Reply #62 on: September 03, 2021, 08:21:02 AM »
Next up is the unpublished Fool-Aid compared to Kool-Aid, along with vintage series 1 Kook-Aid

Unlike most repeat spoofs of the same product, neither of these are clearly superior to the other.  I’ll always go with Kook-Aid for sentimental reasons, but Fool-Aid is just as good.  The only thing I would change is lightening the green shades a bit, somewhere closer to the packet shown.  The greens used are too dark, and make me think of pine trees rather than limes.

Offline JasonLiebig

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Re: Parody Comparison to the Real Products - Part 2!
« Reply #63 on: September 03, 2021, 11:04:42 AM »
Unlike most repeat spoofs of the same product, neither of these are clearly superior to the other.  I’ll always go with Kook-Aid for sentimental reasons, but Fool-Aid is just as good.  The only thing I would change is lightening the green shades a bit, somewhere closer to the packet shown.  The greens used are too dark, and make me think of pine trees rather than limes.

Love this.

And I'm not saying that you were doing this, but I would caution anyone using images purloined online as a basis for authentic color representation of the original product.  It could well be that the Lemon-Lime Kool-Aid packet was actually darker than that jpeg appears, making the original unused art (as printed) closer to "package authentic".

Of course, it could also be that the Fool-Aid art has been degraded through the act of digital reproduction as well. 

I bring all of this up as, well, I'm perhaps the one person who is out here archiving and preserving old packaging and attempting to get the archival digital files color-true to the originals.  So, I'm gonna be a nerd when the conversation goes there. 
Jason Liebig - A swell TV host (currently on History Channel) who used to oversee Marvel Comics' X-Men - now creator and curator of and, a celebration of candy packaging, marketing and the people behind it all

Offline MoldRush

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Re: Parody Comparison to the Real Products - Part 2!
« Reply #64 on: September 03, 2021, 03:27:02 PM »
Love this.

And I'm not saying that you were doing this, but I would caution anyone using images purloined online as a basis for authentic color representation of the original product.  It could well be that the Lemon-Lime Kool-Aid packet was actually darker than that jpeg appears, making the original unused art (as printed) closer to "package authentic".

Of course, it could also be that the Fool-Aid art has been degraded through the act of digital reproduction as well. 

I bring all of this up as, well, I'm perhaps the one person who is out here archiving and preserving old packaging and attempting to get the archival digital files color-true to the originals.  So, I'm gonna be a nerd when the conversation goes there.

Jason - I totally get what you’re saying about the color accuracy issue, particularly for something this old, which itself could have faded or changed slightly from how it looked on supermarket shelves circa 1973.  I don’t think Kool-Aid even has a green packet anymore (think they just do a straight yellow lemon these days) for comparison.  But I do remember getting the same impression from Fool-Aid when I had examples in hand, from Flashbacks II if I remember correctly.  So there must be an issue with the master copy or whatever it’s called, that’s used to make production copies.  I’d be interested to compare with any bootlegs that were made (I think they had better tones), and even more the original painting, if its whereabouts are known.

Offline Jean Nutty

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Re: Parody Comparison to the Real Products - Part 2!
« Reply #65 on: September 04, 2021, 05:55:51 AM »
Brief aside. I’ve never fully appreciated this jester character until I clicked a second time on your image. I often forget to click a second time. In your post, Fool Aid and Kool Aid are relatively large images, and a second click provides a close-up view. The Kook Aid is a smaller image and does not employ the second click feature. (I assume Postimage engages the second click function automatically when we have a large image that won’t fit completely on a screen)  I’m going to make this my laptop background for a while.   

Offline Swiski

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Re: Parody Comparison to the Real Products - Part 2!
« Reply #66 on: September 05, 2021, 05:52:49 AM »
Next up is Midget Rice compared to Minute Rice. Another great unpublished parody that should have been used!

This is the 4th piece of Lost Wacky artwork purchased years ago by Duane Dimock. The others were Buggies, Monsterettes and Fool Aid.

Here is a brief story:

Duane made a smart move and produced sticker versions of his parody artwork to sell. Probably paid for what he spent on the artwork.

When Topps reprinted Midget Rice years later, some color retouching was made. Look at the flesh tones on his face.

"SNOT GRAIN" was changed to "SHORT GRAIN" which actually makes more sense!

Unrelated, there were two famous brothers with the last name Rice who were "midgets"

Here is their story:

« Last Edit: September 05, 2021, 05:59:10 AM by Swiski »

Offline Swiski

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Re: Parody Comparison to the Real Products - Part 2!
« Reply #67 on: September 05, 2021, 06:08:19 AM »
Love this.

And I'm not saying that you were doing this, but I would caution anyone using images purloined online as a basis for authentic color representation of the original product.  It could well be that the Lemon-Lime Kool-Aid packet was actually darker than that jpeg appears, making the original unused art (as printed) closer to "package authentic".

Of course, it could also be that the Fool-Aid art has been degraded through the act of digital reproduction as well. 

I bring all of this up as, well, I'm perhaps the one person who is out here archiving and preserving old packaging and attempting to get the archival digital files color-true to the originals.  So, I'm gonna be a nerd when the conversation goes there.

I updated my original post to show the original Lost Wacky (Duane Dimock) Fool-Aid art that is more accurate and brighter.

Offline NationalSpittoon

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Re: Parody Comparison to the Real Products - Part 2!
« Reply #68 on: September 05, 2021, 06:31:11 AM »
Next up is the unpublished Fool-Aid compared to Kool-Aid, along with vintage series 1 Kook-Aid

UPDATE: There was a mention that the Fool-Aid green was too dark on the more recent Topps sticker. I found a scan of the original Lost Wacky which has a brighter more accurate green. Duane Dimock's stickers were also this brighter green. Not sure sure why Topps printed the green so dark.

Fool Aid is one of my favorite of the "Lost Wackys". It fits suit well with the 12ths, it being my favorite set. I dare say that I prefer this to Kook Aid.

Also, this title would have been one of the double prints in the set if I remember correctly.

I wonder who has the original art for this one, and what their selling price is...

Offline Fanatical_and_Sickly

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Re: Parody Comparison to the Real Products - Part 2!
« Reply #69 on: September 05, 2021, 07:25:32 AM »
Brief aside. I’ve never fully appreciated this jester character until I clicked a second time on your image. I often forget to click a second time. In your post, Fool Aid and Kool Aid are relatively large images, and a second click provides a close-up view. The Kook Aid is a smaller image and does not employ the second click feature. (I assume Postimage engages the second click function automatically when we have a large image that won’t fit completely on a screen)  I’m going to make this my laptop background for a while.   
thanks for the enlarged image.
While I mostly like the Fool-Aid gag, it just never quite clicked for me. And with that blow-up you can really get a close up of those awful ice cubes, which is my major problem with this one.
The cubes seem like an after-thought to the painting, added on by someone else, believing it would be 'funny' to have a cube falling on the jester's head. And the cubes that are floating on air that are inside the pitcher, instead of submerged within the water, are just terrible. Kook-Aid did the ice right and is a sharp painting. Fool-Aid is really sub-par in execution.