Author Topic: Wacky Packages NFTs  (Read 12453 times)

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Offline Adrian

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Wacky Packages NFTs
« on: August 07, 2021, 01:02:05 AM »
I am sure some, if not most of you will have no interest in NFTs, but i thought I would share. I recently had an exchange with the director of blockchain at Topps, Marc Seal, in their Discord, and he would consider a release of Wacky Package NFTs. He even mentioned possible reward of completing sets having physical rewards. If you followed what they did with Garbage Pail Kids here , it would be sweet to see the same with our beloved Wacky Packages on their new platform.

 If you’re interested in this project, you can see their new platform - and likely an important part of their future. If you’re interested in a Wacky Packages NFT, I would encourage you to make yourself heard in their channels. You can also email them at blockchain @…I only see positives in bringing newer generations into collecting wacky packages even if it’s in a new format. It took me a while to also understand the appeal, and this old brain to get the tech behind it, but now I am slightly addicted to it

I think it has benefits to seeing more expanded Wacky offerings, in the future and demand for physical cards too
« Last Edit: August 07, 2021, 01:07:09 AM by Adrian »

Offline quas

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Re: Wacky Packages NFTs
« Reply #1 on: August 07, 2021, 05:44:36 AM »

Offline roughwriter

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Re: Wacky Packages NFTs
« Reply #2 on: August 07, 2021, 12:52:08 PM »
NFT = non-fungible token

I think that definition needs to be modified : NFT= Non FUN Token!

Offline bigtomi

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Re: Wacky Packages NFTs
« Reply #3 on: August 07, 2021, 02:54:05 PM »
I think that definition needs to be modified : NFT= Non FUN Token!
I'd have to agree. If I don't have a physical card, then WTF cares!?!?

WTF = Who The F---    :P

Offline quas

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Re: Wacky Packages NFTs
« Reply #4 on: August 07, 2021, 03:27:04 PM »
And who (besides me) is old enough to remember LSMFT?

Offline mikecho

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Re: Wacky Packages NFTs
« Reply #5 on: August 07, 2021, 06:35:27 PM »
And who (besides me) is old enough to remember LSMFT?
I remember it. I heard it on an old time radio audiocassette (remember those?) as a commercial on the show (I think it was The Jack Benny Program). It's an acronym for "Lucky Strike Means Fine Tobacco."

Offline quas

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Re: Wacky Packages NFTs
« Reply #6 on: August 07, 2021, 06:58:12 PM »
I remember it. I heard it on an old time radio audiocassette (remember those?) as a commercial on the show (I think it was The Jack Benny Program). It's an acronym for "Lucky Strike Means Fine Tobacco."


Offline roughwriter

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Re: Wacky Packages NFTs
« Reply #7 on: August 07, 2021, 07:09:28 PM »
I remember it. I heard it on an old time radio audiocassette (remember those?) as a commercial on the show (I think it was The Jack Benny Program). It's an acronym for "Lucky Strike Means Fine Tobacco."

And the Lucky Strike parody in the original series mocked that acronym with D.A./N.G.E.R. Wonder if there was a secret message behind it?!

Offline Swiski

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Re: Wacky Packages NFTs
« Reply #8 on: August 07, 2021, 08:09:10 PM »
Sick of all this NFT, digital trading cards and Bitcoin crap. Let's get back to the basics!

Offline JailOJohn

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Re: Wacky Packages NFTs
« Reply #9 on: August 07, 2021, 08:28:20 PM »
Agreed. Real stickers stuck on furniture and notebooks…

Offline mikecho

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Re: Wacky Packages NFTs
« Reply #10 on: August 07, 2021, 08:41:07 PM »
I remember it. I heard it on an old time radio audiocassette (remember those?) as a commercial on the show (I think it was The Jack Benny Program). It's an acronym for "Lucky Strike Means Fine Tobacco."

And the Lucky Strike parody in the original series mocked that acronym with D.A./N.G.E.R. Wonder if there was a secret message behind it?!
Well, I guess we'll never know.
« Last Edit: August 08, 2021, 09:51:18 AM by mikecho »

Offline DrDeal

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Re: Wacky Packages NFTs
« Reply #11 on: August 08, 2021, 02:49:19 AM »
My suspicion is that Topps will do NFT's for Wacky's with a Highly limited Physical Card counterpart included with NFT purchases in order to pull us in. 

Offline Adrian

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Re: Wacky Packages NFTs
« Reply #12 on: August 08, 2021, 04:05:38 AM »
My suspicion is that Topps will do NFT's for Wacky's with a Highly limited Physical Card counterpart included with NFT purchases in order to pull us in. 

What they did with GPK was include a card in packs to redeem the NFT. They sold really well. Personally I think it’s not a bad thing for them to consider new ways to get more people aware of Wacky Packages even if it’s not for many of the people here. I didn’t expect it to be a popular idea for the majority - but thought I would share for those interested in the trends.

Even though I have a couple GPK cards - I’d only buy wacky NFTs for those cards I love - and see animated.

Here is more on what they did
« Last Edit: August 08, 2021, 04:14:27 AM by Adrian »

Offline DrDeal

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Re: Wacky Packages NFTs
« Reply #13 on: August 08, 2021, 06:40:20 AM »
What they did with GPK was include a card in packs to redeem the NFT. They sold really well. Personally I think it’s not a bad thing for them to consider new ways to get more people aware of Wacky Packages even if it’s not for many of the people here. I didn’t expect it to be a popular idea for the majority - but thought I would share for those interested in the trends.

Even though I have a couple GPK cards - I’d only buy wacky NFTs for those cards I love - and see animated.

Here is more on what they did

Thanks for the GPK NFT links. It sounds like the GPK collectors need to be highly motivated and tech savvy in order to stay current on the physical and NFT offerings. 


Offline Adrian

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Re: Wacky Packages NFTs
« Reply #14 on: August 08, 2021, 08:34:41 AM »
Thanks for the GPK NFT links. It sounds like the GPK collectors need to be highly motivated and tech savvy in order to stay current on the physical and NFT offerings. 


Yes I think it’s certainly not maybe the traditional audience or people here - but I thought I would share here for those interested and also because it’s a possible future trend. I am fine with it, as I mentioned it brings new people to the hobby. I am sure these new people may also search out the physical cards too. Win win!

Offline lucidjc

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Re: Wacky Packages NFTs
« Reply #15 on: August 08, 2021, 12:18:03 PM »
Win win!

Until its the same card you want, and they outbid you.  They win/ you lose.


Offline Adrian

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Re: Wacky Packages NFTs
« Reply #16 on: August 08, 2021, 03:47:56 PM »
Until its the same card you want, and they outbid you.  They win/ you lose.


Fair enough. I guess I am more keen to see another generation get joy from this. I am not sure how many will seek out the older stuff, but I get your point. I promise you outside 1980-1992 cards, I am not competition.

Offline ToadallyDude

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Re: Wacky Packages NFTs
« Reply #17 on: August 28, 2021, 01:02:38 AM »
That GPK blockchain NFT link doesn't work anymore.
I always thought they'd go that route eventually.  But it seems like the whole NFT thing was a flash in the pan & is petering out now.  I was surprised to see it go so wild after CryptoKitties flopped years ago.  But it's probably here to stay.  I'm not a fan of Wackys going there... but I suppose it WOULD solve one problem... everyone freaking out over corner sharpness between PSA 9 and PSA 10 stickers when the artwork is in the middle.  heh.

Offline Adrian

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Re: Wacky Packages NFTs
« Reply #18 on: August 28, 2021, 11:44:38 AM »
That GPK blockchain NFT link doesn't work anymore.
I always thought they'd go that route eventually.  But it seems like the whole NFT thing was a flash in the pan & is petering out now.  I was surprised to see it go so wild after CryptoKitties flopped years ago.  But it's probably here to stay.  I'm not a fan of Wackys going there... but I suppose it WOULD solve one problem... everyone freaking out over corner sharpness between PSA 9 and PSA 10 stickers when the artwork is in the middle.  heh.

The link is still good

I don’t know about it being a flash, when Visa just bought an NFT. It’s likely a fad as you mention, but a fad to stay for a bit longer.

Offline ToadallyDude

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Re: Wacky Packages NFTs
« Reply #19 on: September 05, 2021, 08:07:00 PM »
The link is still good

Yikes!  What happened to the GPK art?  They don't even look like the post-lawsuit version of the Cabbage Patch dolls anymore.  It's like a completely different style.  Never been a fan of that set anyway, but they were more funny when they actually looked like what they were parodying anyway.  If I was into NFTs, I might buy one for an original 1st series style... but how are they getting customers of these new ones?  (well, I suppose if people are paying 5 and 6 figures for tiny little 8-bit faces, anything is possible).

Offline DrDeal

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Re: Wacky Packages NFTs
« Reply #20 on: October 03, 2021, 01:21:41 AM »
     So I got pulled into NFT's with the latest Funko release: Iron Maiden. I now have a Wax wallet and purchased packs on 9/30 when they dropped.
It sold out  (24,000 Packs) and I purchased 4 5 NFT packs on the secondary market for $12 per pack instead of  the $9.99 original selling price. I pulled a Grail NFT which also gets you a physical Funko Iron Maiden Pop that is only available to those who pull a grail NFT and is limited to 666 pieces. I ended up with 18 unique NFT's from my 4 packs of 5 and purchased more on the secondary market to assemble a full set of the 42 Regular NFT's that are available. That allows me to get another physical pop called a Mastery Edition (2400 made).  So for my $130 outlay I will be getting two very cool pops and I have a virtual collection too.
     I was very lucky to pull the grail NFT as the odds of doing so are 0.37% which is about 1/240 packs. I am not a Funko Pop collector; but like Iron Maiden alot so got involved. All in all I am happy with the experience and I can totally see Topps doing something with Wackys in the future. If they had physical cards tied into it I feel alot of us would participate.

Regards,  Andrew

Offline Fanatical_and_Sickly

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Re: Wacky Packages NFTs
« Reply #21 on: November 10, 2021, 03:54:08 PM »
Mars Attacks NFTs coming Monday.

Offline Dr.M

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Re: Wacky Packages NFTs
« Reply #22 on: November 10, 2021, 07:25:32 PM »
Those could be fun. Any idea on cost or pack size?

Offline DrDeal

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Re: Wacky Packages NFTs
« Reply #23 on: November 11, 2021, 02:38:01 AM »
I don't see any physical redemption cards. Ehhh.  Hot Wheels NFT's drop next Tues. 5 of the 40 NFT's have physical redemption for a very limited Hot Wheels car with spectraflame paint and special tires. IMO , that is what collectors want with their NFT's. 

Offline drono

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Re: Wacky Packages NFTs
« Reply #24 on: November 11, 2021, 04:44:34 AM »
What's next, NFT Real Estate?

Offline freetoes

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Re: Wacky Packages NFTs
« Reply #25 on: November 11, 2021, 05:11:20 PM »
What's next, NFT Real Estate?

I actually wouldn't rule it out. The Greater Fool Theory is alive and well.

Offline BattleCaps

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Re: Wacky Packages NFTs
« Reply #26 on: November 15, 2021, 02:53:16 PM »
I guess the Mars Attacks NFTs aren't selling too well. All 'packs' are still available.

Offline Dr.M

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Re: Wacky Packages NFTs
« Reply #27 on: November 15, 2021, 03:44:50 PM »
Would have been better if they offered some physical redemption cards with this series of NFTs.

Offline Dr.M

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Re: Wacky Packages NFTs
« Reply #28 on: November 15, 2021, 03:49:28 PM »
Maybe Topps should release a physical set of the original cards with the NFT style variants. Motion, gold, green/X-ray. Would probably sell way more.

Offline Dr.M

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Re: Wacky Packages NFTs
« Reply #29 on: November 15, 2021, 04:13:46 PM »
One thing interesting about the set is that they’ve replaced several of the original titles with new cards.

Offline Fanatical_and_Sickly

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Re: Wacky Packages NFTs
« Reply #30 on: November 15, 2021, 04:34:39 PM »
One thing interesting about the set is that they’ve replaced several of the original titles with new cards.
not sure how that is 'interesting', sounds like they ruined a perfectly good thing. why change the original set?

Offline Dr.M

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Re: Wacky Packages NFTs
« Reply #31 on: November 15, 2021, 04:36:28 PM »
I guess the Mars Attacks NFTs aren't selling too well. All 'packs' are still available.

Topps didn’t really do a good job marketing these (big surprise there). I wouldn’t have known about them if F&S hadn’t posted the info.

Offline Dr.M

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Re: Wacky Packages NFTs
« Reply #32 on: November 15, 2021, 04:38:29 PM »
not sure how that is 'interesting', sounds like they ruined a perfectly good thing. why change the original set?

One of the replaced titles was #15 Saucers invade China. Maybe the move was to not ‘offend’ anyone…

Offline DrDeal

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Re: Wacky Packages NFTs
« Reply #33 on: November 16, 2021, 12:13:46 AM »
The 10 Prize Cards only offer NFT's as the prize. No Physical Redemption = No interest for me.  The Hot Wheels Drop 1 is today. There are 5400 Physical Cars you can score by pulling a Premium or Treasure Hunt NFT.  That drop will sell out in 30 minutes.


Offline drono

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Re: Wacky Packages NFTs
« Reply #34 on: November 16, 2021, 09:23:22 AM »
The 10 Prize Cards only offer NFT's as the prize. No Physical Redemption = No interest for me.  The Hot Wheels Drop 1 is today. There are 5400 Physical Cars you can score by pulling a Premium or Treasure Hunt NFT.  That drop will sell out in 30 minutes.

That sounds like buying a lottery ticket where all you get is a photo of the prize, and maybe if you're lucky you'll get a small percentage of it.