Author Topic: World's Smallest Wacky Packages Mini's Series 2  (Read 130269 times)

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Offline faustxxx

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Re: World's Smallest Wacky Packages Mini's Series 2
« Reply #35 on: January 12, 2021, 10:31:01 AM »
So I opened one of 3 boxes so far and was so stunned that I found 3 rare 3D's including the gold Windhex. I was out this morning and grabbed 4 cups Here are the 3 cup toppers and contents that I found each rare: 1) Ditch Boy, sticker-Dr. Ono 4 pack=Milk Foam, Eviltime, Lame Boy and rare Poopsie with sparkles. 2) Peter Pan Handle, sticker-Sneer, 4 pack=Baby Poop, Snots, Awful Bits, and rare Scrapple with sparkles. 3) Gloom, sticker-Old Spit 4 pack=Sneezit, Blunder, Hungry Jerks Pucks, and rare Windhex gold. Ok, so back to the 4 cups I bought I grabbed a Ditch Boy with different results and now have 28 different stickers. I will be taking some pictures sometime L8R along with the rare 3D's. Matt.
« Last Edit: January 12, 2021, 10:48:48 AM by faustxxx »

Offline RawGoo

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Re: World's Smallest Wacky Packages Mini's Series 2
« Reply #36 on: January 12, 2021, 11:10:49 AM »
Are you finding these cases in the toy section?

Offline faustxxx

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Re: World's Smallest Wacky Packages Mini's Series 2
« Reply #37 on: January 12, 2021, 11:14:27 AM »
Here's what I have so far for 3D's.

Offline Baked Bears

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Re: World's Smallest Wacky Packages Mini's Series 2
« Reply #38 on: January 12, 2021, 12:27:40 PM »
Are you finding these cases in the toy section?

I found my case in the trading card section of Target.

Offline bandaches

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Re: World's Smallest Wacky Packages Mini's Series 2
« Reply #39 on: January 12, 2021, 12:31:10 PM »
So I opened one of 3 boxes so far and was so stunned that I found 3 rare 3D's including the gold Windhex. I was out this morning and grabbed 4 cups Here are the 3 cup toppers and contents that I found each rare: 1) Ditch Boy, sticker-Dr. Ono 4 pack=Milk Foam, Eviltime, Lame Boy and rare Poopsie with sparkles. 2) Peter Pan Handle, sticker-Sneer, 4 pack=Baby Poop, Snots, Awful Bits, and rare Scrapple with sparkles. 3) Gloom, sticker-Old Spit 4 pack=Sneezit, Blunder, Hungry Jerks Pucks, and rare Windhex gold. Ok, so back to the 4 cups I bought I grabbed a Ditch Boy with different results and now have 28 different stickers. I will be taking some pictures sometime L8R along with the rare 3D's. Matt.
Which location in the case were these that resulted in rares?
Contact me at as I have tons of wackys for sale!  Visit my website

Offline faustxxx

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Re: World's Smallest Wacky Packages Mini's Series 2
« Reply #40 on: January 12, 2021, 01:15:37 PM »

Offline fishbulb

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Re: World's Smallest Wacky Packages Mini's Series 2
« Reply #41 on: January 12, 2021, 01:24:28 PM »
Longtime lurker, first time poster...
Just stopped by a Target (in Omaha,NE) and back in the toy section with some other collectible (SI) stuff.. SERIES 2 is out!
Just bought 4 as i’m not planning on getting suckered in like series 1.

Top mini (os)/sticker/minis (os-ns)
- Delinquent/Nutti-Brain/Blunder, Alpoo, Thefty, Anvil
- Eviltime/Scrapple/Dr. Ono, Ultra Blight, Clodlike, Nuttin Butta
- Sneer/Coldfish/Cram, Poopsie, Fright Castle, Snots
- Siesta/Chimps Ahoy/Commie, Gripe Nuts, Del Monster, Baby Poop

No rare’s.

Checklist is a mess

Os mixed with Ns on both sides..

OS has 6 ns minis (bald-aid, gripe nuts, barnum’s manimals, unlucky charms, thefty, hairy combs
NS has 3 os minis (windhex, freetos, cheapios)

NS “rare” are scrapple sparkle, peter panhandle sparkle, baby poop sparkle
OS “rare” are poopsie sparkle, eviltime sparkle, boo-hoo sparkle. And then “really rare”: Alpoo (black), Cram (black), Commie (black)

Offline fishbulb

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Re: World's Smallest Wacky Packages Mini's Series 2
« Reply #42 on: January 12, 2021, 01:29:28 PM »
Forgot one.. “Fuggetaboutit” (yes it really says that).. windhex “gold”

Offline lucidjc

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Re: World's Smallest Wacky Packages Mini's Series 2
« Reply #43 on: January 12, 2021, 01:33:04 PM »
Here's what I have so far for 3D's.

Nice placement of the label on the gold Windhex...

I guess SI plagiarized "Mini Brands" with the way they did the rares this time.
Still wont be buying this series, spent all my fun money on 2 NEW pinball machines.


Offline DrDeal

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Re: World's Smallest Wacky Packages Mini's Series 2
« Reply #44 on: January 12, 2021, 01:35:50 PM »

My 24 stickers are almost all different than your haul. 

« Last Edit: January 12, 2021, 01:40:52 PM by DrDeal »

Offline fishbulb

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Re: World's Smallest Wacky Packages Mini's Series 2
« Reply #45 on: January 12, 2021, 01:45:43 PM »
Upon further inspection... the Alpoo i got isn’t a solid color plastic. Its clear with bits of red “flecks” or “glitter” in it. It’s not listed on the checklist as a “sparkle” and its not “black” as its really rare indicates.
Who knows where this is going

Offline toddbarrett

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Re: World's Smallest Wacky Packages Mini's Series 2
« Reply #46 on: January 12, 2021, 01:47:51 PM »
That gold Windhex so sooooooo cool. I pre-ordered a case from Toy-Whiz so I'm trying to stop myself from driving to the Target tomorrow, but I am weak. :-)
Nice haul Matt!!!

Todd B.

Offline faustxxx

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Re: World's Smallest Wacky Packages Mini's Series 2
« Reply #47 on: January 12, 2021, 01:54:04 PM »
That gold Windhex so sooooooo cool. I pre-ordered a case from Toy-Whiz so I'm trying to stop myself from driving to the Target tomorrow, but I am weak. :-)
Nice haul Matt!!!

Todd B.
Thanks Todd, there seems to be zero pattern and probably 30 or more stickers this time around;  good luck and I look forward to see what you pick up. Matt.

Offline fishbulb

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Re: World's Smallest Wacky Packages Mini's Series 2
« Reply #48 on: January 12, 2021, 02:22:15 PM »

Offline Jean Nutty

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Re: World's Smallest Wacky Packages Mini's Series 2
« Reply #49 on: January 12, 2021, 02:29:04 PM »

I've heard multiple instances recently of folks not being able to buy multiple packs of rack pack cards (such as GPK), limiting them to only 1 pack sometimes, when going through regular checkout lanes. Crazy

Does anyone know why they would set a purchase limit of one pack? That's nuts.

Offline DrDeal

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Re: World's Smallest Wacky Packages Mini's Series 2
« Reply #50 on: January 12, 2021, 03:36:41 PM »
Upon further inspection... the Alpoo i got isn’t a solid color plastic. Its clear with bits of red “flecks” or “glitter” in it. It’s not listed on the checklist as a “sparkle” and its not “black” as its really rare indicates.
Who knows where this is going

Did you get 3 rares in your case or 2? 
« Last Edit: January 13, 2021, 04:02:57 AM by DrDeal »

Offline Baked Bears

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Re: World's Smallest Wacky Packages Mini's Series 2
« Reply #51 on: January 12, 2021, 03:53:44 PM »
Here is what I pulled from the top layer of my case.  (I will pull and post the bottom layer tomorrow.)

Top Mini: Gripe-Nuts / Sticker: Smellio's / Minis: Awful Bits, Thefty, Freetoes, Bling Pup

Top Mini: Foot Gushers / Sticker: Gearios / Minis: Clodlike, Anvil, Hungry Jerk, Scrapple

Top Mini: Dims / Sticker: Pus Pop / Minis: Snots, Creature Crackers, Coldfish, Chokin' in the Sea

Top Mini: Delinquent / Sticker: Aquaflush / Minis: Top-Secret, Milk-Foam, Eviltime, Dork

Top Mini: Chimps Ahoy / Sticker: Anvil / Minis: Anvil, Antenmann's, Hungry Jerk, Dead Bull

Top Mini: Hungry Jerk / Sticker: Nuttin' Butta / Minis: Pollydent, Fright Castle, Siesta, Windhex

Top Mini: Tix / Sticker: Antenmann's / Minis: Anvil, Sneer, Peter Panhandle, Del Monster

Top Mini: Antenmann's / Sticker: Scarburst / Minis: Gripe-Nuts, Baby Poop, Lice Cakes, Peter Panhandle (Sparkle)

Top Mini: Lame Boy / Sticker: Grand Theft Audio / Minis: Snots, Eviltime, Spittles, Pus Pop

Top Mini: Sneez-It / Sticker: Dead Bull / Minis: Aquaflush, Delinquent, Nuttin' Butta, Cheapos

Top Mini: Cheapios / Sticker: Sludgsicle / Minis: Sludgsicle, Chimps Ahoy, Alpoo, Scarburst

Top Mini: Alpoo / Sticker: Lice Cakes / Minis: Zit Kat, Macaroni for Geese, Pollydent, Sneer

Here is what I pulled from the bottom layer.

Top Mini: Pollydent / Sticker: Baby Poop / Minis: Commie, Dims, Macaroni for Geese, Scrapple (Sparkle)

Top Mini: Eviltime / Sticker: Fright Castle / Minis: No Tips, Foot Gushers, Poopsie, Nuttin" Butta

Top Mini: Awful Bits / Sticker: Sneez-It / Minis: Freetoes, Tix, Blunder, Hungry Jerk (Pucks)

Top Mini: Chicken Fat / Sticker: Bling Pup / Minis: Gloom, Bald-Aid, Fright Castle, Cram (Red Sparkle)

Top Mini: Macaroni for Geese / Sticker: Peter Panhandle / Minis: Lice Cakes, Creature Crackers, Top-Secret, Sneez-It

Top Mini: Top-Secret / Sticker: Slop-Tarts / Minis: Tix, Snots, Hungry Jerk (Pucks), Antenmann's

Top Mini: Milk-Foam / Sticker: Tix / Minis: Unlucky Charms, Top-Secret, Cram, Foot Gushers

Top Mini: Sneer / Sticker: Macaroni for Geese / Minis: Lice Cakes, Unlucky Charms, Freetoes, Dr. Ono

Top Mini: Freetoes / Sticker: Nutti-Brain / Minis: Ditch Boy, Fright Castle, Chimps Ahoy, Sludgsicle

Top Mini: Siesta / Sticker: Dork / Minis: Chef Girl-Ar-Dee, Dims, Sludgsicle, Bald-Aid

Top Mini: Fright Castle / Sticker: Struggle / Minis: Boo-Hoo, Cheapios, Macaroni for Geese, Nuttin' Butta

Top Mini: Thefty / Sticker: Zit Kat / Minis: Lame Boy, Blunder, Ultra Blight, Anvil

So, altogether I pulled 3 crystals from one case: Peter Panhandle, Scrapple, and Cram.  Cram is not an ordinary sparkle, though.  Instead of glitter, it has red flecks in the clear plastic, similar to the Alpoo that Fishbulb mentioned and posted a photograph of earlier.
« Last Edit: January 13, 2021, 03:31:50 PM by Baked Bears »

Offline crackedjerk

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Re: World's Smallest Wacky Packages Mini's Series 2
« Reply #52 on: January 12, 2021, 04:14:44 PM »
Longtime lurker, first time poster...
Just stopped by a Target (in Omaha,NE) and back in the toy section with some other collectible (SI) stuff.. SERIES 2 is out!
Just bought 4 as i’m not planning on getting suckered in like series 1.

Top mini (os)/sticker/minis (os-ns)
- Delinquent/Nutti-Brain/Blunder, Alpoo, Thefty, Anvil
- Eviltime/Scrapple/Dr. Ono, Ultra Blight, Clodlike, Nuttin Butta
- Sneer/Coldfish/Cram, Poopsie, Fright Castle, Snots
- Siesta/Chimps Ahoy/Commie, Gripe Nuts, Del Monster, Baby Poop

No rare’s.

Checklist is a mess

Os mixed with Ns on both sides..

OS has 6 ns minis (bald-aid, gripe nuts, barnum’s manimals, unlucky charms, thefty, hairy combs
NS has 3 os minis (windhex, freetos, cheapios)

NS “rare” are scrapple sparkle, peter panhandle sparkle, baby poop sparkle
OS “rare” are poopsie sparkle, eviltime sparkle, boo-hoo sparkle. And then “really rare”: Alpoo (black), Cram (black), Commie (black)

Great find!  Are the stickers the same style as series 1?  Guess I'll be hitting some Targets in the near future...

Offline faustxxx

  • Posts: 328
Re: World's Smallest Wacky Packages Mini's Series 2
« Reply #53 on: January 12, 2021, 04:21:27 PM »
Here is what I pulled from the top layer of my case.  (I will pull and post the bottom layer tomorrow.)

Top Mini: Gripe-Nuts / Sticker: Smellio's / Minis: Awful Bits, Thefty, Freetoes, Bling Pup

Top Mini: Foot Gushers / Sticker: Gearios / Minis: Clodlike, Anvil, Hungry Jerk, Scrapple

Top Mini: Dims / Sticker: Pus Pop / Minis: Snots, Creature Crackers, Coldfish, Chokin' in the Sea

Top Mini: Delinquent / Sticker: Aquaflush / Minis: Top-Secret, Milk-Foam, Eviltime, Dork

Top Mini: Chimps Ahoy / Sticker: Anvil / Minis: Anvil, Antenmann's, Hungry Jerk, Dead Bull

Top Mini: Hungry Jerk / Sticker: Nuttin' Butta / Minis: Pollydent, Fright Castle, Siesta, Windhex

Top Mini: Tix / Sticker: Antenmann's / Minis: Anvil, Sneer, Peter Panhandle, Del Monster

Top Mini: Antenmann's / Sticker: Scarburst / Minis: Gripe-Nuts, Baby Poop, Lice Cakes, Peter Panhandle (Sparkle)

Top Mini: Lame Boy / Sticker: Grand Theft Audio / Minis: Snots, Eviltime, Spittles, Pus Pop

Top Mini: Sneez-It / Sticker: Dead Bull / Minis: Aquaflush, Delinquent, Nuttin' Butta, Cheapos

Top Mini: Cheapios / Sticker: Sludgsicle / Minis: Sludgsicle, Chimps Ahoy, Alpoo, Scarburst

Top Mini: Alpoo / Sticker: Lice Cakes / Minis: Zit Kat, Macaroni for Geese, Pollydent, Sneer
Looks like one rare, good luck on the rest.

Offline DrDeal

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Re: World's Smallest Wacky Packages Mini's Series 2
« Reply #54 on: January 12, 2021, 05:46:53 PM »
Here is my case report:  In this order:   Top Mini/ Sticker/ 4 Minis
Top Layer
Baby Poop/ Ditch Boy/ Cheapios, Nuttin Butta, Dims, Alpoo
Dead Bull/ Delinquent/ Lameboy, Sludgesicle, Chimps Ahoy, Delinquent
Bling Pup/Cram/ Tix, Antenemans, Anvil, Pollydent
Windhex/ Chef Girlardee/ Lice Caj=kes, Baby Poop Sparkle, Milk Foam, Sneezeit
Sneer/ Blisterine/ Sneeze it, Freetoes, Creature Crackers, Thefty
Eviltime/Alpoo/ Siesta, Tix, Fright Castle, Hurts
Ditch Boy/ Hurts/ Lame Boy, Blunder, Sneer, Mac & Geese
BooHoo/ Blunder (Identical to 1 Series Sticker)/; Eviltime, Dims, Top Secret, Hungry Jerk
Zit Kat/ Awful Bits/ No Tips, Anvil, Pus Pop, Antennamens
Dork/ Poopsi/ Coldfish, Unlucky Charms, Sludgesickle, Chimps Ahoy
DelMonster/ Gloom/ Scrapple, Cheapios, Nuttin Butta, Gripe Nuts
Spittles/ Boohoo/ Foot Gushers, Hungry Jerk, Lice Cakes, Snots

Bottom Layer
Hungry Jerk/ Commie/ Freetoes, Awful Bits, Thefty, Baby Poop
Gloom/ Ultra Blight/ Chicken Fat, Fright Castel, Siesta, Peter Panhandle Sparkle
Commie/Snots/ Scarburst, Sneer, Polydent, Mac & Geese
Cram/ Scarburst/ Top Secret, Aquaflush, Milk Foam, Eviltime
Peter Panhandle/ Anvil/ Lice Cakes, Chicken Fat, Tix, Freetoes
Pus Pop/ Sludgesicle/ Fright Castel, Antennamens, Lame Boy, Awful Bits
Coldfish/ Dead Bull/ Delinquent, Mac & Geese, Chimps Ahoy, Dims
Scrapple/ Smellios/ Cheapios, Foot Gushers, Alpoo, Top Secret
Ultra Blight/ Nutta Butta/ Snots, Hungry Jerk, Bald Aid, Sneeze It
Chef Girlardee/ Lice Cakes/ Aquaflush, Blunder, Anvil, Gripe Nuts
Poopsie/ Aquaflush/ Scarburst, Unlucky Charms, Hurts, Sludgesickle
Dr One/ Antenemans/ Nutta Butta, Choke of the Sea, No Tips, Sunstroke Crackers

Offline crackedjerk

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Re: World's Smallest Wacky Packages Mini's Series 2
« Reply #55 on: January 12, 2021, 06:13:05 PM »
I preordered a case from a dealer on Facebook.  Hoping to get it soon, but I'll likely hit a Target or two in by the end of the weekend.  Glad to hear the rares are just variations of the regular titles, though that will certainly make getting one much less of a big deal.  And, good lord, SI, please use Count Funkula as a New Skool title.  When I look at the New Skool titles they've chosen for the first two series, I sometimes think they picked the titles just annoy me ;) 

Offline DrDeal

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Re: World's Smallest Wacky Packages Mini's Series 2
« Reply #56 on: January 12, 2021, 07:03:16 PM »
I preordered a case from a dealer on Facebook.  Hoping to get it soon, but I'll likely hit a Target or two in by the end of the weekend.  Glad to hear the rares are just variations of the regular titles, though that will certainly make getting one much less of a big deal.  And, good lord, SI, please use Count Funkula as a New Skool title.  When I look at the New Skool titles they've chosen for the first two series, I sometimes think they picked the titles just annoy me ;)

I think whoever picks the titles knows nothing about wacky's whatsoever...

Offline crackedjerk

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Re: World's Smallest Wacky Packages Mini's Series 2
« Reply #57 on: January 12, 2021, 07:44:15 PM »
I think whoever picks the titles knows nothing about wacky's whatsoever...

I think you're right about that.  Thankfully, there are so many great original series titles that even a random selection would make for an excellent product.  But one would have to have far greater taste for the newer stuff and whoever that person is clearly lacks it (though I was thrilled to see Just for Wolfmen in series 1 and look forward to getting Bling Pup in series 2, even if the packaging on that one should be blue and not white  :-\ )

Offline DrDeal

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Re: World's Smallest Wacky Packages Mini's Series 2
« Reply #58 on: January 13, 2021, 03:15:29 AM »
I just saw an Ebay listing for 24 Series 2 stickers with the Exact same assortment as my case had. This leads me to believe there are 2 or 3 sticker assortments.
If I spot a case with the exact same mini's on top as mine had, I will not buy the case. I am buying for stickers and hope not to purchase ALL doubles on the stickers.  So I think we will have at least 48 different stickers in the Target cases and possibly 72.  I emailed the seller and they got the same two Rares in their case as I did which confirms this theory.  The other case opening posted on day one had two different rares and all different stickers. So it looks like the stickers and rares are not random. The gold rare is random. That is why there were 3 rares in that case.

« Last Edit: January 13, 2021, 03:30:07 AM by DrDeal »

Offline Plastered Peanut

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Re: World's Smallest Wacky Packages Mini's Series 2
« Reply #59 on: January 13, 2021, 04:10:43 AM »
 Thanks for the reports for us who are only interested in a few titles.

A request:   Please refer to Hungry Jerks as HJ/pancakes or HJ/pucks.   

Can I ask this for a third time:   what floater titles in Series 1 contained a Jail-O?
Send me your borderless wackys!

Offline Zenergizer

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Re: World's Smallest Wacky Packages Mini's Series 2
« Reply #60 on: January 13, 2021, 04:38:53 AM »
personally, while they look cool, I'm not a big fan of the "sparkle" and "gold" variants
as "rare" titles, I would have rather seen a different title all together, something
unique, such as a Fearsome tire or a Good and Empty.

And, Dave, Jail-O was the toughest title for me to get early on, and I can't recall
what was on top of the box, my apologies.  I do remember that I found it in a 24-pack
case and not one of the Two-packs.

Offline RawGoo

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Re: World's Smallest Wacky Packages Mini's Series 2
« Reply #61 on: January 13, 2021, 04:55:28 AM »
personally, while they look cool, I'm not a big fan of the "sparkle" and "gold" variants
as "rare" titles, I would have rather seen a different title all together, something
unique, such as a Fearsome tire or a Good and Empty.

And, Dave, Jail-O was the toughest title for me to get early on, and I can't recall
what was on top of the box, my apologies.  I do remember that I found it in a 24-pack
case and not one of the Two-packs.

The nice thing about the "rare" titles being variants is that those of us who would just like to get one of each title don't have to go crazy (and/or broke) looking for rares.  Jail-O and Crust were two of the best titles in the Series 1 Mini set, and a lot of people missed out.

Offline NationalSpittoon

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Re: World's Smallest Wacky Packages Mini's Series 2
« Reply #62 on: January 13, 2021, 05:19:36 AM »
I actually think the gold windhex is quite cool. Aside from that, I could care less about the series.

Offline sco(o)t

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Re: World's Smallest Wacky Packages Mini's Series 2
« Reply #63 on: January 13, 2021, 05:26:53 AM »
The nice thing about the "rare" titles being variants is that those of us who would just like to get one of each title don't have to go crazy (and/or broke) looking for rares.  Jail-O and Crust were two of the best titles in the Series 1 Mini set, and a lot of people missed out.

Here, Here! To my mind this is more in the spirit of what a rare item should be. A fun oddity that's cool to have if you are lucky enough to pull one rather than a unique title us completists will obsess over getting.
aka Scot Leibacher (no trademark)

Offline NationalSpittoon

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Re: World's Smallest Wacky Packages Mini's Series 2
« Reply #64 on: January 13, 2021, 08:51:54 AM »
My mother ran some errands today, and she went near a Target. I told her about this new series and the elusive gold windhex, and she stopped by for me. I told her to grab the Gloom pack as she told me they had a full case.

She was concerned as it looked like the toothpaste had no label on it. So, I open it. Not an error, it was just upside down. Also, no gold windhex. Or rare. This is why I hate these new series. It's a guessing game. I'll stick with PSA OS cards.

Offline DrDeal

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Re: World's Smallest Wacky Packages Mini's Series 2
« Reply #65 on: January 13, 2021, 01:45:32 PM »
My mother ran some errands today, and she went near a Target. I told her about this new series and the elusive gold windhex, and she stopped by for me. I told her to grab the Gloom pack as she told me they had a full case.

She was concerned as it looked like the toothpaste had no label on it. So, I open it. Not an error, it was just upside down. Also, no gold windhex. Or rare. This is why I hate these new series. It's a guessing game. I'll stick with PSA OS cards.

Its looking like the toppers are random.

Offline Swiski

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Re: World's Smallest Wacky Packages Mini's Series 2
« Reply #66 on: January 13, 2021, 02:18:59 PM »
I bought 6 random packs today from two Targets. Got two rares! Sparkle Boo Hoo and Sparkle Peter Panhandle. These were not found in the packs mentioned above, so I think the placement of these is completely random.

Offline Fanatical_and_Sickly

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Re: World's Smallest Wacky Packages Mini's Series 2
« Reply #67 on: January 13, 2021, 02:25:53 PM »
I stopped by my nearby Target and they only had a new Series 1 case. Missing just a couple of course.
No S2 yet.

Offline FourRoses

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Re: World's Smallest Wacky Packages Mini's Series 2
« Reply #68 on: January 13, 2021, 02:44:17 PM »
Seeing series 1 at Target was....surprising.

Offline Baked Bears

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Re: World's Smallest Wacky Packages Mini's Series 2
« Reply #69 on: January 13, 2021, 03:27:17 PM »
Here, Here! To my mind this is more in the spirit of what a rare item should be. A fun oddity that's cool to have if you are lucky enough to pull one rather than a unique title us completists will obsess over getting.

I agree!  I'm still moaning over the fact that I don't have a Burden Milk mini.

