Author Topic: GPK Patches  (Read 4771 times)

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Offline rebelx0024

  • Posts: 102
GPK Patches
« on: September 11, 2020, 05:01:26 PM »
Alright, another request for members who are also GPK collectors: patches.  I collect the patch cards that are inserted into the hobby boxes of the various sets.  I am now down to just a few that I still need.  I'm looking for 8 of the 10 American as Apple Pie patches (I only have Snooty Sam and Rappin' Ron), Catty Cathy and Morgan Organ from Prime Slime TV, and either Adam Bomb or Blasted Billy from Adam-Geddon (either name is fine).  Please let me know if you've got these; I would love to get my hands on them!  Thanks!

