Print on Demand so you don't have to worry about it selling out
Thanks! That takes the pressure off for now, while we get a better understanding of the extra 2 cards per pack. If the 2 cards will always be different types, such as ludlow and coupon, ludlow and Wonky, coupon and Wonky, that's one thing, but if packs might have 2 ludlows or 2 coupons, or 2 Wonkys, and the alternate backs for the 5 different stickers are printed in equal quantities with Wonkys, it might be a lot harder to get Wonkys.
Please forgive me if I'm overthinking this......... I really like the Wonkys and will want one of each! I've given up on luds, but I do enjoy the coupons, so I'll probably want those, too.