Received my set today, Saturday, May 30. Box included a 5 base card set, "Slay's" coupon back (who cares?,) and "Thick Tac" red ludlow (again, who cares?). No Wonky.
Although I appreciate brand new Wackys being released once again - the funny gags, the fine artwork, etc. - especially after such a prolonged dry spell that had me seriously considering whether Wackys were dead - I REALLY WISH Topps would have simply released a FULL SET all in one fell swoop. Instead, however, we are once again subjected to a barrage of clever marketing ploys in which, unless you spend truckloads of money, you will NEVER complete a full set. (Think about this statement.) Way back, when the ANS began, at least you had a definite chance of completing a full set. WHICH IS THE ULTIMATE GOAL FOR MOST COLLECTORS. You may not have been able to collect all of the borders - red, blue, pink, gold, etc. - but at least you had a full set of titles.
With this Weekly Series, however, MOST people will NEVER get a chance to collect all of the titles. This, sadly, puts a sour taste in my mouth. Instead of being happy - and more importantly satisfied - I feel like a loser who will take whatever I can get and then live with the fact that I'll never complete this series. How does this make any business sense? What company would want their customers to feel this way? Once again, Topps screws us over with their "cleverness." And I am sure I am not alone in feeling this way.
To me, Wonkys are an integral part of this series. They are as much a Wacky as the regular Wackys. They are DISTINCT TITLES. Card backs - like borders - are a different story. They have the same front titles as are in the master set. The back of the cards don't matter as much. It is the front of the cards - the titles - that really count. Yet, most of us here will never get to hold all of the titles. Thus, even though we win by getting new wackys, we lose at the same time because we will never complete our collections. What kind of way of doing business is this? Winning and losing at the same time? To be honest, I can't believe that Topps did this. Why not offer EVERYONE a DEFINITE chance? Even if I were to spend 150 bucks a week, there is still a chance I will not procure a Wonky.
So now, as it stands, every week I get to spend $15.99 on a new collection that is doomed to always being partial. WTF? I wish I knew who came up with this latest ploy so I could take a club to their head.
Okay. Enough raving.