I don't recall exactly which ad inserts I have, but I think I got most, if not all, of them (though I don't recall an ANS1 version). I think those ads probably stopped around ANS8 or so, though. As for the gravity feeds, I think I also got them through about ANS8. I was starting to lose interest in ANS around that time as I felt the quality was diminishing and the price was increasing, so I don't think I have any gravity feeds after that. However, I'm also not sure if there were gravity feeds for things like the 50th anniversary set or whatever the last couple mass-marketed series were.
I'm almost certain I have an ad sheet for the ANS1 and ANS2 sets. I remember the red-orange box (and how crafty I was in getting it). I don't know what your methods were, but just to make sure there wasn't any chance of repercussions, I just put the gravity box on the conveyor, with all the packs I wanted inside, and the ad right underneath in plain sight. The lady said, do you want to keep the box, and I said, "yep", and she rang it up and put everything including the ad in the bag, as it seemed to all go together. So it was legally purchased. (Does that make it worth more?) What the heck does that kind of stuff even go for these days anyway? It's such a weird thing to value as it technically doesn't get sold in it. Has anyone published a NEW version of the "Wacky Packages Gallery" type of thing with new prices for ANS, etc. in it? Seems like enough time's gone by for a digital version of that anyway. (Damn, I can't write a post without writing a novel).