Also regarding security from the advice from Wackman (who still seems to remain anonymous but should come out from the dark shadows soon) I want to let you know what I have changed.
1. A guest cannot review any of the members account info!
2. No one can see a full member list and generate a email spam list.
3. If you want to keep your email private you can check the box in your profile to go hidden. I would recommend you all do this in case someone joins the forum to search out email addresses. You might consider a gmail account for this forum only if you want to give your email out to people. If you do change your email address you will be required to reactivate your account. Don't worry this is painless, you just have to click on a link in your email and you will not lose any of your data. This is done because if someone comes on the board with a real email address to get signed up and then decides to change it so the can remain anonymous they can't do it because it will have to be their actual email.
These are just a few security features. I want to make this a safe experience for everyone here and not expose you to people you don't want to expose yourself to