A clear case of "Not My Job". That really sucks.
Jim is right. Maybe a few decades ago, a mail carrier would have taken the few extra steps to ensure that this package was delivered, but that doesn't seem to be the attitude today. Also, I don't know about your town, but in mine (which is rather small) it seems that we have different mail carriers every other day. (For the life of me, I don't know why. Is there that much of a turnover rate?) This is unlike the good old days when you had one carrier who was so familiar with his or her route that they could make a delivery based upon just your initials if everything else was washed off by rain.
Growing up, we had the same mail carrier for years and years. If my friends and I were in another part of town and simply
contemplating boyish mischief, Mr. Gekko (the mailman) would tell us to think again, for he knew
everything about us - our names, addresses, parents' first names, our pets' names, and even the make and color of our bicycles. True, for we would question him on this kind of stuff. (He probably knew more than the local police.) Yet, despite his admonitions he was a good guy and always made sure he delivered our cereal and Bazooka Joe comics premiums.
Keeping my fingers crossed for you, RawGoo, and good luck!