On the Wacky side of things... I won 5 OS sketch card auctions. No exotics. Just some of the simple, clean line drawings. I picked up one each of Kook (penguin), Qreep, 15th Avenue (punk), Aquaxduck, and Ajerx. Average price per sketch was $11.50. Some of the BIN auctions for these same characters are still at $45 and more.
I've been trading with others on the forum to complete a set of the silver flash border cards. Still looking for 3, 16 and 17. And to complete some extra red border sets. Thanks to all who have traded!!
Non Wacky side... I received my set of the 16 Star Wars V Celebration cereal parody boxes. I won't post a picture since they are available under another forum topic. One thing I didn't know, each box has an actual cellophane wrapped bag of cereal. All boxes contain what appears to be Cheerios-like cereal.
Also ordered a set of the PACKAGE PARODY 2010 Halloween Collector's set.