So how close are you now to completing your pack run?
Thanks for asking, I love to talk about it! It's not the easiest thing to quantify with certainty, because there is no way to prove to certainty which pack variations exist for series with wrapper variations (blue and green wrappers). For series
1-16, I am certain that there are at least 61 packs that exist, and I suspect probably 62. There are a few packs that I
suspect don't exist but I can't say I'm sure, and there are some I'm nearly certain don't exist.
Anyway, my working assumption is that there are 62 distinct pack variations from series 1-16. If that is the case, my
needs are now as follows:
10-cent Wacky Ads pack
8 different packs from series 9 through 11
Original OPC series 1-3 (2 of which no one has ever produced in the "collector era")
So I'm getting pretty close!