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bOOBERRY! Alright, good stuff! On a related note, here's an interesting trivia question:General Mills made 4 cereals that were part of the same family: Booberry, Frankenberry and Count Chocula. What was the fourth?
Fruit Bruuuuute, with a latecomer in fruity yummy mummy...
no one else got anything new in this week? C'mon, let's see 'em!
I got another "Old School" box this week for a total of 5, the (Sketch-Card) I got was a B/W "Pupsi-Dog" very cool! Made me glad I bought the box! I think the only (classic) "Wacky" characters of the B/W "Sketches" I like better are the "Quaker Oat Duck" That was my late fathers (Pops) favorite! I'd love to have that one! & I also like "Cap'n Crud" a lot! I did well on the (sketches) out of 5 "boxes" I got 4 classic characters & no doubles not to shabby! LOL! Take care...RonZ
sweet! I am hoping for a Pupsi in my next batch
When is the show? I don't know. Is having me and Greg in the same place a good idea?
greg and I have been to the shows, all will be fine, you should go! I think it is a pinball weekend again so my focus will actually be on playing pinball for two days with a stopover at the show if I can keep my schedule open.
I got this one in mail today, a card I have never had before.(Image removed from quote.)
I went to an (Antique-Mall") today, did'nt find no "Wackys" but there was a "vendor" going out of business & I got a (sweet) corner "Display-Case" I put it in our bedroom & filled it w/all my best "Wacky" & "Non-Sport" boxes it looks fantastic if I do say so myself! LOL. How do I upload a picture on here? I am totaly (Tech-Retarted) LOL!!! If anyone can help I'd appreciate it. All my WACKY bbest...RonZ