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Just my two cents, but I think folks have been agonizing for way too long about the few remaining ‘lost wackys’ bread crumbs that may still be out there. It’s probably safe to say that every title produced to high standards has been found, reprinted and available, and most of the rest are just a, IMO. Even some of the lesser ones have also been reprinted, mainly in Flashbacks. Some never got to the final painting stage, for whatever reason. Deal with it! These endless quests, I just don’t understand the relentless thought and energy that goes into it. And there’s zero nostalgia factor! Sometimes these things never see the light of day for valid reasons. It’s like when a singer / songwriter passes away, someone always comes along looking to cash in on ‘lost’/unreleased recordings. I understand that was the case with Prince. The artist may have simply believed the material was crap and refused to embarrass him or herself. The fan may feel otherwise but it’s not the fan’s call. Why the artist doesn’t destroy the master recordings I don’t know, but this problem would seem avoidable if that was done.I guess people just love a good mystery, myself included, but for me this ain’t one of them.
I look at all the Wackys on the list on pg. 1 that are still unreleased and I see nothing but untapped potential.
Somehow that reminds me of a commercial with Pinocchio as a bad motivational speaker.
You got it, but I'm not lying in this case.
I think you missed the point. PS. Dr.Ono, please don't throw the Captain Obvious commercial at me.
No, I didn't. I knew where the line came from.
Then either you were being jocular, or you missed the point.