I've got to put in my two cents' worth here. Wackys jumped the shark for me not only when they started doing different colored borders, but also when they started doing stickers from specialty boxes that you couldn't get in regular brick-and-mortar stores. I'm glad I stopped when I did (originally at ANS8; I only got Chrome a little bit later because I wanted to) because after that, it just got too much for me, money-wise. ANS10, ANS11, 2014 S1 and 2015 S1 (the last two should've been called what they were: ANS12 and ANS13) - all of them really killed it for me. I would've got ANS9 if there had been only one Awful Apps subset with 20 stickers in it, just like the Wack-O-Mercials in ANS7. When they only did 10 Awful Apps in ANS9 and then another 10 in ANS10 (which was the point when it started getting too extensive - and expensive - for my tastes) I knew that was it. Since I'm unemployed (and still am to this day), I couldn't afford it anymore. However, once again, I might've gotten ANS9 if all 20 Awful Apps had been in it, thus completing what I call the Wacky Internet sub-series or the Wacky World Wide Web (the 20 Awful Apps and the 55 previously-released Wacky Websites from ANS1 to ANS4 and then later in ANS7), but Topps didn't even think of that one, unfortunately for me. Ah well, what might have been...I'd have had all of the single digit ANS if that had happened. I have to admit, though, I originally stopped at FB 2 and couldn't even get ANS7 and ANS8 until I found this forum. To the person(s) who helped me get them, thank you.