Joe, that is incredibly awesome and generous of you, and we need some holiday cheer in Wacky World. Count me in!
You are truly a stand-up guy, my friend!
And let's keep our fingers crossed for more Wackies in the future.
p.s. wasn't Starbucks the one that was "de-Christmas-ing" its holiday cups, and Dunkin' Donuts seized the opportunity to put theirs out early, with a heavy emphasis on the Christmas spirit. I've always been a Dunkin's fan anyways, since we didn't have a Starbucks nearby anyways.
This sounds fun.
And not to digress.. but Starbucks didn't de-Christmas anything. And no one cared about the red Starbucks holiday cup except for one wacko. But then a BUNCH of media people jumped on that and crafted it into a story and a narrative. Which I believe is pretty false. No one was clamoring for Starbucks to de-Christmas-ize their products (which they haven't, as it turns out) and no one was up-in-arms about the red cup, except for one YouTube wacko.... I've never seen such a case of self-generated drama, ever. It defies logic.
For the record, I'm pretty liberal, love Christmas, but don't mind being inclusive. And when I say I love Christmas, I'm actually a fan of secular Christmas (Rudolph, Santa, Snowmen, Peanuts Christmas, candy canes, Christmas tress, etc). Isn't it a bit insane that a narrative has been created where supposed "right wing Christians" are up in arms about a coffee cup that doesn't have Santa or Snowflakes or Christmas Bulbs on it? I would think the most hardcore Christians would be the people wanting to get rid of that kind of imagery around the traditional Christian holiday.
It's a bunch of people writing think-pieces about why people would ever be upset about something, when no one (but one wacko) was ever upset about it to begin with. Ask someone a month ago to analyze the Starbucks Holiday "red cup", rightwing, leftwing, Christian or non, and I suspect 99.999% of them would have shrugged... Let's get back to that. :-) BTW, the iced drink cups at Starbucks continued to have candy canes and so forth on them this season.... not that anyone was looking into this even that far. ...