I took delivery of a case (8 boxes) of STUPID HEROES yesterday and broke down 6 boxes last night. This is a really fun set with great titles and artwork. I was under the assumption it would be similar to GARBAGE PAIL KIDS sets when I read there were A and B cards but its bit different. There is one Stupid Hero for each card number. The same title and front art on both the A and B card. But the card A back has the info on the Stupid Hero. The B backs are either a puzzle part (5 different 9-piece puzzles), a puzzle picture (5 total), 1 of 2 artist bio cards with two artists featured on each card, 1 of 2 different checklists or a digital download advert card. I was getting one complete set out of each box... partially 2 sets but there are enough short prints to prohibit that. The only chase items for this set are sketch cards. There are supposed to be 3 per case.
If you are interested, I can offer a complete 110 card set for $15.00 I can also include a box ("broken" down for shipping purposes) and few empty wrappers. I will throw in some extra cards as well. I think shipping will be somewhere around $5, give or take.
I am always willing to trade for Wacky Packages items as well but currently don't have a lot on my want list that would be a comparable trade. Still looking for some sketch cards from OS5. There are a few titles and artists I am looking for sketches from.
Please PM me if interested and thanks for looking.
Scot L.