I have to agree about the price. I bought a set just to see what they'll be like. I've been collecting Wackys since 1973. I used to go to the shows in Philly and Parsippany (forgive me Ernie if I misspelled it), and I've probably traded with many of you on the forum. I stopped attending the shows after my kids about 5 years old, but I kept buying ANS and OS up through ANS9. I have yet to buy anything ANS10. The prices are just too high to keep it up for something that I enjoyed as a kid, but now they just sit in a closet in my office. I've got a couple of uncut sheets on my wall, but the rest of it is just collecting dust these days. I used to collect baseball cards too, but I saw where greed from Topps and the other manufacturers ruined that hobby in the early '90s. It's sad to see that Topps is apparently doing it again with a great product. The kids can't afford 'em anymore. When we were kids and the packs were 5 cents, we could save our allowance, ride our bikes up to the store, and hopefully collect the entire series before the next one came out. Our kids won't ever get to experience those days. Topps, you're just one generation before shooting yourself. When the kids don't participate in the hobby anymore, they don't grow up to get their kids involved. It's sad.