Did you like the latest Off the Mark November 29-December 4, 2010 Wacky Packages week? These ones are the best in my opinion:
1) What's in a bag spoofing a Mexican chain:

2) Christmas related:

3) Belated Halloween related:

(Does the vampire kid on the Wacky Pack resemble Eddie Munster?)
4) And finally:

(Does this Colonel Sanders parody on the Wacky Pack look like a cross between the Colonel and a cyclops, and has a smile in the style of MAD Magazine's Alfred E. Newman?)
The ones from the week that didn't make the cut for me were the Snickers spoof (Slickers) and the Kleenex spoof (Grossnex).
I hope Mark Parisi does a few more Off the Mark Wacky Packages week strips in 2011.