Author Topic: Gary's Donation Drive  (Read 5948 times)

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Offline BumChex

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Gary's Donation Drive
« on: February 21, 2012, 08:25:37 AM »
Hello everyone.
As you all may know that our forum member Gary (Head and Boulders) is in the hospital after a serious car accident.
I know you would all like to help out and chip in to get him some OLDS3 stuff. So here is the deal.
1. I will take donations through Paypal - Please make sure these are gift payments. Minimum $5 if possible.
2. We will let this run until Wed 29th.
3. We will use the cash for OLDS3 boxes that I will have drop shipped to Gary's hospital.
4. I will donate $50 to buy one full box for Gary.
5. All donations will be used for full sealed boxes and shipping.
6. I will list all the people that donated.
7. Next Monday I will order the boxes and post the invoice from Topps. If there is an odd amount of money left over we can possibly get him a binder as well.
8. All money will be accounted for and totals posted on the forum. If we list how much each person donates we will have a running total.
9. I will be traveling the next couple days so will try and keep up at night.
10. Please do not post in this thread as I would like to keep it clean with the donation listings. You can post in Gary's other thread.

This gift will brighten the spirits of one of our forum brothers.
Thank you!
« Last Edit: February 26, 2012, 01:08:42 PM by BumChex »

Offline BumChex

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Re: Gary's Donation Drive
« Reply #1 on: February 21, 2012, 09:22:06 AM »
First donations:  I will post the amount you donate unless you send me a message stating otherwise.
Brad (BumChex) - $50
Lance (DPV) - $20 MO on the way - Received Thanks!
Rob (Dr. Popper) - $50
Steve (emoticon) -$10
Bill (Big Muc) - $25
Kevin (Taz)  - $50
Tom (Bigtomi) -$50
Shoe (Pupsi-Cola) - $10 Check on the way
Brian (Ratchet007) - $10
Adam (Wackadoodle) - $50 MO on the way - received Thanks!
Wayne (Porkie) - $20
Kris (Sue Mee) - $20
Andrew(DrDeal) - $20
Elizabeth (Monsterette) - $25
Mike (MadMike) - $20
John (Duznt) -$20
Dave (Weido1) -$10
RaMpB - $15
Patrick (Fanatical) -$25
Jerry (Nezhead) - $20
Mike (DrSushi) - $25
Scot (Sco(o)t) - $20
James (Lucidjc) - $50
Pat (Raw Goo) -$50
Jeff (Playbug) - $20
Ern (Band-Aches) - $50
David (Plastered Peanut) -$20
John (FourRoses) -$15
Bob (Mashbox) -$10 - sending check
Chip (Chipereno) -$20
« Last Edit: February 29, 2012, 07:44:28 PM by BumChex »

Offline BumChex

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Re: Gary's Donation Drive
« Reply #2 on: February 26, 2012, 10:28:21 AM »
Cards have been ordered:
Free UPS Ground Shipping

Topps Online Store Items
   3 Wacky Packages Old School 3 Stickers 24-Pack Box @ $49.95 = $149.85
   1 Wacky Packages Official Collectors Binder Old School 3 @ $17.95 = $17.95

Sub-Total: $167.80
Shipping:  $0.00 (UPS Ground)
Sales Tax: $0.00

Topps Online Store Subtotal: $167.80

TOTAL: $167.80

Offline BumChex

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Re: Gary's Donation Drive
« Reply #3 on: February 29, 2012, 02:44:24 PM »
Total so far is $780. We will see if there are any more donations before the end of the day today and a check will be sent direct to Gary tomorrow.
It looks like after the box order we will have a check for $612.20.
Thanks everyone for your donations. We raised more money than I could have imagined. I thought we would get enough for a couple boxes and a binder. We will make his day!

Offline sco(o)t

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Re: Gary's Donation Drive
« Reply #4 on: February 29, 2012, 02:57:31 PM »
Total so far is $780. We will see if there are any more donations before the end of the day today and a check will be sent direct to Gary tomorrow.
It looks like after the box order we will have a check for $612.20.
Thanks everyone for your donations. We raised more money than I could have imagined. I thought we would get enough for a couple boxes and a binder. We will make his day!

Wow, that is terrific.
aka Scot Leibacher (no trademark)

Offline Sue Mee

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Re: Gary's Donation Drive
« Reply #5 on: February 29, 2012, 06:16:20 PM »
Total so far is $780. We will see if there are any more donations before the end of the day today and a check will be sent direct to Gary tomorrow.
It looks like after the box order we will have a check for $612.20.
Thanks everyone for your donations. We raised more money than I could have imagined. I thought we would get enough for a couple boxes and a binder. We will make his day!

That is so awesome!!! 
Sue Mee is AKA LipOff
My Home-Made Wackys

Offline BumChex

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Re: Gary's Donation Drive
« Reply #6 on: February 29, 2012, 07:49:17 PM »
We have now hit an even $800! Just a few hours left.
I anyone wants to contribute you can send money and we can still send checks. I think after this it would be great to have everyone send a card. Getting mail daily would lift his spirits, maybe more so than the cash at this point. It's all about showing you care. I can't imagine what Gary is going though and it it was a horrible accident. I love helping people and if LTL could still do prints we could do an 8' head and boulders print for his room. It's better than flowers...LOL

