Author Topic: Sketch Card "Blow outs"  (Read 22155 times)

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Offline Plan 9

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Re: Sketch Card "Blow outs"
« Reply #35 on: March 27, 2010, 12:02:26 AM »
I am curious about your comment here.  I thought you detested people who criticized the collectors of Gold Flashbacks and that the criticism should be directed only towards the gold flashback cards themselves.  Now here you are crticizing collectors based on an action they are taking as clearly some will take offense to being referred to as "non hardcore". Have you changed your stance and that it is now ok to criticize collectors based on their actions and hence criticizing the collectors of Gold flashbacks is fair game?

You compared my uncertain observation with Paul's relentless bashing and name calling because you're looking for a fight. All I did was wonder about something and pose a question. I didn't dictate to the forum. I'm not starting Jihad. I'm not disputing anyone's hardcore dedication. Please try to forget I wondered about anything.

Offline bandaches

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Re: Sketch Card "Blow outs"
« Reply #36 on: March 27, 2010, 08:58:25 AM »
You compared my uncertain observation with Paul's relentless bashing and name calling because you're looking for a fight. All I did was wonder about something and pose a question. I didn't dictate to the forum. I'm not starting Jihad. I'm not disputing anyone's hardcore dedication. Please try to forget I wondered about anything.
Come on Mark, stop assuming when you are challenged that equates to seeking a fight.  You are playing with semantics here.  Suggesting, wondering, asking, dictating.....gimme a break, they are all forms of people presenting their opinions on a topic.  Your "wondering" if the selling of colored sketches makes a collector non-hard core is no different than saying it, suggesting it, dictating it or any other way you want to dance around it.  Given that your stance is: one should not criticize a collector for the type of item they do or don't collect, it seems to me that your hard core collector comment was waters you shouldn't even be broaching whether through query or dictation.  Paul's relentless bashing and name calling is only an extension of your main issue that collectors of Golds shouldn't be criticized but people can criticize the gold cards.  Seems to me your "wonder" is heading down the path of a double standard on collector criticisms are deemed acceptable.

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Offline Plan 9

  • Posts: 1378
Re: Sketch Card "Blow outs"
« Reply #37 on: March 27, 2010, 09:43:05 PM »
Come on Mark, stop assuming when you are challenged that equates to seeking a fight.  You are playing with semantics here.  Suggesting, wondering, asking, dictating.....gimme a break, they are all forms of people presenting their opinions on a topic.  Your "wondering" if the selling of colored sketches makes a collector non-hard core is no different than saying it, suggesting it, dictating it or any other way you want to dance around it.  Given that your stance is: one should not criticize a collector for the type of item they do or don't collect, it seems to me that your hard core collector comment was waters you shouldn't even be broaching whether through query or dictation.  Paul's relentless bashing and name calling is only an extension of your main issue that collectors of Golds shouldn't be criticized but people can criticize the gold cards.  Seems to me your "wonder" is heading down the path of a double standard on collector criticisms are deemed acceptable.

Why do you have to challenge me over this? There's more to contradictions than lies or double standards. I said I've asked the question of myself because I sold my color sketch too. There was no need to challenge me for my question. I could have left off the part about being hardcore but I don't see how that is any kind of insult except maybe to a 10 year old. I still wonder why most forum members who find color sketch cards sell them.

Offline bandaches

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Re: Sketch Card "Blow outs"
« Reply #38 on: March 27, 2010, 10:28:34 PM »
Why do you have to challenge me over this? There's more to contradictions than lies or double standards. I said I've asked the question of myself because I sold my color sketch too. There was no need to challenge me for my question. I could have left off the part about being hardcore but I don't see how that is any kind of insult except maybe to a 10 year old. I still wonder why most forum members who find color sketch cards sell them.
I guess you acted like a 10 year old when you were offended when you were criticized for collecting Gold Wackys?
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Offline Plan 9

  • Posts: 1378
Re: Sketch Card "Blow outs"
« Reply #39 on: March 28, 2010, 02:31:25 PM »
I guess you acted like a 10 year old when you were offended when you were criticized for collecting Gold Wackys?
After about 100 times it can wear on anybody. Now put away your cattle prod.

Offline bandaches

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Re: Sketch Card "Blow outs"
« Reply #40 on: March 28, 2010, 05:35:10 PM »
After about 100 times it can wear on anybody. Now put away your cattle prod.
LOL, fair enough!
Contact me at as I have tons of wackys for sale!  Visit my website

