Hey postcard fans! A new Wacky Postcard promo and article is available in the current issue of the Wrapper magazine (#264 - January 1 through February 15)! It's a Laffy Taffy parody written by Fred Wheaton, painted by Neil Camera. I believe if you send a SASE with your request, the editor, Les Davis will mail one out to you! See thewrappermagazine.com for more details.
UPDATE: Les Davis has asked me to post the following message for people interested in purchasing the Wrapper postcard promo:
Due to the incredible response for the new Wacky Postcards from The Wrapper magazine and my time filling orders(plus Paypal fees), I must increase the cost of the (2) Wacky postcards from $1.50 to $2 via Paypal...or $3.50(from $3) for the (2) Wacky postcards plus the current Wrapper issue with the Wacky article. Also, no multiple orders or re-orders! Thanks for understanding a guy under siege(ha) and for your patience. --Les Davis, Editor, The Wrapper, thewrappermagazine.com"