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General Wacky Packages Discussion / Re: Sketch Card Help Please
« Last post by vahsurfer on October 15, 2024, 07:04:12 PM »

Did not pan out :-(

Andrew, thanks so much, and yes, my kids still do but they’re 20 and 27! 
Original Series / Re: Wondering about Wonderbreads
« Last post by lucidjc on October 07, 2024, 01:44:46 PM »
Lest we forget the amount of bread bags used as water blocks for leaky children's bootery.
Buy Requests for Wacky Packages / Re: 2014 & 2015 variations wanted
« Last post by Lavirus on October 06, 2024, 07:32:03 PM »
Finally tracked a 2015 purple border down from Gary K!
Buy Requests for Wacky Packages / Re: 2nd Series UK Puzzle Pieces Needed
« Last post by Lavirus on October 06, 2024, 07:28:26 PM »
Thanks to DrOno for helping me complete a puzzle, though I'd like to upgrade these pieces: TL, MR, BL
Since I can't SAY anything, what if I asked questions? Do you think the set will be postcards or trading cards? How may do you think will be in the set? What artists will be involved? Anyone else curious?
People ARE curious and these questions are being asked and discussed in the new thread dedicated to this set
Master Lists / Re: Wacky Packages Micro Cards - Super Impulse - Master List
« Last post by mikecho on October 05, 2024, 06:50:46 PM »
Well, Patrick, I've looked through this checklist in the OP and there's only five typos left in it that still need to be fixed:


Total Set: 57 titles

Really Rare

*One per case of four boxes


Total Set: 69 titles

Garbage Pail Kids Stickers

*(erroneous #. Should be 17b),
*(erroneous #. Should be 11b).

Hope these can be fixed soon!

Buy Requests for Wacky Packages / Hellraiserets
« Last post by rebelx0024 on October 02, 2024, 10:39:32 AM »
So, it seems that there was a postcard of Hellraiserets by itself that only came with one edition of the 2013 Halloween postcards.  Anybody have one to sell?  If you’re not interested in selling it by itself and would rather keep it with the set, I would consider buying the set.  Thanks.
Buy Requests for Wacky Packages / 2012 Halloween Postcards with Brown Mummys
« Last post by rebelx0024 on October 02, 2024, 10:36:21 AM »
Hi, does anyone have a regular, unsigned set of the 2012 Halloween postcards with the brown version of Mummys?  I have a set with the yellow variant and am trying to get the brown as well.  Thanks.
General Wacky Packages Discussion / Re: Storage of Wacky minis
« Last post by vahsurfer on September 30, 2024, 07:29:20 PM »
HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH - STALKER!!!!! - Yes and the promo spoons are still sealed in the plastic!

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