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Yep, Pat, those are the ones.  I bought one here on the forum and now I am hooked.  LOL. 
This is a much harder one to parody than you'd think. It is easy to rhyme...butts, sluts, cuts...but it is a lot tougher to visualize the gag. This one gets bonus points for grossness!
Buy Requests for Wacky Packages / Re: 2016 HALLOWEEN PACK O' FUN
« Last post by sirrattles on February 13, 2025, 05:22:06 AM »
Thanks in advance Pat!   :]
Other Non-Sports Trading Cards / Re: Hollywood Zombies
« Last post by mikecho on February 12, 2025, 01:46:43 PM »
Scot, the sketch card you’re referring to may be part of the Artist on Demand sketch series from 2013-2014.  Some on the forum may remember that the series was originally teased with a Wacky sketch of Hungry Jerk.  Well the last series in production was Hollywood Zombies, Music City Zombies and Capital-Hill Zombies.  As I recall we were sent the blanks and then the series got Cancelled! 
Here’s one I did of Boris Goreloff but looking at it now it looks more like Ronald Reagan! 

No, I think that it actually does look like Boris Karloff. I'd know that face anywhere!
Master Lists / Re: Wacky Packages Postcard Sets Master List
« Last post by RawGoo on February 12, 2025, 09:56:23 AM »
Glad the information helped you!!
Sell Wacky Packages / Re: Wacky Packages Fall TV Preview series (2017)
« Last post by mikecho on February 11, 2025, 09:12:23 AM »
Well, the mail just arrived now, but the package wasn't in it. Maybe it'll arrive later today, I don't know.

UPDATE: It's being delivered today (the 12th)!

UPDATE 2: They just arrived today as announced and they're excellent! Done at last!
Buy Requests for Wacky Packages / Re: 7th Series Postcard Poster
« Last post by sirrattles on February 11, 2025, 05:35:20 AM »
Found one! 
Jay Lynch / Re: Jay Day Remembrance
« Last post by lucidjc on February 10, 2025, 02:35:01 PM »
This isn't much but its Jays own words in a PM to me.

Haw!  If my name came up with the guys at the plant in Duryea, it was probably 'cause they were cursing me.   I used to do that Bazooka Joe stuff too...when they printed the wax wrappers in Duryea...and that stuff was always late!
       As far as I know, Topps still has the building in Duryea, but they don't have any production equipment there any more. Last I heard they just use it as a warehouse, and they farm their printing out to printers in Texas and Detroit.  They had an office in Scranton at one time too.  But I think they just rented that space.   I live in upstate NY.  I'm 200 miles from Manhattan... But only 60 or so miles from Scranton or Duryea.  Hopefully some day Topps will rallly, and I can go to Duryea to do color checks on the stuff they print at 4 a.m., which would be a much easier gig than drawin' these furshluginer sketch cards.
      You may be sitting on a goldmine, though....There are probably several tons of RATZ and CRACKED ANIMALS stickers in the landfill up there somewhere.
Buy Requests for Wacky Packages / Scoot no copyrite
« Last post by mantle.7 on February 09, 2025, 06:56:22 PM »
Hi anyone have a Scoot no copyrite or Good and empty for sale?
I will hope Matt will go, but last I talked to him it didn't sound as if he wanted to set up again.  I can only hope that he will set up again, besides sketches, (which Richard cleaned me out of) is there anything you are looking for?
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