Buy Requests for Wacky Packages / Re: Wacky Packages Day Sketches Wanted
« Last post by sirrattles on Today at 02:47:05 PM »Yep, Pat, those are the ones. I bought one here on the forum and now I am hooked. LOL.
Scot, the sketch card you’re referring to may be part of the Artist on Demand sketch series from 2013-2014. Some on the forum may remember that the series was originally teased with a Wacky sketch of Hungry Jerk. Well the last series in production was Hollywood Zombies, Music City Zombies and Capital-Hill Zombies. As I recall we were sent the blanks and then the series got Cancelled!No, I think that it actually does look like Boris Karloff. I'd know that face anywhere!
Here’s one I did of Boris Goreloff but looking at it now it looks more like Ronald Reagan!